Happy Father’s Day to all of the resident Dads!!!

June 16th, 2013 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Resident Dad Lovers…My Dad (aka Grandpaw) and I used to celebrate my birthday and Father’s day together and so these days will forever be linked in my mind.

I know I have blogged about this before, and I normally put this image up about a week before Father’s day so anyone who wants to use it can.  It is my Dad’s favorite card that I designed.


From left to right, Natalie, Emma, the famous Lily, your Mayor Chaps, Chloe, Colby Chaps, and Emma’s Grandma, Lollipops and Roses.

I see it all over the internet on Father’s Day.  It is nice to see everyone enjoying my Dad’s favorite card.

Speaking of favorites;)


More loving Dad’s later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (whom Grandpaw would have adored), (Chaps and Emma ATB showing off their paw paw)


A picture perfect birthday!!!

June 15th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Picture Perfect Birthday Lovers…

The new birthday tradition started today.  We arrived at Devou Park located in beautiful Covington, KY which is situated up on a big, breezy hill.


I was thrilled to see that our favorite table was open and waiting!  Grandma made tuna fish sandwiches that were so spicy and good!  She packed some extra baked potato chips (low salt) for Daisy Lynn…


We even had upside down fudge cake with a candle.

I love making wishes.  I make one every day but on my birthday I never fail to blow out a candle.


Since Daisy Lynn’s paw is still a bit tender we decided to just spend time in the grass and taking pictures…

Howl beautiful is the skyline from Northern KY!  We just love it…


Now my turn with the hound!


It was a perfect day.

My wish came true…

I felt Chaps and Emma with me…


Now you know why this is my favorite place and a my new birthday tradition!

More loving picture perfect days and days gone by later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB making Mommy’s wishes come true)

Happy Birthday to ME! Happy Birthday to ME! Happy Birthday Dear Me! Happy Birthday to ME;) hehehe

June 15th, 2013 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Birthday Lovers! Today is the day of my birth 56 years ago.  Wow!  I will have to ask Grandma today about that day.  (It never gets old) LOL!

I have decided to start a tradition.  It’s never to late to start traditions.  I want to have a picnic in one of my favorite, if not my favorite park today.

It is a spectacular day in bassethoundtown and the girls are stylin’!


You can’t see it but my pants have daisies on them!!!

And we are off!

More loving spectacular days later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB – picnicing on rainbows!)


Summer of new sewer lines…ughhhhhhhhh

June 12th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow basset hound and new sewer line lovers…I guess we are one of those because who does not need new sewer lines when they say you need them!  For some reason they started at bassethoundtown!

The baby Mayor is overseeing the project…


Are they doing it right Daisy Lynn?


Of course all of the men working are partial to Daisy Lynn…

Instead of calling it the Vernon Lane Project they are now calling it the Daisy Lynn project!


What man does not like a beautiful lady staring while they work?

More summer of new sewer lines later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma loving the fact that they are not here for this…Chaps would have hated it:(

Can all the town send some good surgery vibes to long time resident Bumper Alessandro?

June 11th, 2013 - 9:09 am KY Time





Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Bumper Alessandro Lovers…Right now our very own Bumper is undergoing surgery to remove a very large mass from this right shoulder.  It was so iffy if he should undergo surgery at his age of 11 years but the mass continued to enlarge and now it has become necessary.

Here is Bumper this past weekend after his bath.  His Mommy Judy wants him clean for his procedure.


Here is the last picture ever of the stupid mass.  Why our beloved hounds must suffer from these lumps and bumps I just cannot understand.


So let’s all gather round and send some very good vibes to our big boy.  Himz needs us now!


Judy with Bumper’s sister, Abby at the park!


More keeping every one updated on Bumper and his Mommy…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB hating masses and lumps later…)

What would summer be without our resident robin…Verna!

June 10th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Verna Lovers…OK, to be totally honest I have no idea if this is Verna or one of her many off spring.  I swear that it looks like her because I tried to find a way to distinguish her from the other robins.  Her eyes are rimmed in white and this one is rimmed in white as well.  I hope it is her but on the other hand I just don’t know howl Daisy Lynn is going to handle this.

Look at Daisy Lynn…is she a scent hound or a bird dog?


Daisy Lynn must have access to her back porch and yard!  Chaps and Emma never even really looked up at Verna but Daisy Lynn is an entirely different story.


She made her perfect nest in a few hours and picked the yellow pot as you can see.

Don’t I have enough to worry about?

More hoping the resident, residents get along later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB loving robin egg blue)

PS…Mortality rate is high in our familiar songbirds. For robins, it’s around 50% each year once young birds have fledged. If a robin survives to midwinter, it lives an average of 1.7 years after that. The oldest robins in your yard might be about six years old, although one banded bird lived almost 14 years. Robins don’t maintain their pair bonds over the winter, so they mate anew each spring. But if the same male and female return to the same territory, they are very likely to mate again.

A Sunday Summer Nite in Bassethoundtown:)

June 9th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Sunday Summer Nite Lovers…We sure hope all of the residents had a wonderful weekend.  Daisy Lynn was full of herself and try as I may it is hard to capture her by our flowers.  Rest assured that will happen!

But for now…

A puppy played hard today…


And will slumber just as hard tonight…


Have a wonderful and safe summer week!

Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB wanting to see those flower pictures soon!)

Daisy Lynn thinks I have eyes in the back of my head!

June 7th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and eyes in the back of our heads lovers!  Well, we all heard that growing up, that Mom has eyes in the back of her head.  Now I do!  I added cameras to my ADT system so I could keep eyes on Daisy Lynn at all times.  I had always wanted to do this with Chaps and Emma but it just was not easy to do until ADT added an option to their security system.

So, when I leave home, I set up one of my two indoor cameras on Daisy Lynn in her cage.  She has her AC on and light jazz playing softly…

I also have two outdoor cameras.

I took this one before I left to run errands to show the residents.


While I was out running errands I took this picture from the system APP on my Iphone…


She must have heard something out front so I looked on my outdoor front camera…(Daisy Lynn is normally sleeping when I check in).

We have massive work being done on our street but this was not happening when we left.


I decided to rush home to see if all was OK –

My basement was flooded with mud.  Ughhhhhhhhhh……….

The workers had no idea and they were very helpful.  I spent about 5 hours with some of them that helped me clean the basement.

One of them said, “It’s lucky you caught it when you did…”

Daisy Lynn was fine but the 2nd floor water heater was not so lucky.

I think the addition of cameras are paying off…

More loving eyes in the back of my head later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB watching over all of us…)

PS – when she is more trusted I will have 2 indoor cameras on her.  One pointed at the Mayor’s old worry bed which is loves…

Is it coffee break time yet? (Facebook find of the day)

June 5th, 2013 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Coffee Break Lovers….

Look what I found on Facebook;)

Basset Latte

Coffee has become an art form!  I wonder if the guy who owns Faster Basset knows about this design.  I should send it to him via his facebook page;)

More loving the sweet treats in life…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB eating all the sweet treats they want)

PS – I just sent it to Faster Basset and now I must go have my coffee break with Daisy Lynn and Verna.


We had to take Baby Cakes to the vet today for an abrasion on her tender pink puppy paw!

June 4th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and tender puppy paw lovers…Poor Gerber Queen.  She has been licking her back left paw for about a week or so.  Not obsessively but enough for me to notice.  Every time I looked, I could see nothing…until yesterday when Grandma and I saw it was swollen, red and had a few little blisters.  So, we took her to the vet today and got some ointment.

Of course when I applied it she started licking it pronto.  I grabbed one of my socks and took the bandanna off my head and did a MacGyver.


She was very tired and fell back to sleep.


I had to share with the residents…

No walking for us until it heals.  She may have scrapped it on one of our walks.  Pink puppy pads are very tender…

More hoping for fast healing later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB sending healing vibes)


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