Friday YouTube Find of the Day!!!

September 20th, 2013 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Beach o’Bassets Lovers…I was thinking the other day that I have not been on YouTube that much.  I really cannot figure out why.  I guess anymore you have to wade through all of the advertisements of losers selling puppies and the endless commercials.  Oh howl times have changed.

It certainly was worth it to bring you this Friday Find from Australia where the hounds run free and the popsicles are a plenty!

With the end of our summer right around the corner and our days of beach vacations soon a memory let’s enjoy Moose, Twiggy & George!

More loving the endless days of summer later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma reporting rainbow waves for the weekend)


  1. September 20th, 2013 | 9:40 am

    I just saw on youtube that about 16K people have seen this video. I guess everyone is still wading around on YouTube. I really want to buy a video camera and do more tubes of Daisy Lynn. I had a blast doing them of Chaps and Emma. I thought the IPhone would allow me to video but the time limit is just too restrictive. Gotta love a good Tube!

  2. Cindy, Jethro, Oz and Harriet
    September 20th, 2013 | 12:57 pm

    What a cool video! I cracked up when they dug up that crab. Boy did that watermelon look scrumptious! What lucky dogs.

    I wish our beaches down here were that clear and pretty. We get the mississippi backwash in my area of the gulf of mexico and it’s always murky and dirty.

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