Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Part two of our Bluegrass Driving Tour Lovers…I said that I was going to post more about the actual driving tour information in this post but I am going to do a separate post with all of that information.
I had researched this driving tour last year but it just did not work out. It does take a fair amount of strategy to figure out the best route but I must say all the planning paid off.
This is a note to all who want to take the driving tour. Keeneland Race Track is open the entire month of October. Howl ever…they do not run on Mondays and Tuesdays. This is why I planned our trip on these days. We basically had Keeneland to ourselves and we could explore to our hearts content. This is a beautiful track and really very stunning.

We left Frankfort, KY very early so we could travel to the Keeneland Track Kitchen, about 30 minutes away.
Folks, this place is a little known treasure. 5 dollars for a down home KY breakfast.

This is where the jockeys, trainers and owners of the fast paced fillies eat. It is hard to find but just look for the big black water tower. Also I found an address but I don’t know if it would show up on GPS. 4345 Track Kitchen Dr., Lexington KY.

Plus, it meets our dog friendly dining requirements. If you look right above my head you can see the basset hauling vehicle with the young Mayor inside taking her morning nap.
After a huge breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits with gravy, grits, apples and hot coffee, we took our own walking/waddling tour. I am looking at the map for the walkers.
Dogs are allowed everywhere. Since it was an off day for racing the folks were all so laid back with lingering warm greetings. We heard more than once, “beautiful hound”!

We could have stayed all day but the changing leaves wait for no hound!

We left out of back gate lane and made a right on a country road that 2 cars cannot pass without slowing down and moving over.
See the fences on this back road picture? All of the fences on the right are white and on the left black. This was not explained and I could not find the answer why.

Then around the corner an estate that some say inspired the look of Tara in Gone With the Wind.

One more of the spectacular Winchester Farm.

There are 42 points of interest on the Bluegrass Driving Tour and if you drive non stop to all of them it takes about 3 hours. Of course, in bassethoundtown we do nothing non stop! LOL!
Part Three – Daisy Lynn makes lots and lots of friends….

More working on Part Three later…Love Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB loving Draft Horses;)