Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Madison, Indiana lovers…Grandma, Daisy Lynn and I had such a great time trecking over to this quaint town recently. There are all kinds of cool little antique shops and lovely walking tours. Since it was only about an hour an half away it was well worth the adventure. Grandma had read about this little town in a local magazine and they said that a place called Hinkle Hamburgers was not to be missed.
It was a very warm November day so I kept the AC running in the BHV (basset hauling vehicle) and we could see my car from the window…

It has been there since the 1800s and the burgers just taste better on a flat top grill…

It was really good and fun…
We decided since it was such a nice day we would also do a photo shoot of Daisy Lynn in a one of kind – snood to be listed in the boutique at some point…
Madison has this really cool old fountain right in the center of town! Perfect for a photo shoot…

They had just decorated for the Howllowdays…

We had so much fun. Daisy Lynn got decorates as well and is a great model for sure!

This snood is from the fairyland collection. It is a stretch velvet adorned with a matching tassel trim. So cute…
From there we went to the public library to drop off a Lily Book. I just love dropping off Lily Books to town libraries. It is really very special…

Next stop – the local book store…

Keep your paws crossed for Lily…
We wandered on down main street and made a friend…what a pretty boy! Daisy Lynn was very impressed with what we call a “lace body…” hehehe

We did learn that Madison, Indiana is not very dog friendly when it comes to lodging – which prompted us to drive back towards bassethoundtown and pull into a Kentucky Start Resort Park called General Butler. Kentucky State Parks are the best and General Butler did not let us down…

The Lily Book is also being considered for their gift shop…Really, howl could they go wrong???

It was a great adventure and another stop along the book tour of life.
More loving the back roads and book stores later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB having a rainbow burger on a flat top grill…;)