The Sliding Glass Door and I Get a Massive Workout!

August 7th, 2013 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Workout Lovers…Daisy Lynn has discovered that when she rings the bell on the sliding glass door I get up and open it.  She has sure trained me well!  Both the sliding glass door and myself get a nice workout.


Even the puppy got tired after about 50 times in and out of the door.

But then it got dark and 50 more times in and out the sliding glass door.

I wish I could video tape her chasing lightening bugs but it is just too dark.  It is beyond cute and adorable!

More massive work outs later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB chasing rainbow lightening bugs – I bet is it beautiful – and no sliding glass doors;)



Blast from the bassethoundtown past – such fond memories!

August 6th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and blast from the past lovers…

I have been going through some of my old pictures so I can put them in my picture file and share with the residents.

This is Lily and Chloe way back in 1995.


I remember the exact moment I snapped the picture.  I thought the light was perfect, just like my girls.

Oh howl I adored my girls…

More loving blasts from the bassethoundtown past later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma at the bridge bathed in rainbow light with the girls)

Our own personal stair master in the park!

August 4th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and stair master lovers…Daisy Lynn and I wanted to share our own personal park stair master.  We try to go everyday.  We have the best intentions!

A puppy needs to exercise not to mention her Mom!

First we walk down in the grass…


And then we rest and walk up.  Daisy Lynn could run but she is tugging her Mom.


We both feel like this when we get home…


She recuperates a lot  faster than me;)

More hitting the natural stair master tomorrow…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB pushing Mommy up the hill)


The basset hound freckle fairies got mad at me today!

August 3rd, 2013 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Freckle Fairy Lovers…Today I think they were very mad at me for trying to rub out their handy work!

Daisy Lynn and I got home from a walk and I was washing her face.  I noticed what I thought was a really dirty spot!


I kept lightly rubbing and rubbing because she has her nose in the dirt so much.

Turns out it is a new freckle!

Plus more new ones on her paw pads!


And there is no way I can keep up with the new ones on the patty area!


More never trying to rub out the freckle fairies work again…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB sending the fairies from the bridge)


Daisy Lynn Rudert visits a landmark in bassethoundtown!!!

August 2nd, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Landmark Lovers…The start of August has been a real dog walkers dream weather wise.  This morning it was 61 degrees when Daisy Lynn and I pushed off for a walk.

I decided to show her the iconic bench that I purchased in honor of Chloe and Lily in the name of  The Rudert Family way back in 2007.


It is a stunning bench in a wonderful place to sit and watch the world go by.


Oh howl the time passes.

This bench means so much to me.  It was wonderful to take a long walk up to it’s location right outside of my old high school.


Daisy Lynn will spend many restful moments here with Grandma and I.

More loving landmarks later….Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB with Chloe, Lily and Natalie napping on rainbow benches….)

PS – we met a white standard poodle named Daisy today!

We took Daisy Lynn to the new Petsmart that opened by bassethoundtown!

August 1st, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new Petsmart lovers…We were very excited in bassethoundtown to learn that a brand new Petsmart was opening about 2 minutes from home.  So, we decided to take the honorable Mayor down there today to take a sniff around.

She had a great time and smelled and smelled until she wore herself out.


One of the workers came up to us and said that she had never seen a basset hound that was Daisy Lynn’s coloring.  I had to laugh.  Look at the pictures we were standing under!

More loving smelling around later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB laughing at the training center;)  Who trains who?

Napping is an art form for Daisy Lynn Rudert;)

July 30th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and art form lovers…

As we all know bassets take napping to a level that other dogs only dream of.

Here we have our young Gerber Queen after a wonderful fun day with Grandma.


I was out all day and I come home to this!  A worn out puppy hound…

Life is good playing with Grandma…

More letting sleeping hounds lie later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB in the rainbow napping lounge)

Daisy Lynn visits the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, Kentucky

July 28th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption Lovers…

Daisy Lynn, Grandma and I decided to venture over to the Cathedral to see if they had a garden we could meander through.

The garden area is in the back of the Basilica.  It is very quaint (not like the Cathedral!;)

Look howl blue the sky is in the windows.  The clouds were so puffy.

This view really gave the stain glass a run for its money!


The area is a quiet sanctuary and we had the whole thing to ourselves.  There are plenty of benches to sit and stink awhile;)

This is Grandma and Daisy Lynn in the shadows.  There is a shady path that winds around the towering gargoyled topped church.  There are 26 gargoyles so if you visit the garden area, bring your binoculars.  Very cool.


This is around the next corner.  Those are 2 huge magnolia trees.  I bet a few weeks ago they were stunning.


This is a picture from the website.  I did not get a picture from the front.


Then it was time to go home to our own quiet sanctuary….


So peaceful….


Nite, nite residents….


More loving spending time visiting places that are hound friendly later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB floating on those clouds that were in the windows)


You can’t trust a puppy out of your sight!

July 27th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and not letting puppies out of your sight lovers…Just when you let your guard down and think that a young Mayor can be trusted…


Grandma’s straw hat bites the dust.  It’s not just any hat, it’s one of those travel hats that you can roll up and it looks just as great when you unroll it.

Until now…


I’m sorry Grandma…


But I still want to chew on it!


I think this straw hat has had it last travel days.

Next stop…trashville…

More keeping a puppy in our sights later…Love Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB thinking she looks like Jed Clampet;)

Purple Cone Flowers from Evelyn Leavens to Daisy Lynn Rudert

July 26th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Purple Cone Flower Lovers…Today I was taking our new young Mayor on a spectacular summer morning walk.  Daisy Lynn stopped to smell around at a front yard garden that I love.

Ppurple Cone4

She usually pulls right past it and I get a fleeting glance at the ever changing beautiful flowers that bloom and glow.

Purple Cone2

So we rested and reflected.

Then it hit me.  I think my buddy Evelyn was one of the bumble bees buzzing the purple cone flowers.

Evelyn used to end some of her e-mails with,

“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.”

Purple Cone Flowers1

Evelyn Leaven – Purple Cone Flowers – 2001

Thanks to Inga Maria for sharing this photo with me back in 2006.

It was really appreciated today!

More loving purple cone flowers, bumble bees, and moments later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB buzzing around the rainbow flowers)



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