The weather report is cautiously optimistic!

March 18th, 2013 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and weather report lovers…I have been wondering about our Mayor and howl she will reacts to storms.  Early this morning we had a minimal storm roll through and my heart started racing.  I tried to calm down because I did not want Daisy Lynn to feel my negative energy.  Not only did she not feel it but she slept through the 3 or 4 rumbles.  It was time to get up.

Daisy Lynn was just her sweet self!

It was very dark and raining very hard.


I calmed down and just did my normal thing.  I gathered up her toys so I would not trip over them.

She took these 2 out of the toy box.


I am cautiously optimistic.  This would mean that for the first time in 20 years I would not have a storm phobic hound.

“Mamma, don’t worry, I will protect you!”


More loving optimism later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) where there are no frightened hounds…

Just by luck, I picked great heros to worship…

March 17th, 2013 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow basset hound and luck lovers…

I heard this quote in the past from Charles Kuralt and it certainly applies to all of the basset hounds of our Irish town.

“Just by luck, I picked great heroes to worship.”


I have had and know many heros all with long ears and sweet souls.

May all of your days be lucky….


And full of four leaf and short legged clover hounds…

More loving heros later….Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) laying in fields of four leaf clovers…

Have you ever seen white eyelashes on a basset hound? WOW!

March 14th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and white eyelashes lovers.  The second I removed Daisy Lynn from her shipping crate at the cargo terminal at Delta I notice she had white eyelashes on her white side.  WOW!  I thought they were so pretty.  I had to share!

I captured this picture as Grandma and I were trying to measure the Mayor’s ear length while still a puppy.

So pretty and unusual. I love her little white eyelashes.

photo 3

So, our attempt at measuring the ear is still in process.  We just cannot get her to lay still while I get the regulation measurement required to be placed in the bassethoundtown sub-blog.

(Official Archive for Basset Hound Ear Length)


The preliminary measurement logs in at about 9” but we still have to get it accurate via a picture.  The Mayor has to be accurate!

It was a fun photo shoot!

More loving white eyelashes and ear measurements later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) saying that white eyelashes are pretty rare…

Kerry (OneMom) says goodbye to Nell her Sussex Spaniel and bassethoundtown resident:(

March 13th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Resident Lovers.  Kerry, aka OneMom, lost her beloved Nell today.  Nell went over the bridge and Chaps was waiting for her.  He makes sure all of the residents are greeted and shown over to rainbow section of bassethoundtown which is located by a billowing infinity of marshmallow clouds, brilliant green soft grass and a never ending blue sky full of love.


Nell leaves behind her very special family and her bonded partner, Sophie the basset hound…


Here is Kerry’s blog posting…

Goodbye Nell-Dog 9/19/99 – 3/13/13

More loving that Nell introduced Kerry and I years ago…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) showing their new friend around…

PS – Special note to Hannah from The Bridge Mayor Chaps

“Nell will be well taken care of darling, don’t you worry”….


Today our Mayor Daisy is 8 months old! Howl time flies…

March 12th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and 8 months lovers…Yes, it is the 12th of March and our newly appointed Mayor is growing up.  Grandma and I planned a photo shoot today for her.  This has never, in the history of bassethoundtown photo shoots, ever happened.  We got our shot on the first try.


It was so perfectly artistic that we just kissed our fingers and said, “Bella”!

More 8 months of love later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) providing the sunlight…

A picture heavy post of Mayor Daisy Lynn’s first walk to the park!

March 10th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and documenting Mayor Daisy Lynn.  I kind of feel like this blog has turned into a baby book! Well, maybe it is!  A baby Mayor has so many firsts and today was her first walk to the park.  We were all so excited!

Let’s get moving on this beautiful 65 degree windy day.

First we look to the left….


And then to the right!


No walk to the park would be complete without a stop at the favorite telephone pole.


Daisy Lynn did pretty good on the leash.


Let me say, we all got a lot of exercise!


Then we ran into Judy and Rick – residents of basset hound town – Mom and Dad to Bumper and Abby!


Then we got not only one, but two money shots!  Actually, we got about twenty but these were the best!


Can you even believe howl cute she is?  I know, I know…all Moms think their hound is the cutest!  hehehe


Time to go home now little pooped pup…Yes, Mama is right behind you…


One last burst of energy.  Look, both back paws are in mid air!


Did I say, pooped pup?


So many more adventures are in store…

More baby book entries later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) knowing that the favorite telephone pole holds all the memories…

Springing forward with dreams of long walks and many adventures!

March 9th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Springing Forward Lovers….

Today was had a little touch of Spring, the sun was shining and the mid fifties were within reach.  We had a big day planned!  The morning was chilly so I decided to see if a sweater I have in the boutique would fit our Baby Mayor…


Right off the bat it seemed a bit small and Daisy Lynn was not a happy springing forward camper.


The sweater was really binding around her rump roast.


It was like a sausage casing…


It does have a very cute neck line…Let me show you…


OK, the sweater goes back to the boutique.  Good thing I did not take the tag off.  I bought it years ago for the one hounds bassethoundtown rescued but it did not fit that hound either.

So, we took off to Petsmart to meet and greet the masses.

There were 3 rescues presenting homeless hopefuls!  The Cincinnati area has really great all breed rescues.  I felt very proud…That is until Daisy Lynn got schooled by a grumpy greyhound….

See her tail between her legs?  That guy in the green shirt said, “She doesn’t like energetic, in your face dogs”!

Poor Daisy Lynn….They all turned their backs on her…


Not to worry, Daisy Lynn…

The poor greyhound was just worried.  Hope she finds a home soon so she can be the light of life like little Daisy Lynn.

Then you are not going to believe this…There were 2 basset hound puppies in another adoption area!

I really felt a connection with the little boy in the front.  He looked like the late Mayor.  I have never seen a puppy look like an old man.  It was somewhat amazing.

They call him Butch Cassidy…


Of course the other little guy was darling as well.  Butch just kind of got to me.

Poor Daisy Lynn had so much fun that we stayed too long to stop by the park.  She was exhausted.


Tomorrow is another Spring Day!

More Springing Forward Later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) waiting for Daisy Lynn’s first walk in the park!


Darling and Delicious Colby Chaps wants to know….

March 8th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and weekend lovers…

Colby Chaps wants to know….

What are you doing this weekend?


Oh, that big boy beautiful face…

I will start…Maybe I should continue trying to train Daisy Lynn to stay off the furniture..


All of the residents know she has so many beds.  I am trying to keep her off the furniture because I worry about her long back.


More dealing with the pupatude of Daisy Lynn later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) heheheing

Sitting up by the Lily Books;)

March 7th, 2013 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Sitter Upper Lovers…Well, I think it is cute but not very safe for our long backed hounds.  OMDog!  Daisy Lynn is especially long.  I have to get her measurements before the weekend is over.

Anyway, she loves to sit up like this.


It is just the cutest thing.  I know she does it to get my attention because I go crazy for her when she looks at me like that.  Just darling….

Do any of you remember there used to be (I think it is still out there somewhere) a sitter uppers club.  I might even have it on my blog roll.  I need to go look for that.

I am not going to let Daisy Lynn do this on her own but from time to time I will help her.  I used to do it with Chaps all the time.  Now that was a sight to behold and is burned in my brain.

More loving those darling little looks later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) sitting up for Grandpa


Just so sweet and innocent – yeah, right!

March 6th, 2013 - 12:12 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and sweet and innocent lovers….

I took this picture before I went back to my office.  I was leaving Daisy Lynn alone in other areas of the house to build up some trust!  She has been doing so good!


Moments later I heard odd clicking (which turned out to be nails on wood) sounds…

Daisy Lynn had jumped on a dining room chair and was standing in the middle of the table.

My heart was in my mouth.  I was so scared she would jump.

I caught her mid air.

The table is now off limits with boundaries in place.

More trusting later, much later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) rolling their eyes…

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