Another Birthday Post in Honor of your Mayor, Chaps Rudert!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and singing songs to the Mayor Lovers.
This morning we woke and checked our e-mail and look what was in our in box! A video clip of Colby Chaps and Abby, his little sister singing happy birthday to our very own Mayor!
Please tell me you can see this because it will make you smile!
Later, after lunch, we took the Mayor up to the park for a birthday walk.
I thought I would meander with the Mayor and Grandma could power walk but turns out I could not even meander. I had to sit out the walk and nurse my sickness. I am so sick of being sick. Especially on Chaps birthday.
Chaps had a blast and that is what matters.
We also saw a Dogue du Bordeaux walk by. He was about the size of Romeo.
It was like watching a lion walk by.
The Mayor did not move a muscle.
Then we loaded up for french fries….
More loving our day later…Cat, Chaps and Emma the lioness ATB
What a darling video from Chaps’ son Colby Chaps and his little sister. May this be the memorable birthday ever, and we are sending our love to the Mayor and to his Mommy and Grandma. Get well Cat and always in my heart and prayers! Happy Birthday sweet boy!
Colby Chaps and Abby are really good at singing. What a nice video for Chaps very special day. Glad you guys had a good time in the park and we are hoping that you feel better soon! Happy Birthday Chaps – have a frosty paw to celebrate – that is what Bumper and Abby do on their special day!!
Happy Birthday Mayor!!!!!!
Have a good day and hope you feel better, Cat.
Rats! I can’t view it. Could someone make it available on YouTube.
Happy Birthday Chaps.
Aww, happy belated birthday!
That video was too cute! It must have been supper time.
I hope you get better soon Cat. It’s not fun being sick.