Selecting a life long gully is a very big deal in bassethoundtown:)
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and picking a gully lovers…Just to refresh the residents regarding the word gully, it means security blanket. It is an old family word back from when I was a baby…just like the young pup Daisy Lynn Rudert.
It took awhile to see if Daisy Lynn was going to cotton up to a gully. All of my hounds had their own life long gully. That is expect for Chaps Wayne. Our late Mayor made me as his gully.
I adore, cherish and treasure all the old gullies. I never pass them on to another hound, I use them myself.
Grandma picked out Daisy Lynn’s life long gully…
It’s a bassethoundtown cuddle blanket…
Chaps may not have had a physical gully but he is providing one for his Mayor in training!
So, I guess it seems fitting…on National Dog Day, Daisy Lynn gets her life long gully!
Fitting, yes, very fitting indeed.
More loving very big deals later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB laying on and under rainbow gullies)
How sweet! I made Ollie one when I got him & he sleeps with it too. He really has a couple of them.
Slinky doesn’t have a gully, but she loves to cuddle up to warm towels just out of the dryer. When I am folding them.
My nieces had security blankets, and my one niece, Laura, loved the ribbon trim on the blanket-she called it the skin, and referred to her blanket as a skin blanket. That made me sick!
Yesterday was national dog day? We missed it! We don’t have gully’s but we have sheets that we make our nests with. Love, love, love Daisy Lynn’s gully! I’m sure it’ll get a lot of use this winter.
We have fleece doggie blankets that go in our beds. We have several to be sure we are covered in the cold weather.