Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Annabelle lovers…Annie for short, just like her little legs. OMDog…it was a whirlwind day for sure. Judy and her husband Rick set out for their journey to West Virgina at 6:00am yesterday. I was so excited I woke up at 5:57am. I was in charge of letting current bassethoundtown resident, Abby out for some potty breaks.
Here we have Abby…waiting for her new little sister…

Extra treats were in order for sure!

Even though our Mayor was very sleepy and in need of her after dinner nap she had official duties to attend to. She was going to present Annie with her official bassethoundtown walking club badge and DRUM ROLL PLEASE…
(see the key on her toe nail?)

Here is a closer look…She thought a little shut-eye was in order before the puppy came and boy was she right!

Here she is…our Annie – in all of her glory!

Can you tell that Judy is a proud Mommy? hehehe

“My turn, my turn…”

I put the puppy down and she makes a mad dash to the Mayor!

The Mayor is not quite sure of what is happening! She seems a bit out of sorts as Annie takes chase!

Finally, the Mayor gets in a few good whiffs…Annie was going for that lace ear!

I don’t think that Daisy Lynn has ever been around a puppy this little that she remembers at least…

So now it is time for the key ceremony…

“Hey kiddo welcome to the town and here is your key! See you at the next walk. There are wieners served on silver platters! Stick with me and I will show you the way!”

The Mayor in all of her infinite wisdom and generosity instructed Annie to go belly up! She thought it would be icing on the cake of life to receive, perhaps her first belly rub from her Mom (me)…

Ahhhhhhhhh…let the journey begin…
More loving Annie later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB connecting the dots on that belly…;)