Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Early Morning Misty Air lovers…Today would have been Emma’s 13th birthday.

I asked our holistic vet what is the average life span of a basset hound and he said 13. Emma should have made it but never had a chance based upon where she came from. We lost Emma just as she turned 7. She really became a force of nature educating thousands about glaucoma in basset hounds. She was responsible for ending live animal testing on basset hounds at the national level. She used her platform for research, education, and investigation. She still does and she always will.

Emma has a sub-blog on this blog and a facebook page with over 700 “likes” that educates and brings people together that have blind bassets hounds. We share stories, pictures, advise and encouragement with each other. I thought it was extremely necessary since you really do feel left in the dark when the shock of this insidious disease is thrust upon you and other family members.
The blind ones are special and I learned that very quickly. I am thankful for the short amount of time we did have with her.
Happy 13th birthday at the bridge my Shimlette. Tell the others that I love them…Mommy…

SUB-BLOG – Seeing with your heart, and nose!
FACEBOOK PAGE CALLED: Bassethoundtown Blind Basset Hound Center
“Wisdom does not take sight, it takes vision. Vision can come from many places and mine came from a blind basset hound named Emma Wanda Rudert, AKA – Early Morning Misty Air – Cat L. Rudert, AKA Mommy”
More loving the my Emma later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB having cake…)
PS – Emma, your Cherry tree has gone a bit down hill since you left us???