It has been a whirlwind in #bassethoundtown…

December 24th, 2017 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and whirlwind lovers.  By whirlwind, I mean a lot of fun.  This December has flown by and now tomorrow is Christmas.  Whew…Yesterday it seems we were in Florida.  Speaking of which I have totally fallen down on our book tour blogging.  Last I recall, I left us on my 60th birthday having dinner.  There is so much more to share with the residents and I cannot wait to get back to what I love…blogging about basset hounds!!!

Now I would like to share our Howl Low Day card with our beloved residents…

Christmas 2017jpeg

We think it turned out pretty good thanks to Grandma and her mad photography skills.  Today we still have a little bit of wrapping to do while sipping white Russians and noshing on a few salted caramels .  I am making a pot of spaghetti for later and the forecast predicts snow!!! I hope so because I want to take some pictures of bassethoundtown with all the lights up later.  It would look great in snow!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and treat yourself nice.

More loving the residents of bassethoundtown later, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB lapping up virgin white Russians under rainbow snow…)

Any Idaho Peeps in the House? AKA – #bassethoundtown???

December 14th, 2017 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Bruno needing a couch for the Howl low days lovers…

This is the link that tells us more about Bruno and there is an adorable video you must watch.  This guy loves his belly rubs for surez!!!

Share his story because it has always been my opinion that it is not the fault of the hound who cannot learn to potty outside it is the fault of the owner.  Bruno clearly did not have the right family so it is a good thing he is away from them.  Some hounds take longer to learn and some pick it up right away.


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More hoping this lover gets a couch for Christmas!!! Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) all were good at potty training.  I was on Emma like a cheap suit but she got the hang of it!!!  LOL

Facebook find of the day…

December 5th, 2017 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Facebook Find of the day lovers…OMDog!!!  I was just sniffing around facebook, scrolling mindlessly down the news feed when my eyes and mind saw a basset hound howlowday box.  I stopped and read the caption that said, “you might be basset obsessed if you see a basset hound box”…I looked closer…


This post made my howl low day season.  OMDog!!!  It’s the baby Jesus family!!!

The new born king!!!  LOL – that is what I used to call Chaps…

So funny, I had to share with the bassethoundtown residents…

More loving laughing later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (The new born King and Emma ATB…)