I want to update the residents on our Emma:(
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma Lovers…Well, we are all one of those!
Sigh…our Emma….sigh….
Herz is not doing too well. I wanted to wait a bit before I did this update. Everyday you hope that things will turn around. Believe us, we are still hopeful!
Her liver is in decline and her vet said that her liver disease is “progressing” after doing another blood test.
Grandma and I knew she was not doing well when she started to refuse food. Not entirely, but she is entirely off of dog food. She just won’t eat it so, she is getting whatever she will eat which surprising is basically Doritos.
She turns her nose up at most everything else. She will take a few bites of turkey, pea soup, and tonight she had some chicken. Not much of anything.
Her patty is now distended and has some fluid in it.
She really enjoys sitting in the sun.
She is passing a bit of blood in her urine.
Her gums are slightly jaundice.
She now likes 3 blankets instead of one but is sleeping good.
She is obsessed with her grandma and can’t get enough of her.
Interestingly, she loves taking short walks and lays by the front door until I take her out.
She has never done that before. It seems as if someone is calling her….
Tomorrow and everyday we are walking as much as she wants and as many times as she wants.
Everything is off of our calendars. Nothing but Emma, which is not very different than any other time but for example we cancelled all appointments this week.
She is not in pain at all. We won’t let that happen.
More updates later…Love Cat, Chaps and Emma
PS – I still have not turned over April on the Sr. Hounds Abound Calendar yet.
Probably never will.
PPS – Chaps is confused but loving the change in diet.
PPPS – We are crushed.