I sure hope all of the residents that endured Sandy are safe…
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and my fellow shocked and stunned lovers. I have been glued to the TV, mostly the weather channel for days. I am a huge weather follower and this event was one in a life time and not in a good way as we all know.
I hope and hope some more that all of the folks on the east coast and beyond can weather this storm and somehow I think they will with the leadership and help of our great nation.
We all thought about our friends and one of my best friends was sheltering in place in Red Bank, NJ. Evelyn Leavens.
This is her picture on the book jacket back in 1957, the year I was born.
I got an e-mail right before she lost her power. She said to me….
“Three deer were in my backing yard yesterday. Very tame. Healthy from eating weeds and drinking from my pond. I’m sleeping in my clothes tonight. Don’t worry, Cat. What’s to be is to be. Worst hurricane I ever saw here. Only one other in the 30’s. Sounded like a freight train. Will tell you all about it after it’s over. Don’t worry!”
I guess by now we all know that NJ was hit the hardest by most accounts and I felt like I weathered the storm with Governor Chris Christie. Wow, you can tell howl much that guy love his state.
I am not on the political side of the Governor but I am on the side of the love for his state.
I woke up during the middle of the night back on September the 4th or 5th and Jimmy Fallon was on with the Governor and half asleep I watched as this portion of his interview was on. It brought a huge smile to my sleepy face.
Governor Chris Christie and Jimmy Fallon – Thunder Road
Wow, he has seen Bruce over 100 times! Bruce is still on my bucket list.
Bruce, we need ya now.
I have not heard from my friend. I know she has some very, very close friends that will get to her.
I will keep everyone posted.
She is one of the many residents that have been tossed around. I am checking on all of you.
More loving thundering down the road later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB probably hanging with Boswell and looking over Evelyn.
PS – The Pres will visit NJ tomorrow. This pic is from his visit after Irene.