Youtube find of the day…Chloe Lynn Rudert used to do this everyday!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and strange hound behavior lovers…I found this little video about Rosie on Youtube. It brought back memories of howl my Chloe would do this same thing everyday. She would go up on the hill and rub her head and back under the little red Japanese maple tree.
My Lily used to go into my closet that was long and narrow and walk really, really slow under all of the clothes. It was so cute! Wish I had a video of both of them now.
More loving strange basset behavior later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB watching Chloe and Lily:)
What a doll.
They are silly. Poor Oz has some allergies and he rubs his eyes on everything. His favorite is my foot.