Poor Daisy Lynn had a UTI…

September 16th, 2018 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and not UTI lovers…So sad for our girl.  She is being treated now but for a few uncomfortable hours we had to wait for the vet to open.

“I feel better now Mommy”…


I took this pic this morning as we were discussing howl our Mayor needs to take an antibiotic every 10 hours.  She was telling me that she really does not care for that treatment and does not think it is anything that is any good for herz…

I tried to put the pill in humus but decided not to do that because she loves humus and I don’t want her to associate it with a pill.

So down the hatch it goes with just a little water to make it slippery.

Here I am, the evil pill queen…


More loving the next blog better later…Next blog stop on the Lily Book Tour Atlantic Beach, NC.  I sure hope that Florence was not evil to our beloved second city…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB ready for the rainbow beach…)


When we last left the Lily Book Tour…we were all a lot younger with a less eaten leg…hahahaha

September 8th, 2018 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Lily Book Tour Lovers…When we last left off on the Book Tour we were getting ready to leave Charleston, SC. Out last dinner was at Circa 1886.  It is a very swanky place by all accounts with rave reviews.  Our B&B actually had a deal with them for their clients so we decided to go.  They have a patio so Daisy Lynn was allowed to be with us.


Any further away from the restaurant and we would have been sitting in the parking lot.  We were the only ones out there and it was this dark.  I could not see a thing.  It was really strange. See that pink plant?  We were sitting right there.


The food was not that good and it might have been a good thing we could not see it…

The cost was exorbitant…

The bugs were beyond frightening…

This was 3 days later.  OMGAWD!!!


4 paws down…

A million bug bites later I still have scars…

GAWD I guess I was dinner for all the bugs…

More loving leaving Circa 1886 later – much later – never again…love, Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB feeling sorry for their MOM…)

Yesterday was a bad day – I gotz a bafth!!!

August 22nd, 2018 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Daisy Lynn lovers…Well…we are all one of those.  OMGAWD this girl hates her baths.  So much so I have to take her to vet to get one.  She screams and hollers like she is being tortured.  Well, in her mind she is.  This time what seemed to work is that our vet gave her the bath and the assistant rubbed her ears the whole time and the experience was tolerable for her.  OMDOG!!!  We were so happy.

“Howl could you Mommy and Grandma?”


Can you even believe howl cute she looks in Emma’s old pink bath snood?


Well it did not take long for her to forgive us.  She sat outside in the sun and dried off.  I did another light furmination and all was right in the world.

More loving cherry scented shampoo later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB LOL…)

OMGOLD!!! 100% goes to bassethoundtown rescue…

August 12th, 2018 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and OMGOLD lovers…I am posting a link to ebay so I can show you this stunning snood made of India Sari Fabric.  It has gold embossing that is just so pretty.  It is very light weight (see through) and would be perfect for a waddle or dog show.

I designed this snood from vintage sari fabric that I have held on to for decades.

The price is unbeatable!!!  I would love to see what the residents think.  If you can, please click the link to the ebay listing and hopefully it might help more people see these treasures.


IMG_6350 IMG_1480 IMG_1478 IMG_1472 IMG_1470

So cute…

Thanks for looking and for strutting your GOLD STUFF!!!

More loving unique basset hound items later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB shinning like golden hounds…)


As Seen On TV!!!

July 28th, 2018 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and As Seen On TV lovers…

Have you seen these on TV?


Well my AC went out on one of the hottest days in bassethoundtown.  Unfortunately, we were babysitting Romeo who does best in temperatures in the low 60s.  Well, that never happens at my house but regardless I rushed out to Walmart to see if these things work.


I got us each one because it says on the box, “personal cooling system”.


It comes with it’s own “mood” lighting…

Which I guess is a good thing because without AC – one is not in a very good “Mood”.


I also found these really cool sunglasses at Walmart!  That helped my mood as well…

Daisy Lynn quickly learned where to sit in front of her own personal cooling system…


Thank goodness I did not need a new AC.  The repairman came the next day and we were back in business.

The Arctic Airs all in all are not that great and I would suggest only in an emergency.  I did keep them because they got us through a few days.  You really have to be sitting right in front of them to feel anything and if your air is humid they don’t work.

That being said, Daisy Lynn did hog a fair amount of the personal cooling systems.  LOL

More loving cool air and personal hounds later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, Romeo (Chaps and Emma ATB on cool rainbow clouds…)



Ya seen one Yacht ya seen them all…The Lily Book Tour wraps up Charleston, SC Blog 3 of 3!

July 27th, 2018 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Lily Book Tour Lovers…Wow – I am really dragging this out aren’t I?  I had to laugh because when I started writing this I thought of the olden days when people would get home from a trip and invite friends and family over for a slide show of their adventures.  Half of the people would be sleeping and the other half were acting like they cared.  So funny!  So, whatever half you are in thanks for coming to our slide show.  hahaha  By the way I still do slide shows for friends and family;)

So, we are now wrapping up Charleston, SC.  We absolutely love this city.  There is so much to do and so much more to discover.

After we got home from the carriage ride we gussied up and drove down to Battery Park.  Keep in mind you could probably spend at least a few days just in the park and it is perfect for walking hounds!  I am standing in front of the Pink Palmer House that was bought for 6.5 million back in 2016.  We parked a few feet down the street and walked past all of the mansions.


This is what it looks like from the water view.  It is so pretty.  We had a perfect time and the weather was great.


This is where I wanted our carriage ride to go but it turned out better for us on foot.  We went at our own pace and wound up at white point gardens in battery park.


Everywhere you turned there was outstanding beauty.  We only had a day and a 1/2 and we needed about 5 days to do it right.  Still, we got in as much beauty as possible.

Right around the corner from where we parked is a section called RAINBOW ROW.  We had to see that.  My pictures did not turn out so, I borrowed one from the internet to show you just how cute this street is.


Then we did what you do in the later afternoon – you head off to the Mega Yacht Dock.


OMDOG!!!  So much fun.  There were lots of mega yachts and even more dashing young men polishing mega yachts.

This one came in from high seas due to weather – They were flying the New Zealand flag.


It was time to head on out – we had dinner reservations at Circa 1886.

Daisy was ready to turn around.


I was in agreement with her and said, “Ya seen one Yacht ya seen them all”… We were laughing so hard it hurt…

More loving laughing later…Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB in little rainbow cloud yachts…)

PS – I have to do a blog on Circa 1886 – People rant and rave about it but we thought it was awful.  Our advise – Skip it and don’t waste your money.






Hot To Trot – or should I say, Haute To Trot? hahaha

July 17th, 2018 - 8:08 pm KY Time


I actually cannot believe this took so long.  Great deal for such a cute item!!! LOL

This actually sold to a cocker spaniel!!!

More snoods later…

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Hot To Trot Snood Lovers…


This snood was designed by me and exclusively sewn by our #bassethoundtown seamstress Susan Gabbard.

OMDAWG can you even believe the hot chili pepper fabric?  Hot to Trot for surez.  Susan turned me on to this tucked away fabric shop in Cincinnati.  The woman who owns it designs the fabric and has it made.  Howl cool is that?

Can you say waddle?  Can you say Dog Show?

Come on…

More loving Haute Couture for Hounds later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, Grandma, (Chaps and Emma ATB) never eating hot peppers!!!


Can the residents even believe it? Our Mayor, Daisy Lynn Rudert is 6!!!

July 12th, 2018 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and turning 6 lovers!!!  Wow, our Mayor is 6 and we really celebrated in style.

Here is her official birthday portrait…

Can you say, “bassetude”?


She rules the roost here in #bassethoundtown and we bow to her every demand.  Today she got a piece of extra crispy bacon in her breakfast bowl!


Then Romeo had to get in on the action and the bacon!


We had so much fun today and really all of this month.  We just got back from another Lily Book Tour and I have not even finished blogging about last summer’s tour.  Where does the time go?

I am going to slow down year 6 and make each moment count…


We will continue to make a wish every morning and not just on our birthdays!


Thank you fellow residents for coming on this journey with us.  We are so thankful to have such a great town.


May all of our wishes come true and we all have a safe and happy next trip around the sun.  6 years old – here we come!

More loving birthday wishes later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB ready for our next trip around the sun!)

Happy Birthday to me – Happy Birthday to me!!!

June 15th, 2018 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and birthday lovers…Wow today is the start of my 61st trip around the sun!  I am so excited.  I think this will be a great year and I look forward to all of the grand times ahead of us here in bassethoundtown.

I just love that the Daisies are in full bloom for my birthday.  We did a photo shoot today – So pretty…


Now for Mom and Daisy Lynn…


And…Grandma and Daisy Lynn…


I gave myself a great gift.  A bassethoundtown exterior facelift!  No not me!!!  Our home.

I had a copper top smart bump added over the door, the 60 year old shutters rehabbed, and beautiful new window boxes under Grandma’s windows.


See Daisy Lynn in the window? She is actually in both pictures.  This picture is a better one of the shutters and window boxes.


Here is a better pic of the boxes from the website.


After we get them planted I will show off some pictures.  This box is called belleflower.  Look at the daisies!  OMDOG!!!

More loving my birthday later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma laying on rainbow belleflowers…)


The Lily Book Tour Continues in Charleston SC – Blog 2 of 3!!!

May 29th, 2018 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Charleston SC lovers…Did someone say, “dog friendly carriage ride?”  Yes, indeed!  Normally, I am not a fan of horse-drawn carriages but in Charleston SC horses have rights.  They are strictly cared for with laws and rules that must be followed to insure their health and safety.


Our particular horse, Mr. Gentleman, was somewhat famous in Charleston because he is so smart and regarded as a celebrity.  Little did Mr. G know that he was going to be hauling another celebrity around…our very own Mayor Daisy Lynn Rudert…


Daisy laid on the floor between Grandma and me.  You can see Grandma’s foot.  I had a tight grip on her lead but she was as calm as an angel.  She seemed to love the clip clop of Mr. Gentleman as she watched the world go by.


This is a better picture…The tour was amazing and our guide was actually a history professor at the College of Charleston.  Wow!  Can you believe our good fortune.  Just so interesting and fun.  He was Mr. Gentleman’s biggest fan.


As per usual, folks were taking our picture and pointing and smiling at Daisy Lynn.  She is such a good traveler.


Our tour was an hour-long and it went by in seconds.  Before we knew it we were back in front of the stunning John Rutledge Inn…


Just look at Mr. Gentleman. He was such a good boy.  I love him and our history professor.

Now for a few more shots of our beloved John Rutledge…




Hey, the day is still young and Mansion Row overlooking Charleston Harbor along with the Mega Yacht Dock beckon us.

More taking advantage of every moment later…Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, Mr. Gentleman, (Chaps and Emma ATB – on mega rainbow yachts…)

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