Our Hearts and Howls go out to Sandy Hook Elementary School in CT…
Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Sandy Hook Student Lovers…
The Mayor and I want express our extreme sadness and grief for all of the little souls that were lost today as well as the other brave souls who tried to help them.
There is not a moment that goes by when the Mayor and I don’t think about our safety when we visit an elementary school. Sad, but true.
It is a very odd feeling to feel apprehensive when reading to a first grade class but I always did.
Most of the schools seem to have some form of security and that is an even odder feeling.
The kids are so sweet and bright. They just love to share their own dog stories with us.
So innocent.
More struggling to cope later…Love Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB helping all she can….
I had an eye appointment this morning and we were listening to Christmas music in the car. My husband dropped me off at a public school as soon as we arrived back in town for a meeting. No one there had apparently heard anything because I did not hear the news until I arrived at home. I cannot imagine the terror and the grief. The sadness is overwhelming. I have been hugging my daughter more than normal (and that’s a lot). So incredibly sad.
there just not deep enough words or language to express the feelings of sadness & horror for this…i just can not imagine the pain of the parents, the other children, the community…well everyone.
could it have been prevented? i don’t know..maybe this case was the perfect storm…with his mother having been a teacher, & it being a small town. familiarity & such. did he get access by saying she asked him to drop off materials? who knows…and really it probably doesn’t matter…
it all just saddens me..how do you destroy a class of 5 year olds?
There are no words to describe the sadness I feel tonight. My daughter and son are both teachers in our small town and I cannot imagine anything like this happening. Having lost our beautiful granddaughter Paige – a kindergartner and six year old, I know the grief these families are feeling. It is just not right for anyone to lose a child especially in a violent act like this. From personal experience their families will never be the same, the grief will never go away, holidays will be empty and you realize you will never see that lovely child again. While I get to purchase Christmas presents for our remaining six grandchildren, I got to take a teddy bear to the cemetery as my present for Paige. My heart is once again broken.
I can’t believe this. When you think about it, it’s very scary. This could happen anywhere at any time. What is this world coming to? Sometimes I just want to crawl under a rock. My prayers go out to all families involved and even others not involved that are having a hard time coping with this tragedy.
Please continue to pray for the parents of those poor innocent children. And hug your kids–furry or not–
Shooter being reported as an obsessed violent video game player – No big surprise.
Can you imagine if Boehner and Obama spent a fraction of their time on gun control as they did on the “Cliff” what they could get done? Who am I kidding? Probably nothing.
Go to that link and make sure you read “a lesser known….”
I can’t imagine the sorrow and misery of the parents and members of the community.
I wish there was something more I could do.