Facebook Find of the Day!

November 3rd, 2015 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Facebook Find of the Day Lovers…This was on my news feed from one of my many “friends”.  This person is from the Netherlands and has lots of hounds…


Is someone grilling out near by?

Wow – I adore this picture – should be a poster…

More loving lots of great sniffers later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB smelling rainbows…)


So cute – Thank You Monnie!

November 1st, 2015 - 12:12 am KY Time

Howllow fellow basset hound and cute card lovers…


Bassethoundtown residents Monnie and Heidi send Daisy Lynn and I this very cute card.

Not a bit scary – Just totally cute!

We thought the residents would enjoy!

More loving mail later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB trick and treating!)

Spring Grove Cemetery – 4521 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45232

October 31st, 2015 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and walking lovers…The Spring Grove Cemetery is one of those places that you enter and a sense of calm and pure beauty comes right over you.  Just jaw droppingly beautiful.

Here is a link that will come in handy when you visit.

“Welcome to America’s second largest and most beautiful cemetery and arboretum. This guide is meant to direct you to some of the more historic and artistic highlights that we’re sure you will nd fascinating. Generally, this walking route takes approximately an hour to two hours to complete but feel free to spend as much time as you’d like exploring our wonderful history, art, architecture, and landscape.”
Spring Grove consists of 733 acres with over 44 miles of paved roadways, a cascading waterfall and 15 lakes.
This is a little foot bridge that Daisy Lynn and I took.
This mausoleum is on the other side!  Wow – All of this for a tomb!  This article said it would cost in the millions today to build.
The trees were at their fall peak.  We picked the perfect day to enjoy the beauty!
Grandma took a short rest before Daisy Lynn took off again!
This structure is fairly recent – All pink and grey granite…
What a treasure this place is only about 1/2 hour from bassethoundtown’s main location.  We will go back in the spring. They also have trolly tours that focus on different aspects of the Cemetery.  That would be fun!
More loving day trippin’ later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB and by our side…)

Just in…George and Amal Clooney adopt a basset hound! Woot Woot!

October 28th, 2015 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wonderful news lovers!  I was over on facebook and saw this reported by San Gabriel Valley Humane Society!


“ADOPTED! Millie was adopted by George Clooney and his wife Amal!!

Millie, a bassett hound, now has a new brother named Louie who is also a rescue! Congratulations and thank you for adopting!!”

Millie Clooney


This is just so much fun!  I sure hope we see some more pics from Millie Clooney!

Maybe she will even show up at the next Bassethoundtown Walking Club Event!  Wouldn’t that be too cool? George is from KY and his parents are still in KY.  Not too far from bassethoundtown!

More loving good news later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB wanting a Selfie! hehehe)


What a fun Puppy Shower for Annie Alessandro!

October 27th, 2015 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Puppy Shower Lovers!

Wow! What a wonderful day we had in the park celebrating our newest walking club member!

I  hung this sign up at the park entrance…


I also had this sign at Shelter #2


Annie showed up early so I could get this picture!

Do you like this sign I made for her?


Annie’s Daddy Rick grilled some hot dogs for the 2 and 4 legged walkers!


The walkers started arriving…

Here are Matt and Ali with Maybelle and Molly!  The other hounds in the picture are Hank to the left and I believe Rosebud to the right…


The smell of roasting wieners filled the fall air!

Here comes Cookie and Tater!


Cookie and Tater’s Mom took this picture of Rosebud!  Princess for a day, (and for life!)


Well, what would a shower be without shower games?

I thought a hunt was in order!

Look at these cute little bags I filled with a dog treat and a bunny!  What hound does not want to hunt bunnies?


The hound were in their glory hunting for treats!


I was in my glory loving on Annie and Abby Alessandro!


Then we had a tail wagging contest!  That was fun!

Zane won! This is himz with himz Mommy from awhile back.  I did not capture the tail win!


Then we had a freckle counting contest.  Judy and I had counted them a few days earlier…117!  The walkers were wayyyyyy off!


We took a fantastic walk around the park!  Matt, Molly and Maybelle were in the lead…


Amanda and Doodle were not far behind!


Lor had a fantastic time with Tater and Cookie!


Annie had such a great time!


She went home and slept for hours.

The sleep of a loved and celebrate basset puppy!


More loving Annie Alessandro and her puppy shower later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB thinking those ears are lovely…)


I’m so pretty, oh so pretty!

October 24th, 2015 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and pretty girl lovers…

Daisy Lynn had many engagements to pick and choose from this Saturday night but she decided to stay home and wash her long ears…


She is modeling yet another snood from her new collection.

This is vintage terry bath snood!


“I’m so pretty, oh so pretty!”


More loving pretty girls later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB bathing in rainbow glow…)

Christina Malman – Artist

October 20th, 2015 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Tuesday Morning Lovers…

I was wandering and wondering around the internet and stumbled upon this touching image.



Artist Christina Malman, best known as a cartoonist for The New Yorker, was born in England and moved to United States at the age of 2. Her iconic images were well-known and distinguished by the figures of little girls and crowds. Malman attended the School of Fine and Applied Arts at Pratt Institute. She had several exhibitions in New York City.

More loving wandering and wondering later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB getting hugged…)

Sunset in Sweden…

October 14th, 2015 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and end of the day lovers…

A facebook friend from Sweden posted this…

I had to share with the residents…


Now this is what I call a sunset…and the perfect viewing companion.

More soaking it in later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB under a rainbow sunset)…

Birthday wishes from the Rainbow Bridge for Grandma!

October 10th, 2015 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Birthday Wishes Lovers…

This is so cool and I actually captured it on video.  This morning I was trying to capture a small clip of Daisy Lynn to wish Grandma a Happy Birthday.  Today is her big day!  So, try as I may I just could not get it right.  Never one to give up I kept trying.

As I was filming my last attempt I saw shooting sparkles of light going across Daisy Lynn’s face!  I was stunned and held my breath as I hoped beyond hope that I had captured it.


I think you need Quick Time to see it.

Click on this link…

Happy Birthday from the Rainbow Bridge

If you can, enlarge the video and you can see more smaller sparkle flashes around her head.  I saw four, maybe five.  I googled it and some call these spirit sparkles or angel lights.

Greetings from the bridge for Grandma

You can’t really see it here but I wanted to pause the video and circle the largest one that I am calling Grandpa.  The others are from all of our hounds at the bridge.

What a blessing…

More being amazed and blessed later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB sparkling with Grandpaw and the others…) Wow

PS – if you can’t open it here email me – cat@bassethoundtown.com and I will send it to you and see if that works.

Fun Flash Back Fall Friday in bassethoundtown…

October 9th, 2015 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Flash Back Lovers…

I remember this day like it was yesterday.  This was our late Mayor’s birthday photo shoot.


Wow – just magnificent.

More loving having all of these memories later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB laying by rainbow mums…)

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