YouTube find of the day – Drool and Sand – What a combo!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Beach lovers…What a cute video.
I guess this is someone with hound in France. I pulled the YouTube information over into Google Translate to see what it said. My many years of french is not fully paying off. Go down a bit to see what it says. I had to laugh at a few parts.
Ce basset serait issu de croisements entre de vieilles races françaises, notamment le basset d’Artois (race aujourd’hui disparue) et le Saint-Hubert. En tant que chien de chasse il est adapté au petit et moyen gibier et à la chasse en meute. Il s’y révèle endurant, entêté. Il possède un bon flair et une voix grave. Il est également de plus en plus recherché comme chien de compagnie car il est considéré comme une race très conviviale. Son air mélancolique cache en effet un animal affectueux, espiègle, placide et doux avec les enfants. Têtu, il nécessite une éducation ferme. Il doit être tenu en laisse lors de ses promenades car son flair lui donne une certaine tendance à errer lorsqu’il sent une piste. Il n’entend plus alors la voix de son maître. Le Basset a tendance à hurler lorsqu’il sent que quelque chose ne va pas (une tempête à venir, par exemple). Il se lamente souvent quelque peu lorsqu’il cherche à attirer l’attention. Il se fait entendre surtout lorsqu’il mendie de la nourriture ou des caresses.
The basset is derived from crosses between ancient French breeds, including Basset d’Artois (now extinct breed) and Saint-Hubert. As a hunting dog is suited to small and medium game and hunt in packs. It reveals tough, stubborn. He has a good nose and a deep voice. It is also increasingly sought after as a pet because it is considered a very friendly race. Hide his melancholy indeed a loving pet, playful, placid and gentle with children. Stubborn, it requires a firm education. It must be kept on a leash when walking because his flair gives it a tendency to wander when he feels a track. It then no longer hear his master’s voice. The Basset has a tendency to scream when he feels that something is wrong (a storm coming, for example). He laments often somewhat when trying to attract attention. It is heard especially when begging for food or caresses.
End of translation…
More loving finds of the day later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB and maybe at the beach?
Great video! Thanks for sharing!
Those are gorgeous bassets!
My french is also lacking. I got the drift of some of it b4 I saw the translation but thought I’d remember more than I did.
A Basset’s selective hearing does not only apply when a Basset tracks a scent. It applies to when a Basset does not want to do something. Bassets evaluate and determine what, if any commands are in their interest to obey, such as, pets, cuddles, treats, car rides, walks, sleep and comfort.
Loved it! Yes, the bassets were beautiful. I had to laugh at the translation too. I like this part “It is heard especially when begging for food or caresses.”