We all miss you Grandpa!

February 28th, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Grandpa lovers.  Well, it has been 2 years since we lost our beloved Grandpa.  Wow, 2 years.  Where does the time go?

It seems like yesterday that Grandpa was teaching an 8 month old Emma howl to walk on a leash.  It was so cute.  He worked with her every day.

Here is a small video snippet.  He loved walking the kids and never missed a day until the end. His favorite time to walk the kids was at the crack of dawn.

Oh howl thankful I am to have these memories….

More loving Grandpa later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

After much research we have decided not to have Emma go through a Liver Biopsy!

February 26th, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and research lovers….

Well, it was not a difficult decision to make, but we are not going to have a liver biopsy done on our Shimlette.  Mostly it is because of consulting with the best diagnostician and physician I know, my sister, Cindy.  We are so lucky to have her to ask questions of.  She is a gastroenterologist with a subspecialty in liver disorders.  WOW, HOWL LUCKY ARE WE?

Nin and kids

First off, she was horrified that a canine internist would order a liver biopsy after one abnormal blood panel.  As a physician, she avoids ordering liver biopsies as much as possible.

She explained that the risk of this procedure extremely overwhelmed any (if any) benefit it may produce.  Cindy went on to explain that Emma, being almost 8 with advanced degenerative disc disease, highly allergic and blind should NEVER, EVER be considered for a liver biopsy. Not only does Emma have all of the above, she is totally her normal happy self.

After talking to my sis I recalled that Emma also had a highly allergic reaction to the surgical scrub that was used during her eye removal. We almost lost her.

So….NO! Our Emma will not be having a liver biopsy.  My sister prescribed Milk Thistle and a canine probiotic.   We will have her blood panel checked in a few weeks and see if she trends down from her high liver enzymes. This will be for reference only.

I am also on a Canine Liver Disorder Forum on Yahoo.  I will be reading from many others that are going though the same things with their hounds.

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Of course the Mayor is a big help.

More loving my smart doctor sister later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

I just received my March issue of Bugler – The Basset Hound Magazine!

February 25th, 2012 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Bugler Lovers!  OMDawg, I am such a Bugler Lover and fan of Richie Churchill.


Well…come on, it doesn’t get much cuter than this.

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I have subscribed to this magazine for about 20 years now.  Wow, that seems so odd to say.  Really?  20 years?  Richie has been writing and publishing the magazine now for 44 years.  The April issue will be the start of her 45th year supporting and reporting for the basset hound community.

Do you get the Bugler?  It is now an online only subscription and get this…It only costs 6.00 per year.  You can either send a check in the mail to:

5972 Francis Ferry Road
McMinnville, TN  37110-7764

Or paypal:  buglr@blomand.net

I also give the Bugler as gifts.

More loving the Bugler later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Emma had a portion of her patty shaved!!!

February 24th, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma’s patty lovers…Today I was packaging up a purchase from my website boutique.  I walked into the living room and Emma was showing me her patty.  It was soooooo cute.

She was saying…”Mommy look what they did to me….”

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I was packing up the order that sold from my boutique and the kids were waiting for Grandma.

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Look what one lucky basset hound owner just bought!  Some really rare and collectable vintage Boswell figurines!

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Oh, I just love them.

Enter Grandma….

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Ahhhhhhhhhh…….Baby Emma is so cute.

There is nothing better than Patties and Purchases…

More loving Emma’s attitude later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Well, we are back and Emma has an “abnormal” ultrasound???

February 23rd, 2012 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Updates about Emma Lovers….Thank you checking back in to see howl our Shimmers is doing. It really took most of the day and then we did some major googling to see what was in store for us.

We started out early.  We popped into our vet to get an abdominal series of x-rays.

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Dr. Doan said that her liver looked a bit small.

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We also picked up her blood panel to take along with her x-rays to the internist.

If you click the picture you can read her panel.

photo 2

If anyone knows more about blood panels than either of the doctors were willing to explain to us, please do tell.  I have found a really smart group on canine liver disease on Yahoo.

Here is Emma going back for her ultrasound….


Here is Chaps worried about Emma as she goes back for her ultrasound….

photo 1

Well….when the doctor came back to our room she didn’t look good. She said Emma’s liver was lumpy when it should be smooth.  That was about all we got before she started scheduling us for a liver biopsy. She told us that after the biopsy she would suggest the next course of action.

I looked at Chaps and Grandma and said, “what just happened?”

photo 5

A liver biopsy?

Oh Dear Dog…..Sigh…….

We need to research this more…..

More…..loving Emma and her Liver Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Emma has unusually high elevated liver enzymes:(

February 22nd, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma Lovers.  Wow, who is not one of those????  Probably no one.


9:00am tomorrow x-rays at her vet office.

10:00 tomorrow we take the x-rays and have an ultrasound at the specialist office.

I am not an alarmist.  I think it might be a freak thing.

Even though I am not an alarmist, it never hurts to have some good vibes heading her way from the residents.  Herz don’t ask for much….


She feels fine and is eating good.  I had her blood tested because she had a UTI that did not clear up after a course of antibiotics.  That still is not concerning me that much.  I know my Shim and she is not showing any bad symptoms regarding elevated liver enzymes. Love my google.

Chin up and send a bit of mental well wishes for her tomorrow. Slurp!

More updating our residents later….Cat (staying strong), Chaps and Emma

Happy Presidents and Mayor day…

February 20th, 2012 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Mayors who are also Presidents lovers.  Wow, I wonder howl many there are of those?  I can think of only one.  Chaps Rudert….


Yes, it is a little known fact, but your very own Mayor is also the President of Basset Hound Town Enterprises, LLC.  He sits at the head of the table (actually under the table) at all of our bored meetings.  Emma sits to his right.  His bark is law.  This stamp was created and designed by his Mom, (me).  It is to honor Chaps as the founding Father of Bassethoundtown.com.

Please enjoy your day of honoring Presidents and please feel free to sing Chaps Rudert’s praises…..

More hailing to the chief later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Downton Abbey season 2 finale tonight on PBS – now what will we do on Sunday night?..sigh

February 19th, 2012 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Downton Abby lovers…We absolutely love this PBS series.  We look forward to it every Sunday.  From all of the press regarding this series, Downton Abby has created an international sensation.  So much so, that Ralph Lauren closed fashion week in NYC with a Downton Abby inspired fashion show.

If Emma could have walked the runway she would have sported this snazzy number…


She would be styling with all of the sisters at the, end of war dinner party!



“Can someone point me in the direction of the banquet hall?”


Good news is….there will be a season 3!

More loving great TV later!  Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Canine CPR – Source, American Red Cross

February 18th, 2012 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and needing to know Canine CPR Lovers…..

Wow, I found this tonight and I wanted to share it.  I am going to print it out and hang it with my other important medical information.

Click on the image and then print.


More being prepared later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Friday Nite Movie Nite

February 18th, 2012 - 12:12 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and

Endangered Animals: Gorillas…98.6% Human lovers…

Wanna see a great movie?




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