We have our Emma back – THANK DOG!

June 10th, 2012 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma being back lovers.  First off, I can’t thank the residents enough for all of the comments and encouragement regarding Emma and her wild liver ride.  I have learned so much and I hope that some day all of these liver postings and comments will help someone else.

Last night Emma woke up really hungry and this is a little video I took for the residents of Emma eating Cookie Crackers.  The Mayor makes a quick cameo.

Her hunger made me feel really good and Grandma and I are 100% sure it was the Chinese Herbs that made her very ill.  Emma’s liver is already compromised and it could not tolerate the herbs.  Emma was a big help in healing herself because she was always drinking lots and lots of water.  She probably knew she had to flush that stuff out of her system. Plus, of course, she had the best care around the clock.

Well, you live and learn.  No more herbs, whatsoever, for our gal. We will stay the course we were on.

So, we actually slept through the night!  Emma was in her comfort corner under her gully ALL NIGHT LONG!

I woke up at 7:00am (I was on the fancy couch) and jolted up and over to look at her.  She lifted her head and licked her lips.  I laid down next to her and announced to the Mayor, “Emma’s Back”!  She was rubbing her head on my head and moaning and groaning, giving me big slobber kisses and I was a blubbering fool.

So, she got out of bed and walked down the hall and did her little hop step out the potty door all on her own!  A little shaky but she did it!

Came back in, walked to her position and waited for breakfast.

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A prettier sight has never been seen!

She ate about a 1/4 of her normal amount but is still crazy for her cookie crackers!

We have our Emma back! We are very lucky to have so much slobber being slung from many regions.  It helped I tell you…it sure helped and we are honored to have such support.  I was hesitant to lay Emma’s scare on the residents but let’s face it, most of you have been here following her story for about 7 years and we thank you for that.

More loving that Emma is back and more loving all the residents of bassethoundtown later. Cat, Chaps and our liver girl Emma.

P.S. – love your liver…


P.P.S.  I think the babies are going to take off today.

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Our Emma took a turn for the worse:(

June 9th, 2012 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma Lovers…Our Emma took a pretty sharp turn for the worse yesterday.  Our unregistered nurse opinion is this must be related to the Chinese Herbs.  Emma only had 2 pills in her when she became lethargic, pale, not eating, and more.  I was up all night with her and neither one of us slept very much.  Just a few cat naps. We all know howl allergic Emma is to EVERYTHING!  It does not surprise me in the least that she would be allergic to the herbs.

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Emma ate some melba toast today, drank a lot of water and got out to go tinkle on her own.  She is sleeping almost non stop.  Grandma (her other unregistered nurse) and I agree that she is very calm and not in any pain.

The herbs is our guess, but it could just be the liver disease catching up with her.

It is very scary and sad but our Emma needs us to be strong for her so that is what I am trying to do.

More staying somewhat strong later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

:) Emma’s Chinese Herbs arrived yesterday!

June 7th, 2012 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Chinese Herb Lovers…..Yesterday I took the kids out for a walk.  It was what you call a perfect, glorious morning.  It was about 60 degrees and perfect for hounds walking around the town. As grandma would say, “Let’s get those organs moving”!

I had to walk them by myself, because my Mom is in New Orleans with her middle grandson and his mother.  Henry was accepted into Tulane university, and get this….he speaks Chinese.  Yes, folks Emma gets her Chinese herbs while her cousin Henry is visiting the Chinese professors at Tulane.  Wow, the universe is a special place. Just look at the turquoise sky.  Beautiful!


I walked the kids to the top of the avenue, the same walk that grandpa would take.  We sat at the same bench and took a load off.  As I was checking my e-mail (dog forbid we can’t do that every second of every day) look who pulled up!!!

This is Babe with her Grandma.  Babe was at the bassethoundtown walking club event a few weeks ago.  I had never met Babe before and I think they saw the event announced in the “what do do” section of the paper.

This is Babe looking at Chaps while Chaps sings her his opera song.  Now that is a video I should have taken.  It was so cute and he was trying so hard to get me away from Babe.


Then we headed home.  Normally, my Dad would have taken them much farther but with their age and Emma’s “condition” we headed home.

It’s a pretty straight shot.  We walk a little bit past the end of this picture and then make a left.


When we arrived home I noticed a small package at the front door.  I knew immediately what it was.

I am so excited to get this treatment started.

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You know I will keep everyone posted.

Now I am off for my monthly lunch/card party with the girls.  BFF is having it at her home.  I just tucked Emma in for her morning nap and she is doing great today. Chaps is in charge.

I also ransacked my Mom’s jewelry box.  That is a really chunky turquoise necklace and earrings…plus a little cheese on the side!

Photo on 2012-06-07 at 10.26 #2

More cheese and herbs later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

An Early June Walk In My Garden With Emma…

June 5th, 2012 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Early June Walk Lovers…..I adore my garden because my Dad designed it.  It brings us such joy.  Last year I re-planted some of his favorite bushes, hydrangeas.  Oh, he had the most magnificent hydrangeas…that is until he had to pull them out.  Emma was eating them as a young pup.  It was not a happy day in the garden.  My Dad was fine with it but I shed a few tears.  My favorite flower is the hydrangea.  So, for my Dad, I wanted to get some pictures of Emma with hydrangeas.  When ya know better ya do better.  Emma now has a fence.

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Here she is coming down the garden path which is just so perfect for her. That hydrangea is only a solid year old.  I have babied them like you would not believe.  There is another one on the side of  that other big bush.


For some reason Chaps did not want us up on the hill.  He was really worried.  Surprise, surprise.


This was supposed to be the glamour shot but Emma was licking the vitamin E off her nose.  It has become really dry and I keep it moist for her. I buy that liquid vitamin E.  After I lube up her nose I move over to Chaps and he gets a bit miffed.  I laugh.  It can’t hurt him.


Chaps convinced Emma to get back inside.


Come on Mama, you too!  This is not our normal routine!


I had to snap this one.  You can see howl Emma’s belly is still retaining water, but dog as my witness, I think it is less.


More walking amongst Grandpa’s new hydrangeas later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Dog save the Queen!

June 3rd, 2012 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Queen Lovers…..Well, we all know that Emma is the Queen of Bassethoundtown!

As the British Queen celebrated her diamond jubilee of 60 years on the thrown,

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Emma, Queen of Bassethoundtown watched from a kitchen in KY as her hand maiden cleaned the royal kitchen.

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Both Queens were dressed in white and accompanied by the men who love them.

The hand maidens were relegated to the background!

Dog save the Queen!

More loving Queens later….Cat, Chaps and her Majesty.

We really, really like Dr. Ron Leick…a lot!

June 2nd, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new vet lovers…We had such a wonderful and glorious experience with Dr. Ron Leick, Complementary Veterinary Care.  We set off this morning early because I was not about to get lost which I am totally known to do.

Emma and Chaps were feeling really good and we loaded up and drove right to Dr. Lieck’s practice with no problem at all.  Door to door was 20 minutes.  We were about a half hour early!


What a wonderful serene and beautiful vet office.  I was kind of nervous so I did not take near enough pictures but I will when we go back for our follow up in mid June.  The lobby was so peaceful and Dr. Leick came and greeted the kids right away.  The history he took was extensive and our appointment lasted for well over and hour.

The first thing Dr. Leick did was get Emma up on that blue thing.  He sat behind her and started his exam.

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He had Grandma sit where I am sitting in this picture and just touch her.  Like a fool, I did not get a picture.  The doctor did a chiropractic adjustment on her and made a decision not to do an acupuncture treatment. Emma was tight and stressed in certain areas and he felt the chiropractic exam was the way to start.

Then he wanted to try some Chinese herbs to help her water retention.  He was very pleased that her gums were pinkish and she was eating good. He wants to keep her on her current food that is a prescription liver diet.  He does not want her system too stressed by changes.  He wants to proceed with baby steps.  He agreed with my decision against a biopsy.  After Emma has had her course of herbs we will go back for her follow up.  He wants her walking and gave us a chart of foods that will also help remove fluid from her abdomen.

Then, he got a phone call and informed us that his next appointment was going to be a bit late and if I wanted him to evaluate the Mayor he would.  Chaps did not have an appointment and seeing Dr. Leick can take weeks to book so of course I jumped at it.

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Dr. Leick decided not to use the blue block for Chaps because of his length.  Chaps had a chiropractic adjustment and he was extremely tight.  He is getting arthritis and the Dr. found a few spots that needed extra attention.  The Dr. decided that he again wanted to start small and just suggest a food change.  I asked Dr. Leick what food company he would suggest and he said,  The Honest Kitchen.  I am going to switch Chaps over to one of the formulas.  Dr. Leick went over which direction we should follow for a food based upon his evaluation and Chaps’ metabolism. It was very involved and history based.  The examinations were so involved and detailed.  It was just refreshing and heart warming.

Wow, this turned out to be a very long blog but I love having so much detail and hope to share with the residents.I really look forward to more updates about our holistic experience.

We can’t wait to get Emma’s herbs.  They have to be drop shipped so they are at their freshest.

More sharing hope later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – thanks so much for all of the comments and concerns.  We love sharing…

I am so excited! Emma has an appointment with a holistic vet tomorrow, Saturday 6/2/12!!!

June 1st, 2012 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Holistic Lovers…

I am very pleased to announce that through a fabulous series of events Emma has an appointment tomorrow with a holistic vet.

Out of the blue a woman e-mailed me inquiring about finding a basset hound for her family.  She lives very near to me.  She also mentioned her vet Dr. Leick (pronounced Like).

It can take a very long time to see Dr. Leick due to his limited dog hours.  He spends the majority of his week with horses.

He called me right back tonight and is getting Emma in tomorrow.  I was referred by a long time client and basset hound patient.  I cannot thank her enough.

He found out more about Emma in one phone call than I could even imagine.

r leick

Dr. Leick is a l975 graduate of the Ohio State University.  He had a
traditional multi-person veterinary practice for 25 years.  Ron began to
take classes in veterinary chiropractic from the American Veterinary
Chiropractic Association, and became certified in 1998,.  He took the
International Veterinary Acupuncture Society course of classes in 1999
and became certified in acupuncture in 2000.

He incorporated both modalities into his already busy practice until
2001, when he made the choice to turn towards a more holistic practice,
as the effectiveness of chiropractic and acupuncture became more and
more apparent to him.

In 2004, Ron next began taking classes from the Chi Institute of
Traditional Chinese Medicine in Herbology, and became certified in the
use of Chinese Herbs for treatment in 2006.

Ron has been an examiner for the AVCA Certification Committee and also
has served as chairman of the AVCA Examination Commission over the past
few years.  He has incorporated Chinese herbs into the Chiropractic and
Acupuncture practice, while also including diet, rehabilitation and
saddle fit  advice.

Ron works with his wife Margy in his practice.  After graduating, also
from OSU, with a BS in Microbiology, she became a registered
Microbiologist, Medical Technologist & Animal Techncian. She had set up a laboratory in
the clinic for routine lab work, cultures and sensitivities, and plasma
transfusions on newborn foals.  In 1992, she became interested in Energy
Healing on animals, and after 1996 she continued in Healing Touch and
Energy Medicine on people, going to certification  in Healing Touch. She
attended a two year school in advanced healing with the same teacher, as
well as studying with her for two more years privately.

She has always supported Ron in his search for more education in
Chiropractic, Acupuncture,and Chinese Herbology.  She learned a lot by
watching Ron work, and she furthered her own education to become a
human Acupuncturist at the age of 58.
She has graduated
from the SHI School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in
Lebanon, Ohio, and is now working toward National Registration in


I am so looking forward to our appointment.  Dr. Leick agrees that Emma needs us as long as we need her and he will work towards making that happen as long as she is willing.

Miracles not guaranteed, only alternatives.

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More loving tomorrow later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – Verna hatched one of her pretty eggs….

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Review of new TV show – Dogs in the City

May 30th, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and review of Dogs in the City Lovers (?)…

Tonight this new TV series premiered on CBS hosted by the self proclaimed “dog guru”, Justin Silver.  I am watching this and taking notes at the same time.  Dogs in the City starts off with Beefy, the skate boarding bull dog.


Beefy’s Daddy has recently gotten married and the new wife obviously is having problems.  Let’s see what happens.

OK, this has just started and now Justin is onto another dog and this segment is getting better.

Justin is darling and I think he truly cares about dogs.


This is an hour long show and it moves very quickly which is good for a show like this.  You get to see a lot of dogs in different situations.

The City is New York and there are massive amounts of dogs to visit. Justin will have a never ending supply if the show lasts.

The third segment has a little girl who will absolute steal your heart.  Her Dad is pretty pawsome as well.  Justin is just winning me over.

Back to Beefy.  Oh, Justin is getting really deep.  Hope this series is ON DEMAND. Beefy is so glorious.  At least the new wife is trying to fit in.  Personally, I think this relationship should have been worked on before the marriage.

The show goes on to tackle people problems which are the biggest reasons dogs struggle and I totally agree with that.  Justin is a dream and looks like a new reality star to me.

My rating is 4 paws up.  Give this series a try.  Very cute and lots of family fun!

More enjoying dogs on TV later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – Looks like the Beefy pack is doing great.  Gotta love Justin!

Update on Emma Rudert and her Liver Disease…

May 30th, 2012 - 4:04 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma’s Liver Lovers…

Well, I want to update the residents about our Emma.  Today, Emma ended her first course of steroids and metronidazole accompanied by a dose of water pills.  She is also on Milk Thistle and a Denosyl pill specifically for the liver.

Here is Emma in her office cubicle.  She is still reporting to work.

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She is doing pawsome.  She did fantastic on the medications and her vet has suggested that we keep her on the same regiment for awhile longer, (after he pushed the biopsy again).  Really?

I agreed and picked up her refills.

She has been back on her liver formula food and barking for and eating very good.

Emma is still retaining fluid in her abdomen which is not a good sign.

So, there is our Emma’s update and I will continue to keep the residents posted.  Thanks to everyone who has e-mailed and asked about her.  Also, another thanks to those of you who were so kind with your gracious compliments after you read the cover story on our Emma in the Bugler.  I was very proud and thrilled to showcase her to the Bugler readership.

Well, it is about 4am and I am sleepless.  I am going to go google water retention for the umpteenth time.

More loving livers later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Red, White and Blue Lovers…

May 27th, 2012 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Memorial Day Lovers…

The RED of Hibiscus flowers, the WHITE of a Mayor’s face…

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and the BLUE of Verna’s eggs….


Thank you to our service dogs, men and woman for making all of the red, white, and blue moments possible.

We love you in bassethoundtown…

More memories of freedom later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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