Any port in a storm…

June 10th, 2015 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and, any port in a storm lovers…LOL! I say that because a nurse I used to work with in the recovery room would hold babies after they had tubes put in their ears and they would cling to her neck.  She would cuddle them and say that phrase over and over again.  It was so cute.

So I was saying that to Bumper and Abby last weekend when I went over to cuddle them and provide a potty break.

“Any port in a storm…”


“Any port in a storm…”


Their Mommy Judy was spending the day in Louisville watching her son Kevin receive his MBA!  YES!

“Any port in a storm…”


After the storm passed the main question was…

“Hey blondie where are my treats?”


Momma Judy has 5 kids and all them have their MBA – one is even going for a second MBA!  Congrats Judy and hubby Rick.  Ya done great raising up your family!

More loving smart kids and hounds later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB where there are no storms…)


  1. The Grandma
    June 10th, 2015 | 8:10 pm

    Yes that is quiet an accomplishment and Bumper and Abby are so sweet they love their belly rubs.

  2. Judy, Bumper & Abby
    June 10th, 2015 | 10:07 pm

    Bumper and Abby loved their visit with Aunt Cat on Saturday. They are so fragile now at 13 that I really hate to leave them. When you offered to check in on them I felt so relieved knowing that I would be 2 hours away. We had a great day at Kevin’s graduation and lunch but I was happy to get back home with my babies. You are a great friend and I am forever grateful!!

  3. Maureen Halleran
    June 11th, 2015 | 10:00 am

    Bumber and Abby set the bar high, they are an excellent example to the whole family. Yes “Blondie” extra treats are needed to get their standards HIGH!!!!!

  4. karen mcdonough
    June 12th, 2015 | 2:04 pm

    Just love the old souls…and you too, Blondie!!

  5. Cat
    June 13th, 2015 | 2:04 pm

    LOL – KM that is so funny! Bumper has lost a fair amount of his sight and he was looking at me so perplexed!

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