The Day After…

December 26th, 2018 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and the day after lovers…Wow – can you believe that we have yet another Christmas in the books?  That makes 61 Christmases for me.  Did I spell that right?  Anyway…this one was a whirlwind.  It seems a bit odd to have Christmas on a Tuesday.  Most folks I know had to work at least a 1/2 day Monday and are back to work today as am I.

Ta Da…

Here is my 2018 Christmas Card to the #bassethoundtown residents.

Grandma took the picture on my little back porch.  I had it all decorated along with the rest of #bassethoundtown.  It looked so pretty and Grandma and I worked on it for weeks.

This is the first Christmas without our beloved cherry tree so you can actually see our home better.  We had the window boxes all decked out for the season.

Here is the inside of #bassethoundtown.

Daisy Lynn is in the only chair she is not allowed on.  HO HO HO…

About the time the decorating is done it’s time to start breaking down the set!  LOL

From our town to you and yours Happy Howlowdays and a Wonderful New Year!!!

More loving December the 26th later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB laying on Christmas lights clouds…)


Howlowday 2018 Photo Shoot!!!

December 20th, 2018 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howlow fellow basset hound and photo shoot lovers…

Yesterday is was a 52 degree day in #bassethoundtown!!!  Wow – what a great day to try and capture our 2018 howlowday card.

This one did not make the cut but I still love it…

I call it, “Have yourself a SELFIE little Christmas…”

Pretty cute but I picked another one that I will debut on Christmas.

Here is another outtake…

Ahhhhhdorbs, but I kinda wanted to be in it.  It was a real toss up…

Daisy Lynn our Mayor cannot take a bad picture.  She is so dang cute it hurts!

More loving outtakes later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB never taking a bad pic either…)

Hey, remember me?

December 15th, 2018 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and remembering me lovers!!!  Too funny – I have not been blogging as much this year and I really don’t know why.  I love it as much as ever.  I love my basset hound residents as much as ever so, I really cannot figure it out.

Daisy Lynn is doing fantastic and looking as fetching as ever in her lavender snood.  Really, it is my scarf but it looks better on her…hehehe

We have been in the full howl low day swing at #bassethoundtown and decorating like crazy people.  I will take some pictures soon.  We have added some outdoor touches that really look pretty.

Howl about one more shot of our Mayor?

Bless her heart.  Do you think she is spoiled?  Sometimes I call her my little rotten piece of dog meat!  hehehe

OK, well, I just wanted to say hi and that I missed you all.  I will be blogging much more because I have so much in the rears.  I still have not finished our book tour trip we took in 2017.  When I last left off we were leaving Atlantic Beach, NC and heading to one of the best places on earth, the dog friendly…


Dear Inn at Corolla Light I will come back to you and it cannot be soon enough.

I am trying to insert an 11 second video clip of my room.  Click that link that says Corolla and see if you can see it.  If you would not mind let me know in the comment section.


More loving blogging later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB watching rainbow sunsets…)