Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Bumper Lovers – As many of the resident know, I was in love with Bumper. Today his Mommy Judy and his Daddy Rick made the decision to help him over the rainbow bridge.

Bumper was 13 1/2 years old and lived a fantastically blessed life with his family. Bumper is survived by his Mom Judy, his Dad Rick, and his sister Abby who is also 13 1/2 years old.

Judy and Abby Alessandro
Bumper’s was a gentle saint with a huge soul that will be missed tremendously by his family, his friends of bassethoundtown, and by his massive following on facebook.

Bumper with the Mayor Daisy Lynn at the bassethoundtown walking club event…

Bumper was one of the greats that will leave a lasting legacy for his bounty of unconditional love.

Bumper’s health declined over the past several weeks and today he told his family it was time.

Please keep Judy, Rick and Abby in your thoughts and prayers as they grieve the passing of their precious Bumper…

Judy and her baby boy Bumper…
Move loving and remembering Bumper later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB showing Bumper around…)