I was just wondering why my last tweet did not come up on the side bar thingy for current tweets?

October 19th, 2012 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Tweet Lovers.  I really enjoy the fact that my tweets come up on the right side bar of my blog.  I think it is fun and I really try to mix it up so I don’t put the same information up all over the place.

Unfortunately, my last tweet did not make the side bar?  Wonder whaz up with that?  I will wait to see if my next one comes up before I bother my website guy.

Anyway….Never to be left out……

Emma had an important tweet from the bridge…..

(Click on image to read)

Pink Emma

More making sure her messages come through later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB tweeting.

Wanna see my little birthday gift for the Mayor? YES!

October 18th, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and birthday gift lovers.  Of course I made sure I hunted down his favorite cookie.  THE FORTUNE COOKIE!


I could not find them in the store so I ordered them.  100 to be exact!  Did I mention himz likes fortune cookies?


Of course I was anxious to offer the Mayor his first fortune cookie yesterday….


His first fortune kinda touched my heart and was very, very fitting indeed.


My big, big boy is my inspiration and my joy…


May you enjoy many, many, many more fortunes in you life and grace us with the great fortune of your life.

More loving my birthday boy later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB making sure fortunes come true.

Howl to read cache

October 18th, 2012 - 5:05 pm KY Time



Another Birthday Post in Honor of your Mayor, Chaps Rudert!

October 17th, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and singing songs to the Mayor Lovers.

This morning we woke and checked our e-mail and look what was in our in box!  A video clip of Colby Chaps and Abby, his little sister singing happy birthday to our very own Mayor!

Please tell me you can see this because it will make you smile!


Later, after lunch, we took the Mayor up to the park for a birthday walk.


I thought I would meander with the Mayor and Grandma could power walk but turns out I could not even meander.  I had to sit out the walk and nurse my sickness.  I am so sick of being sick.  Especially on Chaps birthday.


Chaps had a blast and that is what matters.

We also saw a Dogue du Bordeaux walk by.  He was about the size of Romeo.


It was like watching a lion walk by.

The Mayor did not move a muscle.

Then we loaded up for french fries….

More loving our day later…Cat, Chaps and Emma the lioness ATB

Well, here is his official 12 year old birthday picture!

October 17th, 2012 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and birthday boy lovers….

Here is Chaps official 12 year old birthday picture.  There were so many good ones but this one spoke to Grandma and I.


It is absolutely stunningly beautiful in bassethoundtown today and we are going to take the Mayor up to the park.  I think the vitamin D will do us all some good.

I hope to do a few more blogs today to celebrate our boy….he is such a joy!

More loving an elder Mayor later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB eating birthday cake!

If you recall…

October 16th, 2012 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and if you recall lovers.  Remember Grandma and I took Chaps birthday pictures for his 12th year celebration?  Well, I had promised to show some of them prior to his actual birthday which is tomorrow. My horrible cold/flu kept me away from my precious blogging about our precious Mayor for a few days.

Here we have a real contender for the official shot but it did not make the final cut.  (Can you believe it?)

I call it, Little Mr. Perfects.  When I picked out that pumpkin I immediately named him, Little Mr. Perfect so it was only fitting to take of picture of the 2 Mr. Perfects!


And then we have this one.


The Mayor did such a good job and I love having these memories of birthdays.

Interestingly, Grandma and I settled on the same official birthday shot which I will release tomorrow for your viewing pleasure.

More loving Little Mr. Perfects later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB being her own perfect self.

P.S. I still feel awful.

Hi! Howl are you today?

October 15th, 2012 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and basset hound lovers…I thought I would give you a very brief update on our Mayor!  I had to get him to the vet over the weekend for his second to last shot in that series that I was telling you all about.  I was and still am not feeling good.

Howl ever…I don’t like to go to the vet without doing something fun for our Mayor so we went to the park for a very brief sniff. He seems to be doing really good in the hip area and moving very nicely!


Then we picked up some chicken noodle soup and went home.

If you are a person who gets a flu shot – please do not hesitate.  I got slammed before I got mine and it is not pretty.

Stay well my friends and residents, stay well….

More loving flu shots later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB eating chicken noodle soup!

Mini leaf viewing trip cut short…

October 11th, 2012 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and mini leaf viewing trip lovers…What was supposed to be a 3 night trip mapped out in a triangle through central KY turned into an overnight.

We are all fine.

The reason to cut it short was 50/50.  My cold increasingly was getting worse and Chaps had an all night panic attack in the hotel room.

Neither one of us slept a wink.  Chaps was acting like there was a thunderstorm and I was coughing my head off.  I don’t think the 2 are related because I doing the same thing the day before and today.  But, maybe it was more scary at night.

I know I scared the neighbors at dawn with my coughing.


Anyway, it was a real fiasco.

I am going to do a very detailed blog about our overnight because it ranks as one of the most dog friendly places we have found to spend the night…Thank Dawg I got Grandma her own room.  Some birthday trip huh?


More about Carter Caves Kentucky State Park later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB and sleeping through it all

Come on…look where our Nashy Poo wound up!

October 8th, 2012 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Nash the blind basset hound lover.  Remember the blog I did trying to see if we could help find Mr. Nash a forever home?  Well….himz landed one!


This is Nash with his new Mommy and Daddy, Stacey and Mike.  Looks like Nash is now a Minnesota Twins fan!

Initially, Stacey and Mike were turned down because they did not have a fenced in yard.  They said, “no problem” and fenced it in the next day!  WOW!  Just WOW!  For the love of a hound.  I can tell them for a fact that Mr. Nash will change their lives forever.  I am so excited for all of them.

Karin Smith and many others worked very hard to find just the right spot for our boy.  Karin bought himz a going home toy!


I sure hope we get plenty of updates in the future.

Nash you hit the jackpot!  I always said you looked like Emma’s twin and now you are a twin!  Love you….

More about Nash later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB and loving Minnesota!

Alexandria Community Park, Kentucky – A Secret Treasure and a Hound Walkers Dream!

October 6th, 2012 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Secret Treasure Lovers…

Today we all set off on a mission to replace a beloved loved little Japanese Maple tree.  It was Chloe’s favorite tree and we lost it over the summer for reasons unknown.

We called around and found the perfect little tree.  It was out at a small country nursery.  50% off none the less!


The Mayor approved!


It was an absolutely perfect day and we ventured on to get lost on the back roads.  We had no idea where we were going but I saw a small sign that said,


You would not have believed this park.  Just stunning.

That walking path, goes on for about a mile right around the fishing lake.  Just Beautiful…


There was even a bench for the perfect photo op!


It was just amazing to run across this secret treasure.  The Mayor was acting like a young pup and never stopped once.  He pulled us the entire way.  It was such a joy!


The trees are turning and the Mayor is loving this weather.

I will post a picture of Chloe’s new Japanese Maple tree soon.

Gawd she loved that tree.  She would tickle her back under it for hours.  I have a branch of it placed over her urn in my office.

chloé sitting pretty

More loving secret treasures later….Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB with our Chloe…

PS – here is Emma exploring Chloe’s tree a few years ago….



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