Howllow Fellow Basset and pussycat bow lovers!!! I thought the title of the blog would get your attention!!! Yes there is such a thing as a pussycat bow.
It all started when I was looking for brightly colored tassels to add to my redesigned – reinspired Lilly Pulitzer collection for the bassethoundtown boutique.
So…moving on…
I laid eyes on these shorts at TJ Maxx!!!

Gawd I love them. All those tassels for 6 bucks??? Yes Please!!!

So, I went home and started looking for fabric to match the tassels. I did not have any with this color of neon orange…
Well, well, well…Come out of your Shell, shell, shell…
The Pussycat Bow bow bow…

Did you know that Lilly started her company from a Florida Juice Stand? Yes, she wanted to wear a dress with lots of colors so it would hide the juice stains. She also like the way her shifts looked when she got home at night. OMDog!!! I love her…

Bassethoundtown has a seamstress and she brought these prototypes over for Daisy Lynn and I to look at. The tassels are not on the pussycat bow yet but feast your eyes on this delicious juicy delight!

Wow! Daisy Lynn can really come out of her shell for surez!!!

Can you just see yourselves at a waddle in these? #YES!!!
So I ordered more come out of your shell. I am going to see howl pussy cat bows look as dog collars. Stay tuned and stay juicy…
More loving inspiration, creation and shorts later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB coming out of their shells on juicy colored clouds…)
PS – Guess what??? The shorts fit me and I kept the tassels on at the bottom. Florida I hear you calling me to the nearest juice stand…