As Bassethoundtown goes so does America;)

November 6th, 2012 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and America Lovers…

Well, it was souls to the polls and the bowls!

Souls to the Bowls!

Here my soul voting….

We had paper ballots which was different than last year.  Paper?  Really?

As predicted the lines were not long but there was a palpable energy!

Kind of like Freedom of Choice!

When I showed up at check in the woman asked, "are you here to vote?"  Hum...Like I said it was early.

Look howl pretty!

Red White and Beautiful Blue!

I keep my I VOTED stickers on the mirror behind my desk.  Today makes 5 Presidential elections I have voted for in this home.

I asked for an extra sticker for our Mayor.  He voted for woman’s rights.

“As Bassethoundtown goes so does America!”  I am your Mayor, Chaps Rudert…

More loving election day later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB believing in women from the bottom of her pink patty….


  1. November 6th, 2012 | 7:47 pm

    OK, the polls are closed in KY and we are hunkered down for the long haul. This is exciting. I am glued to MSNBC. Love their coverage. I wish I had some popcorn – extra butter….

  2. November 6th, 2012 | 8:32 pm

    Our little polling place is so small we don’t get stickers. 🙁

  3. November 6th, 2012 | 9:57 pm
  4. November 6th, 2012 | 10:42 pm

    Elizabeth Warren wins. YOU GO GIRL! CONGRATS TO YOU!!!

  5. Cat
    November 6th, 2012 | 10:45 pm

    Mourdock gets kicked to the curb. What a blessing beyond words…

  6. November 6th, 2012 | 10:50 pm

    I think a lot of woman went to the polls today!

    NH goes to our President! 4 electoral votes more! Pawsome!

  7. Cat
    November 6th, 2012 | 10:53 pm

    Just in…..9:52pm

    Ohio has been slow to count its vote, but President Obama has gotten reasonably strong results so far in south-central Ohio, often beating his 2008 margins there.

    In Ross County, Ohio, home to the town of Chillicothe, Mr. Obama trails Mitt Romney by only one percentage point with about 80 percent of the vote counted. Mr. Obama lost the county by eight percentage points to John McCain in 2008.

    Mr. Obama also leads so far in Pike County and Scioto County, two counties south of Ross County that he lost in 2008, though they have counted less of their vote at this point.

    — Nate Silver

  8. November 6th, 2012 | 10:53 pm

    Congrats Sherrod Brown.

  9. November 6th, 2012 | 11:07 pm

    Claire Miccaskill wins the seat against Legitimate rape guy. Bye Bye Akin! There are dogs in heaven.

  10. November 6th, 2012 | 11:16 pm

    Popular vote – Romney is winning. 51 to 48 but guess what? It does not matter. Remember Bush?

  11. November 6th, 2012 | 11:47 pm

    Todd Akin slithers off into nowheresville…

  12. Cat
    November 6th, 2012 | 11:49 pm

    Thank Dog Rachel shut his body down. By all accounts his concession speech was a legitimate dud. Back to real politics.

  13. Cat
    November 6th, 2012 | 11:53 pm

    Apparently I am having my own twitter like moment in the comment section. Thank you, I will be here all night!

  14. November 6th, 2012 | 11:56 pm

    The next time Romney is looking for women I guess he can check the Senate.

  15. Sandy (Ollie's mom)
    November 7th, 2012 | 12:00 am

    Lines were long here. Very close election. We will be watching too.

  16. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 12:10 am

    11:10 Iowa goes to the President.

  17. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 12:11 am

    Tammy Duckworth unseats Joe Walsh. Love her. What a woman.

  18. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 12:12 am

    The President wins Oregon. Smart folks.

  19. November 7th, 2012 | 12:15 am


  20. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 12:23 am

    OK, I AM GOING TO LIVE. The billionaires thought they could buy this election but guess what? You can’t buy our votes.

  21. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 12:36 am

    Romney’s camp stated earlier tonight “we don’t have a concession speech”. Better hop to it camp!

  22. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 12:43 am

    Now they are not throwing the towel in. Maybe they need time to write that concession speech? Maybe The Donald can help?

  23. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 1:17 am

    I am still up. 12:12am. Actually 1:12 if you count the fall back. I am thinking about my fourth meal of the day. Wonder what that would be called. Supperbreakfast? Supbreakfeast? I am not going to bed until this thing plays out. Maybe a egg sandwich…

  24. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 1:29 am

    Mitt? Where are you? Oh, here we go… Oh, no just more confusion. Now they are saying he has no concession speech. Wha? The Press Pool is waiting. Come on. All of the networks have called it. Can you imagine all of the pissed off billionaires? The super pacs hopefully learned something from that off shore banking seminar that W hosted in the Cayman Islands a few days ago. Did you hear about that?

  25. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 1:33 am

    Wonder what the Koch Brothers are doing?

  26. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 1:50 am

    Romney concedes…

  27. Cat
    November 7th, 2012 | 9:53 am

    Election night in 3 minutes…

  28. Maureen and Slinky
    November 7th, 2012 | 11:01 am

    WOW! Cat, you missed your calling! You should have been an umpire or referee! Talk about a blow by blow description, you had me on pins and needles. I went to bed early.

  29. November 8th, 2012 | 8:49 pm

    Hello, I’m long ear doggie parent and I’m sure we share the same issues with those long ears getting into just about every thing. My dog loves the Ocean but it causes so much problems with his ear being wet that I’ve limited his visits to the beach.
    Finally, I was talking to other long ear doggie parent about all this I decided to do something for them. Please check out the first Doggie Ear Rubber band just for long ear dogs cuz the human ones don’t work. Thanks for letting me share! Chauncey loves and it doesn’t faze him when it’s on. Ebay:

    youtube: pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d695c52c

  30. Cat
    November 8th, 2012 | 9:31 pm

    I don’t usually allow ads in my comment section but this one is OK. Send me one and I will try it out.

    PO box 347
    Ft. Thomas, KY 41075

  31. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    November 9th, 2012 | 8:35 am

    I didn’t think you could take pictures at the polls? That was weird how y’all sat down to vote. We always have to stand up. Maybe they want us to hurry it up and get on out.

  32. November 18th, 2012 | 12:57 pm

    The Doggie Rubber Bands were sent to you! Thanks for your feedback!

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