YouTube find of the day!

November 19th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Big Daddy Lovers…Wow, I have not been on YouTube for such a long time.  I miss making videos.

This one is very cute.

More loving that big guy later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB watching rainbow tubes)

Smile! It’s Monday;)

November 18th, 2013 - 2:02 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Smiling Lovers!  My good friend Denise sent me some pictures her sweet husband Steve took at the recent bassethoundtown walk!


Smile, smile, smile!  This is from left to right.  Daisy Lynn, me, Cookie, Denise and Tater Tot!

Denise is my friend that turned me on to Dr. Leick, our holistic vet.


We had so much fun at the walk!  Cookie and Tater Tot were a huge highlight!


I have lots and lots more pictures to share.  Steve the husband took so many good shots…

Here is darling Meredith, the daughter walking Tater the Tot!


This is not the end of the pictures!

Right Nosey?


More great pictures to come!  Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB loving Dr. Leick and thanking Denise forever)

Looking through old photographs and found these!

November 16th, 2013 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and old photograph lovers…last night was current and tonight is the past.  I am thinking these pictures were taken of Lily and Grandma back in 1998ish.


My darling Lily.  With darling Grandma.  So very pretty…

She was such a great girl…The Grand Dam of bassethoundtown!


These are photographs that I took a picture of from my Iphone so they are not that great but sweet enough to share…


More finding old photographs later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB loving that back porch)

Share time! Daisy Lynn has a twin sister! Hope she loves her life as much as Daisy Lynn!

November 15th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and twin sister lovers…I cannot believe that it has taken me this long to share these pictures.

I guess I was hoping that I would learn more about the twin but I have not.  All I know is that Daisy Lynn’s breeder sold her sister to another family.  I tried to keep in contact but so far, not much about her.  I know she is called Carley.  That is her on the right side of the picture with Daisy Lynn.


The breeder took these pictures because she liked that the pups seemed like mirror images of each other.


Just darling…My Daisy Lynn as a baby with her twin.  I am so happy to have these pictures.


It’s all the luck of the draw.  I sure hope that Carley is as fortunate as Daisy Lynn with her family.


Hopefully, more share time later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB keeping an eye on herz)


Not a care in the world…

November 13th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and not a care in the world lovers…Well, Daisy Lynn Rudert is certainly one of those.  She lives each second like it is the best second in the world.

Take for instance…Mommy cleaning the dog door.  I was dreading it, but Daisy Lynn makes a game of it!


Back and forth, back and forth!  I not only cleaned the door but her as well.  I tried to make it quick because it sure was cold outside.

I tried to dry her off but again, not a care in the world.  Even the fact she is not allowed on the arm of the couch!  Look at that look in her eye!

Not a care in the world for a pup that turned 14 months yesterday!


After I persuaded her to get off the arm she was running and jumping with all four paws off the ground and kicking up her back legs like a donkey.  It was the cutest thing.

I think she finally wore herself out.



Or is that a sly smile I see?  Wonder what she has on her mind?

More loving not a care in the world later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB rushing through rainbow dog doors.)

Lily Tingle – a hound with a heart, inside and out!

November 11th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and hounds with a heart lovers…Lily’s Mommy is named Monnie and we have been friends and fellow residents for years.  Monnie and Lily drove from Louisville to the bassethoundtown walking club event last month and I finally got to meet Lily in person!

Look!  She has an almost perfect heart on her side!


Today Monnie and I almost had a homeless boy basset hound to tend to.  Poor thing found himself in need after his Daddy was sent to a nursing home.  Monnie called me and bassethoundtown was willing to take him in ASAP.  Monnie dashed over to get pictures and to make sure that the extended stay kennel who had him knew bassethoundtown was responsible for all of his expenses.

All’s well that ends well, it seems someone in the family’s circle is taking him.

Monnie said he was a good looking boy.

This is one of the many benefits of having a close knit town.

Here are Lily, Daisy Lynn, Nosey and I at the last walk.

Four girls just gabbing about girl things!


More leaving no hound behind later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB with rainbow hearts of gold.)


Mama please turn up the heat!

November 9th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and hounds needing heat lovers…This morning when we got up it was darn cold!  Daisy Lynn was in and out very quickly.

While I was making her breakfast she was laying by the heating vent.


Too cold to eat???

Oh boy…we have Dec, Jan, Feb, and most of March still to come!

I see an increase in my heating bills!

More looking into indoor sweaters later…Cat, chilly Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB under rainbow gullies)

Do the residents remember Wolfgang?

November 8th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Wolfgang Lovers.  Do you guys remember awhile back when I posted about a puppy that was available through an all breed rescue I work with?  Wolfgang?

The darling boy that was posted as a Dalmatian/Basset mix.  Well, his new Mommy was googling around to see if she could find out about his litter mates and wound up in bassethoundtown.  Her name is Stefanie, Mommy to Wolfgang!

She sent me some pictures of her boy!


Smile, smile, smile is what I did when I received her e-mail and her pictures!

This is Wolfgang meeting his sister Sue!  Love at first sight!

sue and wolfgang

Look at these long legs!  LOL – they did not get the basset gene…


A face everyone could love!

Wolfgang 4

Thank you sending these pictures Stefanie!

This is how he sleeps on me on the couch lol

Wolfgang landed in the lap of love.  This is howl he sleeps!

Thank you so much Stefanie for sharing.  Welcome to bassethoundtown!

More loving the homeless finding a loving home later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB thinking Wolfgang may have some Dane in himz???)


Grandma and I gave Daisy Lynn an B+ today for her first school visit!

November 7th, 2013 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and report card lovers…Yes, Daisy Lynn received a B+ today for her participation in our invitation to read the Lily Book and give a dog safety lesson.

We always start off these visits with explaining what a basset hound is all about.  The kids were really, really interested because I told them she could probably smell a Dorito in the lunch room;)


Then I ask the kids who has a dog. This is when I do my dog safety lesson and take a few questions.  The first question, which I thought was brilliant was, “Does she  howl?”


I read the Lily Book and the kids always seem to love it.  I donate a copy to the class room and the school Library.

After I read we practice what I have taught about dog safety.  Each child gets to come up and pet Daisy Lynn.

This little boy was somewhat shy, asking if Daisy Lynn was going to bite him.  Look at our faces.  I told him what a good question that was and it was good to be very, very careful with all dogs but Daisy Lynn was not going to bite him.


This little girl had on the cutest bell bottoms and adored Daisy Lynn.  I learned that she had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch!


Upon writing this blog and careful consideration I think I will change her grade to an A-.  Yep,  A-!

More trying to get more bookings later….Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB listening to Lily woof the Lily book to the bassethoundtown rainbow residents)

Tuesday’s Gone with the Wind – Lynyrd Skynyrd

November 7th, 2013 - 1:01 am KY Time

OMDog – is all I can say…

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