What a fun Puppy Shower for Annie Alessandro!

October 27th, 2015 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Puppy Shower Lovers!

Wow! What a wonderful day we had in the park celebrating our newest walking club member!

I  hung this sign up at the park entrance…


I also had this sign at Shelter #2


Annie showed up early so I could get this picture!

Do you like this sign I made for her?


Annie’s Daddy Rick grilled some hot dogs for the 2 and 4 legged walkers!


The walkers started arriving…

Here are Matt and Ali with Maybelle and Molly!  The other hounds in the picture are Hank to the left and I believe Rosebud to the right…


The smell of roasting wieners filled the fall air!

Here comes Cookie and Tater!


Cookie and Tater’s Mom took this picture of Rosebud!  Princess for a day, (and for life!)


Well, what would a shower be without shower games?

I thought a hunt was in order!

Look at these cute little bags I filled with a dog treat and a bunny!  What hound does not want to hunt bunnies?


The hound were in their glory hunting for treats!


I was in my glory loving on Annie and Abby Alessandro!


Then we had a tail wagging contest!  That was fun!

Zane won! This is himz with himz Mommy from awhile back.  I did not capture the tail win!


Then we had a freckle counting contest.  Judy and I had counted them a few days earlier…117!  The walkers were wayyyyyy off!


We took a fantastic walk around the park!  Matt, Molly and Maybelle were in the lead…


Amanda and Doodle were not far behind!


Lor had a fantastic time with Tater and Cookie!


Annie had such a great time!


She went home and slept for hours.

The sleep of a loved and celebrate basset puppy!


More loving Annie Alessandro and her puppy shower later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB thinking those ears are lovely…)



  1. Maureen Halleran
    October 28th, 2015 | 10:27 am

    Sounds like great fun for all. I hope I can attend the Spring walk with Singer.

    Tell me how does someone win a tail wagging contest? Do you count the wags in a specific amount of time?

  2. Cat
    October 28th, 2015 | 12:11 pm

    The tail wagging contest was judged on skills alone. Bassets have some mad skills! LOL

  3. Judy, Abby, Annie and Bumper ATB
    October 29th, 2015 | 10:30 am

    We had a great time at the walk and Annie loved meeting all of her new friends. I am so happy that Abby was able to come to this walk but there was a sadness for me that Bumper was not there! He loved scarfing up all the weenies and treats. Oh well

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