Cookies and Cash what a yummy combination, especially for the House of Puddles!!

August 20th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Cookies and Cash Lovers!  Today was a big day in bassethoundtown! Two of our very own residents, Marsie Hall Newbold (of Marsie’s Menagerie)  and Nosey had a big surprise for the residents!

So the Mayor Daisy Lynn and I got all dolled up and headed out to meet Marsie and Nosey…


I must show a close up of our outfits!

Look at the scarf that Grandma gave Daisy Lynn!  It is covered in daisies!  Just darling!


We arrived at a small cafe in Cincinnati called Lookout Joe. 

And lookout we did!


They sell Marsie’s dog cookies for charity.

It’s a check that manager Olivia is holding made out to bassethoundtown!

Marsie donated the sales of her dog cookies to bassethoundtown!


It’s a whopping $390.00 dollars!  That’s a lot of cookies being loved by a lot of dogs!

Mayor Daisy Lynn Rudert has made her very first executive decision for our town and she has decided to turn the entire check amount over to HOUSE OF PUDDLES!

The executive counsel is in full agreement!


I would say the Mayor Daisy Lynn is lucky to have her very first major decision be such a yummy one!


More loving Cookies, Cash and HoPpers later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB eating rainbow cookies and hanging out in the HOP cafe)



Real time in bassethoundtown…

August 18th, 2013 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and real time lovers…


I just had to share.

Here is my Bette Davis movie marathon companion.

She has Bette Davis shut eyes!!!

More loving watching old movies with a snoring best friend later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB hoping “What ever happened to Baby Jane” is not one of the movies!)

Daisy Lynn Rudert went totally berserk today during her 2nd bath.

August 17th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and bath time lovers…today we were not one of those.  OMDog!!!

Our very own Daisy Lynn went totally berserk during her bath today.

We took her to a “do it yourself” place in Ft. Thomas, our home town.



There were a few things I did not like either.  The water did not have a low level and was so loud.

I could tell it scared her.  I want bath time to be calm so I don’t think this is the place for us.

It’s all a journey…

Next bath house!

More loving a sweet smelling hound later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB bathing in rainbow bubbles)

Daisy Lynn Rudert hits a basset hound milestone today!

August 16th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and milestone  lovers…

Today Mayor Daisy Lynn Rudert hit a big milestone in the world of being a basset hound!!!



She just went down and would not move.

Mamma was so proud!

More milestones later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB doing flat basset on rainbow clouds!)

Welcome to the weekend dear residents!

August 16th, 2013 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and weekend lovers.  What’s going on in your neck of the woods?  It is almost fall like in bassethoundtown so we will take advantage of this beautiful weather and get our short legs moving!!!

I thought I would share a blast from the photo file past.  Me, Emma and Chaps taken back in 2004ish.


Daisy Lynn is the 5th hound to hang out on the back porch with me over the years.

Oh the hounds this town has seen….

More loving hounds later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB hanging on the rainbow porch)

PS – Have a great weekend residents…

Attention Kroger Shoppers!

August 13th, 2013 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Kroger Shopper Lovers…In bassethoundtown we have one of those super duper market place Krogers.

So, Grandma and I were rolling through the place and what catches my eye?



I had to pass on this 25.00 masterpiece, hehehe

It would look really cool if you have a bar or a bar area in home.


Is it a beer or what the heck is it?  I googled it and came up with nothing.  I know that there is a pub in England called The Basset Hound. 

Maybe it is from there???

More Cheerio Mate and and loving basset art later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB hanging around the rainbow pub.)



I cannot tell you howl many times I have thought about this basset…

August 12th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wondering about this little girl hound lovers…It was back in March, 2013 when I first read the story about a man and his basset hound that went missing in Mexico.  Of course I did not have good feelings about them since they were last seen in the drug infested border town of Nuevo Laredo.

Nuevo Laredo used to be a darling and sweet Mexican town that welcomed tourists.  Grandma, Grandpa and I were amongst them.  We adored vacationing and shopping in Nuevo Laredo.  It was so much fun and the people were beyond special and sweet.  It was like an enchanted village back in January of 1988.

Oh howl the worm in the bottom of a tequila bottle turns.

My Dad thought this would be a good picture.  I had on his sweater and the blankets were so warm.  I bought about 10 of them.  I never gave him his sweater back!

Cat NuevoLaredo

So, fast forward to the lost basset.  Her name is Maya and she was found wandering in a rural area about 30 minutes outside of Nuevo Laredo.


“The family and friends of a Laval, Que., man who is missing in Mexico have new hope after his dog, Maya, was found alive.

Marc Ménard was last heard from on March 14, when he emailed his family and friends to say he was in the border town of Nuevo Laredo and on his way back to Canada.

Ménard, 44, was wrapping up a three-month road trip in Mexico with his basset hound.

No one has heard from him since.

Nuevo Laredo is notorious for its drug-cartel-related crime. It’s also home to Los Zetas, a powerful criminal syndicate said to be involved in, among other things, drug trafficking and kidnappings.

Ménard’s family believes he was kidnapped. Frustrated by the lack of help from authorities, they have been investigating the case on their own, through Facebook and contacts in Mexico.


The strange tale of Maya’s return begins when police found a basset hound wandering in a rural area about 30 minutes outside Nuevo Laredo.”

“It’s not a dog that any person has here in Nuevo Laredo. Only the rich have those types of dogs,” says Gina Ferrara de Leon, head of the local animal shelter where Maya was dropped off.

“Right away, she caught their eye.”

“An employee at the shelter happened to be looking on Facebook, and spotted the dog’s photograph on a page about Ménard.

That’s when Ménard’s family received the good news and began a four-month campaign to get Maya back.

“Maya, she’s an angel. We’re so happy to have her back,” said Marc Morneau, a friend of Ménard’s.

It took months of back-and-forth with the police department and officials on the ground, but Morneau said the dog’s return has brought them fresh hope.

He drove for 80 hours with two others to retrieve Maya from Mexico.”

‘Maya is a part of Marc’


Marie-Josée Tessier, who has known Ménard for 14 years, said she is certain he is still alive.

“We have faith, hope, that Marc’s gonna come back.”

Tessier said they believe Menard was kidnapped by two men, and that one of them is currently in custody on another charge.

They’re trying to find a lawyer in Mexico to help them arrange a meeting with that man.

Tessier said if Maya survived whatever happened in Mexico, Menard might have survived as well.

“For us, it was very important to bring back Maya here. Maya is a part of Marc.” –

end of article

More wishing the best for Marc and the town of Nuevo Laredo.  Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB wrapping the family in rainbow blankets)

PS – That Maya is one tough broad.




What were you doing 2 years ago tonight?

August 11th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound 2 years ago tonight lovers…I thought it would be fun to look back in bassethoundtown history and see what was going on.


Well…what was going on was a lot of love!  What a joyous sight to see…

More loving a look back later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB letting me know they are in the exact same spot now…in spirit)

SHOP LOCAL…bassethoundtown boutique!

August 10th, 2013 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Shop Local Lovers!  As most of the residents know I have recently been adding new items to the bassethoundtown boutique.  It has been such fun posting the items and coming up with new ideas to market them.


Today, I found an item that I have had in my inventory for about 6 years.

I also have a model willing to showcase it!


I call it:  Wish Upon A Star Grey Hoodie! 

More loving shopping locally later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB shopping in local rainbow stores)

PS – I am adding a picture here so I can format into my new bargain basement boutique area.  So funny…

BHTBB copy


Chaps Wayne Rudert had a second favorite toy!

August 8th, 2013 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and second favorite toy lovers…Our late Mayor did not go after toys the way our current Mayor does.  Daisy Lynn has been the only basset I have Mothered that adores toys.  Toys, toys, toys.  She has never paid attention to this one.

I found her napping just like this today.


Ahhhhh….I had to smile.  This was Chaps second favorite toy.


I let Daisy Lynn have it but Chaps favorite toy is laying over his ashes.

It was fun to see Daisy Lynn cuddling ole second favorite.

More loving coming in second later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB loving that Mommy captures the moments)

PS – I miss them beyond belief….



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