Howllo Fellow Basset H0und and Share Time Lovers…Today as I was sniffing around the internet I ran across this story on the Daily Mail.
PUBLISHED: 10:05 EST, 6 November 2017 | UPDATED: 10:37 EST, 6 November 2017
‘Lady is normally behind me following me around but sometimes she does go off on her own and then somehow, she becomes the leader for the sheep.
‘I don’t think I’ll be using her as our full-time sheep dog as we do have a collie for that but I think she’ll be able to help us out a bit.
‘I’m thinking of training her up to sit in the gate way of the paddock while we round the sheep up together.’
Click the link and you will go to the entire story with a video of the sheep following the lovely “Lady”.
LINK – Is this the world’s most unlikely sheepdog?

Lady, a three year-old Basset hound, manages to round up flocks because they follow her every move – while she is blissfully unaware of the animals – Photo MERCURY PRESS
Well, it’s been awhile since we have had share time in #bassethoundtown. That Lady is so cute and a rescue to boot!!!
More loving Lady and her mad skills later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB rounding up all the rainbow sheep…)