I sure hope all of the residents that endured Sandy are safe…

October 30th, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and my fellow shocked and stunned lovers.  I have been glued to the TV, mostly the weather channel for days.  I am a huge weather follower and this event was one in a life time and not in a good way as we all know.

I hope and hope some more that all of the folks on the east coast and beyond can weather this storm and somehow I think they will with the leadership and help of our great nation.

We all thought about our friends and one of my best friends was sheltering in place in Red Bank, NJ.  Evelyn Leavens. 

This is her picture on the book jacket back in 1957, the year I was born.

I got an e-mail right before she lost her power.  She said to me….

“Three deer were in my backing yard yesterday. Very tame. Healthy from eating weeds and drinking from my pond. I’m sleeping in my clothes tonight. Don’t worry, Cat. What’s to be is to be. Worst hurricane I ever saw here. Only one other in the 30’s. Sounded like a freight train. Will tell you all about it after it’s over. Don’t worry!”

I guess by now we all know that NJ was hit the hardest by most accounts and I felt like I weathered the storm with Governor Chris Christie.  Wow, you can tell howl much that guy love his state.

I am not on the political side of the Governor but I am on the side of the love for his state.

I woke up during the middle of the night back on September the 4th or 5th and Jimmy Fallon was on with the Governor and half asleep I watched as this portion of his interview was on.  It brought a huge smile to my sleepy face.

Governor Chris Christie and Jimmy Fallon – Thunder Road

Wow, he has seen Bruce over 100 times!  Bruce is still on my bucket list.

Bruce, we need ya now.

I have not heard from my friend.  I know she has some very, very close friends that will get to her.

I will keep everyone posted.

She is one of the many residents that have been tossed around.  I am checking on all of you.

More loving thundering down the road later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB probably hanging with Boswell and looking over Evelyn.

PS – The Pres will visit NJ tomorrow.  This pic is from his visit after Irene.



Sunday, 10-28-12 with bassethoundtown!

October 28th, 2012 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and spending Sunday with the Mayor lovers…

Well, this fall has been absolutely gorgeous and we have enjoyed as much of it as we can.  I made a little YouTube of our day.

More loving sharing later…Cat, Chaps and Emma (not sharing food) ATB

PS – we sprinkled a little holy water on the Mayor’s hips for good measure;)



Carter Caves, KY State Park – Dog Friendly!

October 27th, 2012 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Dog Friendly Vacation Spot Lovers…

I am now getting around to blogging about our overnight to:

Carter Caves KY State Resort Park. 

I also submitted my review to Tripadvisor and it was approved a few days ago.
Welcome to Carter Caves State Resort Park where your dogs are always welcome.  The first criteria for travel in my pack is, “are you dog friendly?”  The answer is a big yes for all of the Kentucky State Resort Parks.  Resort Parks means that there is a lodge in the park.  All of these Resorts Parks have at least 2 dog friendly rooms that tack on 27.00 dollars extra for clean up. We parked within 10 steps of our rooms.

I had the dog friendly room and it was spotless.  The floor was laminate and looked new.

My basset hound and I stayed in room 260.  I suggest you request this exact room.  It is on the ground level of course and there is a huge grassy area steps away from the door.

The Lodge even has doggie poop bags right out side of your door.  There a large bench to sit on as well.  My Mom had the room right next door.

Each room has a balcony that overlooks a mature forest area.  If there was a problem it was the balcony.  The barriers between the balconies did not come to the ground and with a dog like a basset hound, they could go right under it.  Not the best set up.  A leash would be a must for a low to the ground hound or a little dog.

Now a little bit about the park.  When entering Carter Caves make sure you are not in a hurry.  This drive leading into the park is absolutely beautiful.  There are dozens of little pull offs that over look a huge creek/stream.  The photo ops are endless.

If you plan ahead you can bring your lunch and have a picnic at one of the many tables that overlook the natural beauty of this area.  According to many KY State Park visitors this drive is one of the best in all of the KY State Parks.  I would have to agree.  We did not pick Carter Caves for the Caves.  My Mom and I had no intention of going anywhere there might be bats.  We go for the drives and the walks. There was also a really cute welcome center and gift shop.  This is where the cave tours start.  We also love the old time feel of the Lodges and the dining halls.  We had 2 meals in Tierney’s Cavern.  The menu was the same as other KY Resort Parks but the presentation was not as good.  The food was not hot and way, way over salted.  Our suggestion would be to ask the cook not to salt the food which we did and it was still too salty.  It was OK but nothing to buy a post card of the cave and write home about.

Chaps stayed in the room and laid by the door until my Mom and I got back.  He seemed fine.  I left the TV on for him and upon our return we all headed out for an evening walk around the area.  As we were heading out a group of 5 deer walked right in front of us.  They were not phased at all.

We always call it an early night with a glass of wine.  Bring your own because these KY State Resort Parks are dry.  We had full internet access with no problems at all.  There is cable TV in the rooms with about 15 channels.  We were going to explore more of the region the next morning but I got worse and we had to return home.  We will go back!  Again, we give Carter Caves KY State Resort Park 4 paws up.

More loving KY overnights later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB heading under any barrier she wants!


This week is just a shadow of it’s former self:)

October 26th, 2012 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and this week being over lovers.  I was just sniffing around face book and found this picture of our very own Hal from Japan.

I for one am glad this week is over.  I am finally feeling better.  I have also been getting ready for the cold months ahead.

I ordered some supplies from Amazon and I cannot wait to share them with you.  Of course the majority of it was for our Mayor.

Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?

More loving shadows later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB casting the longest shadow of all….

Blast from the Bassethoundtown past…

October 23rd, 2012 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Blast From the Past Lovers…

I am guessing that my Dad cut out this comic from the Wall Street Journal around 1997.  I love it so much it still hangs in my office.  I shared it with the residents back in about 2006 or so.


More loving smiling over and over from the same comic later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB getting her pretty patty rubbed everyday!

Please, Enjoy Our Orange Day;)

October 22nd, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Orange Day Lovers….I love the color orange.  We named our Lily after the beautiful day lily.

So, when we walked past the Church that is in the Lily Book today I thought of her.

This is the page in the Lily Book that this Church inspired, about 5 minutes from bassethoundtown.

I saw orange everywhere today.  Maybe it was Lily….

What a wonderful glow…

I wanted to share our orange day….

More loving Lily Orange later…Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB reading the Lily Book to all of the other hounds, Lily is laying by her side….


Honeychild – The Movie, 2006

October 21st, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Honeychild Lovers….

It’s funny what makes a hit on YouTube and what gets barely seen.  This little video only has 2750 views and the next one I made of Emma on the couch has almost 50K.  Weird.  I love both of them.

Here is Honeychild for your viewing pleasure….

What a joy to have these in my archives.

PS – they look so young!

More loving honeychildren later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB being a fantastic honeyhound later….

The Official Crest of Bassethoundtown

October 20th, 2012 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Official Crest Lovers…

I had fun designing the official crest of bassethoundtown back in 1997.  It deserves showing again and again!

bassethoundtown crest

we are royal

There are many, many symbols involved here.  All a part of the famous Lily book!

More loving the Lily book later…Cat, Chaps and Emma reading the Lily book to all at the bridge!

Grandma made me a sick tray last night. I still am on the mend:(

October 20th, 2012 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and on the mend lovers….

Wow, just wow.  This sickness thing really had a hold of me.  It really sux because it is so beautiful outside and I wait for this time of year….well….all year.

So, last night Grandma made me a wonderful crock pot dinner and served it to me on a tray. It was enough for 2 nights so I am all set for tonight as well.  I loved the little flower touch!

I also wanted to share the tray with you.  It is soooooooooo cute.  I have had it for years and I don’t think I have ever seen another one like it.

So, this morning after Chaps had his breakfast I was going to treat him with a rather large birthday cookie that Maureen sent to him. It is so cute and has icing like an autumn leaf!

Isn’t that cute?  I had to make it special, just like Grandma did for me!

I put his leaf cookie in a little leaf dish and let himz enjoy the flower!

I wonder if he enjoyed the flower?

I know himz enjoyed the cookie!

More loving the little touches in life later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB with all the cookies she can eat!

Melynda Majors shares her news – She published a book called, Firm Loose Skin!

October 19th, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and firming loose skin lovers…..

Melynda Majors contacted me recently and reported that she had “published a book”!  It is called….

Firm Loose Skin.  Melynda asked if I would share her news with the residents of bassethoundtown.


Saggy, baggy skin and long, loose jowls. They’re beautiful on those
droopy hounds we love, but not so attractive on us!

Do you look this good in a bikini?

Bikini Model Lilly Majors ATB (1998 – 2010)

Buyer beware: the exclusive secrets in Firm Loose Skin only work on
people, not basset hounds. You can tighten your skin but your basset’s
got to learn to live with it. Sorry!

Are you ready for bikini season? If you want to lose weight but you’re
worried about sagging skin, or if your tummy, arms or anywhere else
already sags and droops from weight loss, sun tanning, having kids or
simply due to age, you must read Firm L o o s e Skin.

Why spend thousands of dollars on painful, expensive plastic surgery?
Learn practical secrets to tighten your skin naturally and effectively
instead. Combine 190+ superfoods and 40+ vitamins, minerals, oils and
extracts you may already have in your refrigerator and medicine
cabinet to supercharge your skin, connective tissue, lymph system and

Strategize your workouts to burn fat and melt cellulite while
developing a strong, sleek body by working out smarter, not harder.
Learn why a mini trampoline and a bath brush are two must-have secret
weapons in the war on loose skin. Read real-life stories of women
who’ve lost over 100 pounds while tightening their skin using the
techniques in this book.

Exclusive to BassetHoundTown readers, 10% of your purchase will be donated to House of Puddles (www.houseofpuddles.org), a sanctuary for senior basset hounds in Frederick, Maryland. And, after you buy thebook, if you’ll go onto the Amazon website and review it and mention BassetHoundTown in your review, the publisher will donate an extra 10%to HOP.Get a hot bod and help old hounds at the same time! A win/win for everyone!!

Available exclusively on Amazon.com for Kindle

or in trade paperback


Learn more
at www.firmlooseskin.com.

Why spend $100+ on a matronly bathing suit to suck it all in when you
(yes, you!) can be ready to hit the beach in a teeny bikini this
summer? For a limited time, the Kindle version’s only $3.99.

Firm Loose Skin was written by Melynda Majors, author, researcher,
Official House of Puddles cheerleader and long-time friend of

Photo credit Jeanne Wells © Jeanne Wells Photography www.jeannewells.com


Good Luck Melynda!

More updates by bikini season soon…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB and not about to get in a bikini!  hehehe

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