Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and art work lovers. I thought I would share this rare and amazing drawing by Evelyn Leavens. This was a test run for her book, Boswell’s Life of Boswell. This was not selected by the publisher for the book. Evelyn sold this original to me many, many years ago and I cherish it. I also own the copyright!

This image may not be used without the consent of Bassethoundtown Enterprises, LLC
It’s crazy howl people think everything on the internet is free. I see it all the time. Recently, I saw a basset hound rescue use a piece of art on a coffee mug. I was floored that the artist would allow them to do that and I contacted the rescue and they told me they had no idea where the art work came from they just took it from the internet. People have to be really careful because the owner of the work can sue. I informed the rescue who the artist was and I suggested they contact her for permission so they did not get in trouble. She graciously allowed them to use the design for that set number of mugs and then they would have to pay her in the future.
I donate art work and items all the time to rescues and most artists are willing to do the same but you have the ask.
Here is the picture that the publisher picked to use in the Boswell Book.

I am not sure who owns the copyright to Evelyn’s published images anymore. The rights have changed hands over the decades. That is why I never wanted a publishing company to buy the rights to the Lily book. I want to own my art forever. I want to be in control of my hard work!
As in this bath scene from the famous Lily Book! LOL!

I love this image that hangs in my bathroom in poster size. It also sells as a blank greeting card. It has been donated on several occasions for basset hound rescue bath days. It is up to me what I do with it because it is mine and I like it like that!
More keeping my art protected later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB loving that rainbow image;)