Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day Residents!

November 28th, 2013 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Turkey Lovers!!! This morning I woke up and saw this sight!  Yes, I sleep with my phone…and it sure paid off this Thanksgiving day!

That was sunlight hitting her just right.


Isn’t that pretty and really something to be Thankful for.  I know Daisy Lynn is as well.

Do you have a favorite side dish?  My sister makes the most delicious cranberry sauce that is loaded with booze.  hehehe

More loving cranberry sauce later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB hanging out with the Pilgrims and Indians.)

Interesting turn of events;)

November 27th, 2013 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and turn of events lovers…

Turns out that our very own Mayor of bassethoundtown has a turned out left paw!  I have noticed this getting a bit worse over the months.  I made sure to ask her holistic vet about it a few days ago.

This is an old picture but shows what I am talking about.


Dr. Leick felt some tight ligaments leading from her left shoulder down to her ankle.

This is another old picture that kind of shows it.


So, he suggested that I do physical therapy on Daisy Lynn twice a day.  I am to massage her shoulder and gently do another massage on her left ankle.

She seems to like it.


I wish I had known this technique when I had Emma as a baby.  She had a right turned out front paw.  I guess that was the least of her worries, but still, I would have enjoyed easing some tensions.

More loving becoming a hound physical therapist later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB saying…”Good work Mommy!”)


Jethro – bassethoundtown resident had some major dental work today.

November 25th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

11/26/13 JETHRO UPDATE:)))))

This morning Cindy made sure he was tucked in for a long nap before she left for work.


This is a really cool hound room.  Spotless and clean as a pin!  They have a dog door and their very own personal air conditioner.

Then when Mommy got home himz ate like a young starving pup….


What a great sight to see.  Thanks for sharing Cindy.  I was thrilled with my pupdates!

More loving healing drool later…


Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Jethro Lovers…Himz had some major dental work done today and now is resting at home.

He is an old guy now and needs some healing thoughts directed his way.

His Mom, Cindy has him comfortable now.


Ozzie and Harriet are probably worried.

Here is Jethro as a baby…


Get well soon darling, adorable and grumpy Jethro….

We love you…

More keeping the residents updated later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB sending healing rainbow drool…)

Sunday Morning Memories…

November 24th, 2013 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Sunday Morning Memories Lovers…I think this has to be one of the prettiest pictures I have ever seen.


A very young Emma.  This was back around late 2005 early 2006.  What a darling girl.

I know we all miss her very much but her memories will be here in bassethoundtown forever.

More loving our glamour girl later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB being forever glamorous)!

Share time in bassethoundtown – gift giving idea…

November 22nd, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and gift giving lovers…I really enjoy coming up with fun ways to give gifts.  This is one for my BFF since kindergarten.  She is coming over for Pizza and a Daisy Lynn fix.

I took an old glass flower vase and placed the t-shirt I bought her in it.


The elephant and basset hound one that I have.  BFF admired it because she loves elephants and of course bassets.


It really turned out cute.  I had to work with it to get the shirt to fit correctly but I love it.


I tied a pink bow around it…


Now for her favorite part…

I filled it with mini tootsie rolls!!!


That shirt will smell like her favorite flavor until she washes it, hehehe!

More loving chocolate elephant basset t-shirts later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB hangin’ with the big guys)

Bassethoundtown.com welcome matt!

November 21st, 2013 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and welcome matt lovers.  I wanted to share!

Before Evelyn Leavens passed away she sold me the copyright to some of her images.  This is one of them!


leavens copyright bht copy

I had to put the copyright thing across it because most images on well read blogs show up in google images and people tend to take them as their own.  Since bassethoundtown is the number one blog on the internet for basset hounds my images are farmed by google everyday.

I love this image.  It is kind of fitting since bassethoundtown is a physical and internet welcome place.

More making everyone and every hound welcome later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB wandering over to visit Evelyn)

The wayward Benson is safe and sound…what we learned!

November 20th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and helping lost dogs lovers.  Today was a big day for all of us in bassethoundtown and especially Benson.  He bolted from his home, collarless at 7:30am this morning.  He arrived in bassethoundtown at 10:30am.  He was frantic and crying.  He saw Grandma and went absolutely berserk.  He was screaming to her for help.  It was the saddest thing.

First things first,

(Plan A) I called my friend at Animal Control and she was out for the day.  I then called the non emergency police number and gave them my information and a description of Benson.

(Plan B) I took pictures and got him on facebook sharing with all local pages including the local dog parks.  Then I put him on the blog.  Facebook immediately starting lighting up.  I waited for about an hour to see if that paid off.  In the mean time he got a few treats and water.  I did not let him in because Dog knows if he had fleas I sure did not want them.

(Plan C) I took him out for a walk to see if anyone was looking for him.  I used Emma’s leather tracking harness and put Daisy Lynn’s collar on him in case he took flight.  I could pretty well guarantee he was not going to get away from me but ya never know.

We looked to the left.


We looked to the right.


We went up the streets.


We went down the streets.


(Plan D) I loaded him in the basset hauling vehicle and took him to see if he had a chip.


By the time we got to the vet, (Plan B) was paying off.


Animal rights activist, super rescue woman and friend Terry Ward from Pennsylvania found a Craigs List lost dog post.  It was BENSON!!! I got a text right before he was scanned.  He does have a chip by the way.

I called Benson’s Daddy from the vet and within the hour himz Mommy was rushing to bassethoundtown!  She was just besides herself.  Frantic and crying,  just like Benson when he arrived!

It takes a town and social media!

Benson was safe, sound, home and down for a much deserved nap.

More hoping to see Benson around the town later (on a leash of course)…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB patting each other on the long backs)

Breaking news….bassethoundtown rescue to the rescue!!!

November 20th, 2013 - 12:12 pm KY Time


Yes, fellow residents and rescue lovers our very own “Benson” is now in the loving arms of himz Mommy.  I will do another blog tonight and tell the story.  It is really cool howl this all came together so quickly.  Amazing really.


Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and all breed rescue lovers!  Look who just wondered into bassethoundtown!


What kind of dog is this do you think?


I thought he looked like an Australian Cattle Dog but I googled that and, no.  He is very friendly and young.  Poor guy!

I am going to feed him a little bit, harness him up and take him down to Dr. Doan’s office to get him scanned.  All paws crossed to get him “home again”.

He wandered into bassethoundtown for a reason.  He sure knew that help could be found here.

More updates later…Love Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB guiding the lost home)



YouTube find of the day!

November 19th, 2013 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Big Daddy Lovers…Wow, I have not been on YouTube for such a long time.  I miss making videos.

This one is very cute.

More loving that big guy later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB watching rainbow tubes)

Smile! It’s Monday;)

November 18th, 2013 - 2:02 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Smiling Lovers!  My good friend Denise sent me some pictures her sweet husband Steve took at the recent bassethoundtown walk!


Smile, smile, smile!  This is from left to right.  Daisy Lynn, me, Cookie, Denise and Tater Tot!

Denise is my friend that turned me on to Dr. Leick, our holistic vet.


We had so much fun at the walk!  Cookie and Tater Tot were a huge highlight!


I have lots and lots more pictures to share.  Steve the husband took so many good shots…

Here is darling Meredith, the daughter walking Tater the Tot!


This is not the end of the pictures!

Right Nosey?


More great pictures to come!  Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB loving Dr. Leick and thanking Denise forever)

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