What a great turn out for the hot dog bassethoundtown walking club today!

May 26th, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Walking Basset Hound Club Lovers!  Well, the extreme heat did not get us down today!  We had a Memorial Weekend Blast!

First off I posed for a picture with the Mayor before I left for the walk!

photo 1

It was a great turn out for friends and family.

photo 4

We were lucky to have this wonderful picnic shelter to keep the sun off the pack.

Here we have Matt the fireman with one of his girls.


Then there was this photo op with Marcie and her hound Nosey!


This is a good picture to show our pack. The black and white hound is doodle bug.  So cute!

photo 5

Check out this group shot!  I just love it!



It will be in October.

Are you on Facebook?  Come keep track of all updates!

Bassethoundtown Walking Club

Chaps and Emma had a wonderful time with Grandma.

More loving the bassethoundtown walking club later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Well, grandma is on deck for her babysitting duties tomorrow!

May 25th, 2012 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Babysitting Lovers….

Tomorrow is the big Basset Hound Town Walking Club Event in the park.  Well, maybe not so big, who knows?  Here is the announcement in the local paper!

photo 1

From that announcement, that Judy (of Bumper and Abby) placed in the local paper, it got picked up via my google alert and I saw it was sent out to everyone that has a basset hound google alert!  Wow, that is really cool!

So, I am mostly all packed up and ready to go.  I bought some tri-colored balloons, some ice, and some wieners.

photo 4

All beef franks for the hounds in our town!

Of course the Mayor and Emma had to taste them.

photo 2

I posted on the face book page that if it is too hot for your hound you can drive by and I will deliver a wiener to your hound while they sit in the AC.  Or you can come and sit for a spell under the huge shade trees where we will meet.  I “frankly” think it is going to be too hot to walk and who wants to walk anyway when there are belly rubs and wieners?  Not me.

So, come and join us if you are in the area.  We can take pictures and enjoy the early dog days of summer.

More dogs days later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – Thanks for babysitting Grandma.  We love you….

Well…It’s really all about the Shim…

May 24th, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Shimlette lovers.  Grandma and I have been spending just as much time as possible at home with Shim catering to her every need.  Chaps is is big help, unless treats are being handed out, and then her pushes her right out of the way.  Burger Boy, you be a gentlehound!

I came in today after planting a few flowers and doing some watering and saw this. Sigh…..

photo 2

Come on…howl cute is she?

Just a joy to behold, but not to Verna!  Emma walked out back just after this photo and I was being the Momma bird, hovering over her when Verna swooped in and dive bombed us. OK, I get it…..

Did not phase Shim in the least she just went about her business.  Scared the stuffing out of me.

More Momma birds later….Love, Cat, Chaps and my baby Shim.

Youtube find of the day…

May 23rd, 2012 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and YouTube Lovers….

This is a short little tube but a very cute little tube.

(just noticed that you must click and go watch on YouTube.  I think that is a new thing if you want to put ads on your tube.  Just click the x in the top right hand corner and the ad will disappear.)

I had to laugh because Emma’s Mom was a gate opening wizard.  When we went out to TX to get her and Chaps we actually got to see Dawn open all the gates to the kennel runs.  She even let Chaps out.  I think Chaps was her boyfriend.  Anyway, they had to put special latches on the gates after they figured out she was smarter than them.  hehehe

Here is Emma’s Mom, Dawn.  Now you can see where our girl gets her good looks!

emma's mom

More loving latch opening hounds later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Bassethoundtown.com find of the day…

May 21st, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and find of the day lovers.  Well…I took this picture back in 2006.  Can you even believe howl cute our girl is?


Just a bit of an update, Emma’s water pill is not working for her.

The good news is she is eating and going potty good.  I know she is not in pain.

We are going to have fun tomorrow hanging in bassethoundtown.

Emma loves her sunbaths and Chaps will be protecting Verna.

More finds of the day later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Wrapping up a weekend with the hounds in our town!

May 20th, 2012 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wrapping up the weekend lovers.

We has such a laid back weekend of relaxing.  Emma is still eating good and I actually have her back on her liver food with a little chicken mixed in for taste. It was a good weekend!

I also met my deadline (today) of getting the copy to Riche for the inside cover of the Bugler. It is all about our Emmers!

Here she is reading the Bugler when she was much younger…hehehe


I will let the residents know when the issue is released.  I think it turned out great.

On a different note…Did any of the residents see the solar eclipse?  We would have loved to see it but we were not in the path, our sun will be set by then.

Oh, looks like it has not started yet…..

Northern California 5:10 p.m. PDT
Nevada   5:18 p.m. PDT
Utah  6:22 p.m. MDT
Arizona 5:24 p.m. MST
New Mexico 5:28 p.m. MDT
Colorado (southwest portion) 6:24 p.m. MDT
Texas 7:30 p.m. CDT

Hope some residents take some pictures…

More loving stuff like this later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Creatures of habit in bassethoundtown;)

May 18th, 2012 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and creatures of habit lovers….Since Emma has been on the course of steroids and liver antibiotics she is what I would consider back to her ole self.  Again, we know that this treatment is not a cure but it sure is nice to see her eating good and reporting to her normal place in the kitchen for meals.

The Mayors is very pleased as well! He was as worried sick as all of us were.  You know howl he worries.

He wants to get back to the ole habits of bassethoundtown and get under Mommy’s feet while she is fixing breakfast! Emma does all of the barking and yelling at me to move faster.  Chaps love that part.

Thank goodness I had my phone.  I never want to forget this picture.

photo 3

Today is going to be a good day!

Shimlette ate good….

photo 4

But as you can see there is some water retention in her abdomen.  This is not uncommon and I am currently researching what to do.

We took our morning walk and she loved it.

photo 5

We are such creatures of habit.  We love our routine………

and so does Verna!

photo 1

Top row, middle blue pot! Goodness sakes, I had been looking and looking to replace these pots and I finally found the ones I was looking for.  I no sooner get them in and planted which is VERY LATE for Verna and she shows up within hours.  Can you believe howl habitual she is? I actually saw her watching the back porch for weeks.


Fitting that she picked the robin’s egg blue flower pot.  I will let you know if she sticks around.  I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t.

More having habits later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Not the best time in the world for a basset hound town walk but let’s see what happens!

May 17th, 2012 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Walking Basset Hound Club Lovers.

At our last Autumn walk everyone agreed that a spring walk would be fun as well.  So, we are having having one!  This has been on the calendar for about 4 months and posted on our facebook page for about that long.



If you live withing 10 driving hours you should come!  (just kidding)  But really, if you know of anyone in our area that would like to meet and greet please forward this blog to them.  Or you can post this on your facebook wall.

Like I said, it will be up to Emma if I attend.  I never take my kids because of several reasons.  Well, never say never.  I took Emma to the first one and she was scared without Chaps.  Can’t blame her.  But for obvious reasons I don’t take Chaps aka Mr. Grumpster and Emma doesn’t do well without him.

So, I would be surprised if I can’t make it.  Grandma will be here to watch the kids.

I am going to think positive!

More hoping to walk with you later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS….if you live in the area please print the flier and post at various dog locations.  Slurp!

About 6 months ago I bought the June cover of Bugler the Basset Hound Magazine!

May 16th, 2012 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Bugler Lovers….

Well, I am working on my deadline for the June cover and I had not decided on the picture until a few days ago.

I want to give the bassethoundtown residents a sneak peek!


I know most of you have seen this, her 8 year old birthday picture.  I also bought the inside cover and I am working on that right now.  I might work on it here but for now I just have the cover shot.  I love the Bugler and it’s founder, editor, publisher, copy writer, researcher, pooper scooper, and everything else that goes along with doing it all yourself – Riche Churchill!

I think it is perfect timing to showcase our Shimlette!

More loving bragging about Shim later….Cat, Chaps and Emma


Emma Wanda Rudert of bassethoundtown.com is famous for the inspiration she brings to everyone who reads her blog. I am her Mom, Cat L. Rudert.  I have documented the journey of her life since before she was born  on April 21, 2004.  The cover photo is her 8 year old birthday picture.  Emma has had her birthday picture taken in front of our Cherry Tree every year.  This is her 1 year old birthday picture.


Emma has had many challenges in her life but has over come everyone of them.  Emma has been blind from primary closed angle glaucoma since age 2.  She has moved through our world with such dignity and purpose.


OK, I am back and had to tell everyone a funny.  Emma of course is on steroids so she is drinking a lot of water.  She always has but now, maybe a bit more.  I was petting her stomach area and telling her she looked like a camel when she lets out a loud burp.  I just burped my baby!  Too cute.  She is under her gully now.

OK now I am back to writing a bit more. (maybe I should have bought the entire June issue!)

Back to inside cover….

Emma Wanda Rudert is a true hound of the Internet generation.  Her life has been documented and photographed every paw step of the way.  She has shared her ups and her downs.  Nothing is off limits as we have our own reality show here in bassethoundtown.

Enter her co-host and reality bonded partner, Chaps Wayne Rudert.  What would she do without him?  Since the first day she went blind he helped her navigate her way. He actually wrapped his tail around her when she was about to hit this chair.


Just today in the park he ran to her side and bumped her in the direction he wanted to go in.  He knew it was where the new dog drinking fountain is. I see this bond every day.  It is a very special bond that a sighted hound has with a blind hound.  It is so touching to watch and learn from such a wonderful friendship.




More later…much more…


Thursday am May 17th

OK, I am back trying to write a few more lines.  My deadline is actually tomorrow.  Nothing like putting this off until the last minute.  I am usually always in the mood to write but we all know howl things have been around here lately.

getting back to the inside cover….

Emma was given her name by her Grandpa.  We were all racking our brains for a name and I had lists and lists.  My Mom and I really liked the name STAR! We presented it to Grandpa and he said, “absolutely not – it makes her sound like a stripper”!  I really don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.  We were all rolling on the floor.  You know that kind of laugh that hurts?

Anyway, Grandpa comes home one day and announces “I have the name”!  Our eyes widen and I am on pins and needles.

Grandpa bellows the name “EMMA”!

“I love it” Emma it shall be.  Grandma agreed!  I asked Grandpa howl he came up with the story and he said that he was walking to the park and a young mother was calling her child.  The rest is history.

I wanted her name to be connected to her Mom, Dawn in some fashion so I came up with EARLY MORNING MISTY AIR.  I just love it. She is a fantastic connection I still have with my Dad.  Everyday he would come down to visit the kids (I have a 2 family) and Emma would jump and jump all over him collecting the crumb she could find on his shirt from lunch.  He also always had some treats in his pockets.


I picked Emma’s middle name which is Wanda.  It is Grandma’s middle name.  I love that name.  One little girl with so much meaning to her name.


more later….

The decision not to get a liver biopsy for Emma the basset hound

May 16th, 2012 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Liver Lovers.  The title of this blog is a bit odd but I wanted others with similar questions to maybe find this posting on the internet.

Emma is doing good today and is on a course of steroids and liver antibiotics.  We know this is not a cure but we will see if it helps her eat and stay happy.

This post is long but I want to make sure I keep all of this together so I can remember what we did for Emma.

I made a decision a long time ago that I was not going to go the route that I went with Chloe and Lily at the ends of their lives with any other future hounds.  I made long shot bad decisions at a time of panic and not much thought.  I didn’t ask enough questions.  I didn’t do enough research.  I rushed along with the surgeons placing my babies in their hands.  From my experience the procedure or surgery is always pushed over the sometimes more obvious choice.

For both of my hounds (Chloe and Lily) it was surgery to biopsy this or remove that.  My decision was made in a panic situation and the vets were more than willing to rush into complicated and what I eventually found out, unnecessary procedures.  Both Chloe and Lily died on the surgical table.  The what ifs still swirl in my head but the lessons learned were invaluable. Do not be pressured into surgery.  Take a deep breath and figure out what is right for your hound and your family.  In most cases there is time to think things over.

So, when we took Emma in for her non invasive liver ultrasound we knew that we were not going to have any invasive procedures.  I just wanted to see what the condition of her liver looked like and see what the alternatives were to us.  I knew the first and fastest option suggested by the vet would be surgery or a biopsy.  Bingo! Enter the stern surgeon with the grave look on her face as she pontificates, all while looking down, and never at Emma…..

“she will need a liver biopsy before we can suggest any treatment. Her liver is lumpy and large.”

My Mom and I sat looking on, the doctor still looking down never touching Emma.

I asked,

“May I see the ultrasound images?” (knowing full well I was not going to get a liver biopsy).

The stern surgeon looked at me with disgust as if to imply with her manner, what the hell do you know about ultrasound images and what the hell are you questioning me for as she shuffled through the black and white grainy images that cost more than a life time supply of Milk Thistle.

I looked at the images and had no clue what they were. I paid for them and I wanted to see them.   The images of our Emma’s large lumpy liver were right there, in front of me.  I touched them and knew in that instant this woman would never touch my girl again. The nerve of this woman.  Who does she think she is?

She turned her steely eyes to mine….

“I can get her in for the biopsy tomorrow morning”, she rattled off, I could almost hear the adding machine tally in her head.

Did I dare ask another question?  I girded my loins and went for it!

“Hum, doctor?  What are the potential out comes of a liver biopsy?”

Dr. Biopsy turned on her heel and said, “Cancer for one!, the dog will need radiation therapy”. I heard more adding machine clicks but not a total, not yet.

*cough*, and in my head, I am thinking, I wonder why she thinks I would even do that. She has asked me ZERO questions about Emma, not a one.  She seemed miffed we were even in the room.  Talk about your absent bedside manner.

The whole thing was surreal and I knew right then that this woman was a hack.  A total money grubber. A real jerk.  But I wanted to be sure.

I tried to ask one more question which was at this point directed at her back as she was walking out the door. I felt like grabbing the back of her shirt and yanking her back in the room.

“Dr., is there any medicinal therapy we could try first?”  My voice echoing down the long hall towards the surgery suites…..

All I could feel was the rush of the air as the door was slamming in my face as Dr. Biopsy clicked and clacked down the hall saying, without looking at me, “No!”. I looked at my Mom and I said,

“Did that really just happen?”

Well, even thought I had made up my mind from previous experiences this confirmed every thing for me.  No way was Emma ever going to get a biopsy.  Again, Grandma and I both knew that going in but we were hopeful that something could be suggested other than major surgery.  Yes, a liver biopsy is major surgery.  The complications are real and many.  Do you think that was ever discussed with me? Never.  Dr. Biopsy did not even ask about Emma or why she was blind. She has clearly had surgeries before.  Nothing was even asked about howl she did as a surgical patient.

Emma is severely allergic to surgical scrub!  Who cares, “what’s your credit card number?”  was the much more important question as the assistants came filing in. “No food or water after midnight” one gal methodically announced.  “How will you be paying?” the next question came with ease. “You can drop her off at 8:00am”.  Keep in mind, I never said I was getting Emma a liver biopsy.

Come on!  Is it getting this bad? I called my vet in dis-belief.  I told him I was not getting the liver biopsy.  He said, “So, when are you getting it?”

So, fast forward until last Friday.  I take Emma in for her blood tests to see if the disease has progressed and howl much. I am worried because she is not eating. I want some suggestions. Surprise, surprise,  I am still being pressured to get the biopsy.  I emphatically state that I am not getting the biopsy and what else can be done?  The answer is “I won’t judge you for not getting the biopsy, let’s wait and see what the blood test reveals.”  Huh? He won’t judge me?

The blood test is about the same and I again ask for something that might help her eat and decrease the inflammation in the liver.  I know it is not a magic bullet but is there anything?


He said he will call the other internist and I insist that he does not call Dr. Biopsy. Can’t stand that woman.

I wait 2 days, nothing.  I finally go off the deep end.  Emma’s vet calls back and he starts off, and I kid you not, “Well, without the biopsy we really can’t do much diagnosing…. are you sure you don’t want to get the biopsy?”

At this point steam is coming out of my ears….

He goes on….

“I talked to the other internist and he said, that he would suggest the biopsy for Emma and he can’t really advise otherwise without it….”

Are you even kidding me?

He goes on….

“The internist is not suggesting this but now that I know you are not going to get the biopsy”….

(translation, now that the internist knows I am not going to cough up a grand in addition to the 500 for the ultrasound…)

“Let’s try a course of steroids and Metronidazole.”

Turns out, this is the same treatment that would have been suggested after a liver biopsy for someone that does not want the hail Mary alternatives such as radiation, transfusions or whatever else they have to offer that will send a chill so deep up your credit card it will crack.

Nothing and I repeat NOTHING was going to change after the liver biopsy for Emma and I firmly believe they all knew that.

Emma is now on her second dose and even just ate a little bit of dog food.  She is no longer shivering and actually had a wonderful walk to the park. She had a good potty and her tinkle was not reddish.

photo 5

We know that this is not a cure but it might buy us some time and her some comfort. She is even starting back on her Milk Thistle.  I have found a few canine liver sources on the internet that I will share if they work out.

I remember being one of those crying folks, rushed into a health care decision and then making the wrong one.  I know this is the right decision for our family.  Everyone has to figure out what is right for them.  Ask all the questions you want and don’t let anyone slam the door in your face.  I had already made up my mind before we went in that I was not doing anything surgical so to have Dr. Biopsy slam the door and walk away from us was just her showing her butt.  I wonder if she has ever heard of word of mouth? Situations like this used to be suffered in silence but not anymore.

I would put a third mortgage on my home if I thought it would buy Emma more years, it has never been about money to me.  It is about the time we have left with her and the quality of that time.

I think the best vets are great diagnosticians coupled with compassion. The very best add some holistic measures into their practice.

I am going to do right by my hounds and feel good about it.  I must thank Chloe and Lily for teaching me that lesson.  Amazing teachers they were.


More girding the loins later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – thank you to the residents for standing with us and offering so many suggestions and support!  WOW!  Just amazing….

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