Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and DIY lovers. As most of us know when we start a job it often takes on a life of its own. Well, this kitchen project was no different but boy o boy was it worth it!!!
OK, the pic to the left is the before (Really???) LOL – You can see the water damage. Mom and I looked for about a year for the perfect affordable solution and we came up with the picture on the right…
I still had some of the original blue rope tile to finish off the glass mosaic stick on tile. It is just beautiful and as you can see the sun hits it. I also did the flex shot caulk at the bottom so no more water damage…

Here on the right is the other side of that area. It is called a garage and that little roll top goes up and it has all of my hound bowls, food and treats in there. That little roll top door had turned yellow with age so we painted it!!!
You can see all of the grease splatter on the wood and it just looked disgusting. Now it looks like we should have our own DIY show on the home network or whatever it is called!!!
See howl yellow that little roll top door is? Also, I switch the night lights…

Here is another shot of that same area…
Wow – Now I can wipe it down and keep it clean. Love it!!!

Moving right along…
I did not take a before shot of this area because I did not think I was doing it. But remember all jobs grow and grow and grow!!!
This was pretty banged up as well…You can see our Mayor was not too impressed because I was not attending to her dinner before her dinner time!!!

A closer shot of the same area…Can you believe that I had the exact correct size of blue rope tile for this placement as well? Come on…That never happens but the tile gods graced us with their glory!!!

OK, so flipping around to the other side. Again, I had no intention of doing any work on the other side so I did not get great before but you can kinda see it…
See the lava lamp? Well that piece behind it is where my crock pot sits and it had done some staining to that area and well, it’s wood and you just can’t get out the stains…

Here is a better picture of the after…

Wow – that was hard. I had to stand on the counter and place a lot of cut pieces…Whew, was glad when that was done…
So, to polish it off I decided to do the kick board that circles the underneath of the kitchen.

We just love it and now no more dirty scuffs or dog slobber. Daisy Lynn is our best basset for staying out of the kitchen. She was really easy to train on that. Bless her pea pickin’ heart!
So, that is the end of this DIY project. I am so happy to share it with the residents…
The End…
Hahahahahaha – I took this picture as I was sitting on the floor taking the picture of the kick plate…Love it!

More loving “The End” later and waiting for the Home Network to call…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB wondering whose slobber is on the kick plate thing;)