Howllo Fellow Basset and hound coat lovers…OMDog!!! We are having so much fun designing our new line of dog coats, some with matching snoods. We went fabric shopping prior to meeting with our seamstress. We had some very specific fabric in mine.
Faux sable and Faux chinchilla – guess what? We found exactly what we were looking for…

You would not believe howl soft and luxurious these washable faux furs are!
Here is Daisy Lynn with a coat that will be used as the pattern.

Grandma and I also selected this fabric which is a soft hounds tooth. Can you even imagine the uniqueness of this coat?

Did I mention we will trim a few in the faux chinchilla?

This faux chinchilla is so soft. I want a hood made out of it to match Daisy Lynn’s matching snood! Of course I bought enough to sell a few in the boutique. Talk about stylin’ and profilin’!
This yard of fabric really caught our eye. So classic and it will make a reversible coat. I think it might make 2! One for me and one for you;)

Last but not least we bought some really pretty lilac flannel for a warm snood. Grandma and I just love this color…It looks good for an Easter Bonnet!

We have some fun work to do!
More loving when work is fun later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB loving that lilac…)