The Lily Book Tour heads to Charleston, South Carolina! Blog 1 of 3

May 17th, 2018 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and continuing on with the Lily Book Tour – tour lovers!  Saint Augustine, FL to Charleston, South Carolina is our next adventure.  We have been having so much along the way and still so much fun yet to come.  It has been about a year since this tour and we are getting ready to take another one but I will save that for later.

I did all of my research on the historic city and picked the John Rutledge House Inn as our next treat.  Wow, we have stayed in some really cool places and the John Rutledge House Inn was just out of this world!!!

Can you believe this staircase?  Wow – the flowers were in full bloom and it was breathtaking.  This place is rated as one of the best Inns in the city.


Daisy Lynn is resting her belly on the cool steps.  Silly hound dog…


It almost took as long to research this trip as it did to take it.  Traveling with a dog I found out is much more enjoyable if you do your homework.  Proper Prior Planning for sure!  The John Rutledge has carriage houses behind the main house that are dog friendly.  We all loved the carriage house and would have picked them over the main house we think.  Not for sure but we sure loved our rooms.

Right around from the JRH Inn I had dinner reservations booked at 82 Queen.  What a gorgeous summer evening for a stroll to one of the most elegant dining experiences in Charleston.  The she crab soup is famous and has a link to the JRH Inn.  We were told that the soup is from the 1880s recipe of the head cook at the JRH Inn!!!  Wow…

82 Queen


If you can possibly swing it make sure you sit outside with or without a dog.  OMDOG!!!  Amazing ambience as the twinkle lights come on under the massive magnolia tree.  Charleston, SC at it finest.  Just magic.


One happy Grandma after downing the best she crab soup in the world!


I tried to make it but it did not match 82 Queen.  Must have tasted better under that giant magnolia tree.  I can’t wait to go back.


We took a relaxing saunter back to the JRH Inn and just took it all in.  The horses lilting by with a slow pace.  People laughing and sitting a spell.  I just don’t want to forget a single thing.

This is our courtyard and our carriage house is right behind me on the left.

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The only downside was that there was not a nice place to potty Daisy Lynn out.  I had to go out the back gate over to a Church grassy area.  I did not like that but whatcha gonna do?  It is what it is.

Tonight we had extra chocolates on the pillow and a breakfast menu to hang on our doors.  Tomorrow holds a full day of soaking in Charleston and we need a good nights sleep…

And sweet dreams of breakfast delivered to our doors.

Extra bacon please…


Did someone say, “private dog friendly carriage ride?”

More loving proper prior planning later…Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB enjoying massive rainbow magnolia trees…)


Ebay is so funny…SOLD – SOLD – SOLD

April 28th, 2018 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Ebay lovers…Well, maybe not lovers.  It is so expensive to have a shop on ebay and fully use their services.  Anyway, I have had a shop for over a decade.  It is part of my company… Basset Hound Town Enterprises LLC.  I still have inventory from over 2 decades that I need to market and move.  I am finally getting around to it.  This is a current listing from my store on Ebay.

I think I told the residents that I also have shops on Etsy, Facebook, and my own website.  Wow!  Lots of work but you know it’s my passion to help the homeless basset hounds!!!

Oh, and that reminds me…I am starting the application process to have my very own 501(c)3.  Yes, fellow residents…my very own Not For Profit.  It’s a big step but well worth it.  I want those who purchase from me to be able to write it off.  Currently, most of what I make goes to the homeless so I think this is a good move.  I will keep you posted.

More loving “A couch for every hound” later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (has 3 couches), (Chaps and Emma ATB cheering me on laying on rainbow couches…)




Boswell Basset Hound Original Vintage Rare
Final Proof for Artist Evelyn Leavens

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Boswell Basset Hound Original Vintage Rare Final Proof for Author and Artist Evelyn Leavens

Evelyn Leavens was my friend for over 2 decades.  Prior to her passing away 5 years ago she donated many items to my basset hound rescue.  I also purchased several treasured items of her art work.  Evelyn was also a mentor to me.  I also wrote a children’s book about my basset hound Lily.  

This offering is an item called a final proof for the Author and Artist Evelyn Leavens to review.  At this point all changes and corrections  have been made but final proofs still sent.  Evelyn kept these proofs in her possession since the book was printed in 1958.  Evelyn negotiated for all final proofs that anyone had be sent to her.  She had the vision and forethought to keep these.  Over the years she would pass them out to school children after she read the book.  As she was sorting through her life’s work she found the boxes again.  And so dear reader…she passed them to her biggest basset hound fan – me!!!  All of them show age and some yellowing.  

After much thought about display I have come up with a two sided thick acrylic frame that offers both sides of the final proof.  So, as you please you can turn the frame and have double the art work.  It is very light weight so you can even move it from room to room as the mood strikes you.  

You may see other offerings of Evelyn’s basset hound artwork online but you will never see her final proofs or for that matter a display in this fashion.  Other offerings are reproductions or pages torn from a book.  

All money from the sale of this item will go to my basset hound rescue which I fund through my business, basset hound town enterprises.  This is not a tax deductible sale.  

Please look at all of the pictures and ask any questions because…





Thanks for your consideration and love of basset hounds…

Cat L. Rudert
founder and CEO basset hound town enterprises since 1993

My BFF bought me some Daisy Sunglasses!

April 27th, 2018 - 6:06 am KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Daisy Sunglasses lovers!!!  WOW!!!  Recently I got a bad cold and was so sad.  I had made it through the winter being so careful avoiding humankind.  LOL – Then it was not to be.  I got a dreaded spring cold.  Ugh…

So, to cheer up my spirits my BFF dropped these sunglasses off at my door.

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Not the best pictures in the world but you get the drift!  It really made hacking and sneezing so much better to handle!!!

More loving BFF later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB wearing rainbow sunglasses)…

Hey, this belly is not going to rub itself!!!

April 13th, 2018 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and belly rubbing lovers…Well, today has officially become Spring in #bassethoundtown.  What a gorgeous day!!!

First off Daisy Lynn and I ventured outside to check out the yard.

This is her excited look!  hahaha – She is so sweet and just loves her life.  What a dear hound she is.


After we walked around a little bit and made notes for our landscaper to do our spring clean we came back in to send him a text.









(that is Grandma’s hand coming into the picture…)

Did I mention she loves her life?  hahahaha

More Spring Days and rubbing bellies later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, and (Chaps and Emma ATB with warm pink bellies…)

Saint Augustine, FL – The Lily Book Tour Blog 2 of 2

March 30th, 2018 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Soaking in Saint Augustine, FL lovers…Good Morning!  Yes, it was a very good morning.

This is our first course of breakfast!  Oh, it was so much fun.  The Old City House Inn is so delightful.


So elegant!  Daisy Lynn was even served her water in a real silver bowl!  WOW!!!


This is the garden where you can start off your day in beauty…


Christopher is one of the Inn Keepers and gave Daisy Lynn a plate full of bacon!  OMGawd!!!  We never would have ever given her so much bacon but it was in front of her and gone within seconds!!!


Now for course 2…


Christopher saved some bacon for us!  hahahaha


Wow, what a way to start a day.  We were treated like Queens…

We could linger here all Sunday.  Yes, Sunday in Saint Augustine is quite magical.  The church bells were in full swing at the historic Flagler Memorial Presbyterian Church.  This was a 3 minute stroll from our B&B.



We had so much fun exploring Saint Augustine.  It was so pretty and quaint.  Our time was too short.  We really want to go back.

But for now we sleep and get ready for our next adventure…


Tomorrow is a new day and we leave our magic Saint Augustine.

More loving where to next??? Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB ringing rainbow bells…)


OMGAWD – LQQK what we just got in #bassethoundtown!!!

March 18th, 2018 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and getting gift lovers!!!  OMGAWD is this not the cutest thing ever???


Do you remember the blog posting I did on howl to crochet a basset hound?

Basset Hound Dog Crochet Pattern (any crochers in town?)

Turns out there sure was!!!  Thank you so much Cindy Doyle for this touching treasure.  Daisy Lynn and I love, love, love it!!!


A crochet lace ear!!!

Then I had to grab it QUICK!!!


Daisy Lynn probably smelled Dixie Doyle on it.

Thank you so much Cindy, we so appreciate your mad skills…

Love you…and more loving treasures later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB laying on rainbow crochet blankets…)

The Lily Book Tour heads to Saint Augustine FL! The oldest city in America…Blog 1 of 2 for SA

March 15th, 2018 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow Basset Hound and Saint Augustine Lovers…We are certainly lovers of this old and enchanting city.  What a wonderful visit we had.

After lots and lots of research for dog friendly lodging I landed on the Old City House Inn and Restaurant.


OK, let’s get this out of the way.  Yes, it is haunted and Grandma saw a ghost.

It used to be a military fort.  Grandma saw the Spanish soldier.  She said that he was very nice.  Just standing there.  He turned around and left her room.  She was not scared.  She saw him the first night we where there.

YouTube Video that explains the haunting 8 minutes long

Grandma had never seen this video.

So back tracking a little bit.  We checked in just in time for our wine and cheese party. This patio was right around the corner from my room and the Inn Keepers do all of the gardening.  They even grow the most beautiful orchards.  It was just perfect to unwind from our drive in from Lauderdale by the Sea.


After our wine and cheese we decided to explore the oldest city in America and it was like we were in a fairy tail!  Oh it was so much fun.  This picture is taken on the oldest street in America.  It is called Aviles Street.  If you look right behind me on the left you will see the restaurant Cellar 6. 

It was a Saturday night and the beautiful people were arriving to this extremely hip and trendy place.  (Including us…hahaha)


We were just early enough to snag a table outside with Daisy Lynn. Just our wonderful luck.


This picture does not really do the place justice so here is an artist rendering of what it really looked like.  The green umbrella is where we were sitting.  Wow!


All the carriage rides come down this street…


Dinner was AhhhhhMAZING…


Daisy Lynn was a huge attraction as you can imagine.  After dinner we walked back to our enchanted and haunted B&B.  The city was sparkling with twinkling lights and you could hear the horses clopping along.  People were laid back window shopping and there was a warm breeze coming off the ocean.  Just magic.

This is the Lightner Museum…It is right across the street from our B&B. See the round tree to the left with the peak of the roof lit up?  That is our Old City House Inn.  Location, location, location baby doll…

Old Hotel Alcazar now Lightner Museum, St. Augustine, Florida

Then it was off to bed.  We were all dog tired and ready to jump into dreams…


Dreaming of more exploring tomorrow…and soldier ghosts…

Part 2 of St. Augustine coming soon…


More loving our Saint Augustine later…Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB exploring right along with us…)

PS read my downside to Saint Augustine in the comment section…

I got to visit #bassethoundtown resident Annie Alessandro and her Mom today!

March 1st, 2018 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Annie Alessandro lovers…OMHoundDog it was so much fun seeing my girl friends today.


Look howl pretty Annie is.  Her coat is so shiny and her personality is perfect.  Her, her Mom and I are best friends for sure!  Thank you so much Judy for sharing her with me!


See ya next time darling Annie…


You stay sweet pretty girl and keep your best paw forward…

Of course I cut off Judy in the background – LOL!  Too funny…


More loving visiting later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB enjoying visiting as well…)

The Lily Book Tour Florida – Blog 10 of ____ Leaving Villa Seaward D, Lauderdale by the Sea…

February 22nd, 2018 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and getting back to blogging about the Summer Lily Book Tour lovers…Wow, here we are in late February and I am just now revisiting this.

This was kind of a hard one to write…

It’s now time to pack up and head out from Villa Seaward D, Lauderdale by the Sea.  There is not too much on the internet about the exact layout of this ocean front building so I wanted to go into more detail.  It is not exactly clear when you are booking in this owner owned condo complex what you are getting.  There are 4 condos in the complex and the owner keeps one as their own.  They do not live on the property but did come while we were there.  Their condo is about 1/2 of the bottom floor and is 100% ocean front.  The top floor is Villa Seaward B, also directly facing the ocean.  However, Villa Seaward B only has one bedroom.  To enter Villa Seaward B you will need to go up a steep flight a steps.


So I rented Villa Seaward D.  Keep in mind this condo is not ocean front but has a nice ocean view. To get to Villa Seaward D you must go up a flight of steep steps.  Be careful because they can become slick with the ocean mist.  When we arrived an hour early the maintenance man was just arriving. Ugh… He was there for way too long trying to fix a light in the dining room.  The management woman showed up with flowers and that was very nice but I finally told them we did not need the light to work and we would make do.  Turns out we did not use the lights very much at all.

You can see our front door in this picture.  You pass the palm tree, enter a security gate and go up the steps.  The security gate was extremely hard to open and I had to use most of my might to shut it.  It caused a terrific metal clanging sound which I am sure bothered anyone in the area.  Hopefully they have fixed this by now.  It was a real hassle.  Also, something we did not like was no blinds other than in the bedrooms.  We kept the lights off because we did not want anyone looking in. Another hassle.  That front door is floor to ceiling window so anyone can look right in.  It was just a creepy feeling…


Before you book this place ask the management team if the property you see in this picture with the fence around it is still vacant.  We noticed strange activity at all hours of the day and night.  The place looks like it is condemned or if not it should be.  We had to call the police on one occasion.  Now you know why we did not keep our lights on.

Facing from the other direction (from the condemned dwelling).  The first 2 balcony railings in the picture are part of  Villa D.  This Villa jets out a small amount which give you a view of the ocean.  They call Villa D Ocean Front because the building is on the ocean but I would call Villa D – Ocean View.  The Ocean View is wonderful but the condemned buildings are horrible and they are your view as well.  Yes, I said properties…


Here is another look at the balcony facing the street.


Facing the front…

That walk way is a public access to the beach.


This is a better look at the condemned property. The Police showed up just after this picture was taken.  These guys were inside of the hovel.


This is not the only condemned property.  From Villa Seaward all the way to Fort Lauderdale is condemned or vacant.  There is also a huge old Holiday Inn across the street that is totally vacant with windows broken out.  It was so sad.  We had a wonderful Villa in a horrible section of Lauderdale by the Sea.  I should have done better homework.  For me safety always comes first.

Old vacant hotel directly across the street. CREEPY…


The other thing that we did not care for was that the owners showed up a few days before we left.  It kinda felt weird.  Like you really didn’t want to go to the pool or beach because they totally took it over as they have every right to.  When we heard they were coming we made sure we did our photo shoot the day before and spent time around the pool and beach and had it all to ourselves.  They showed up on June the 15th and we were leaving on the 17th so it certainly did not hamper us too much.

We got up the morning of June the 16th and walked down to Anglin’s Beach Cafe for a huge breakfast before packing up the car to leave the next day.  We love this place.  Our waiter Jack was the best.


Breakfast fit for 3 beach bums…hahaha


That white behind me is the sand.  If I look forward I see this…#lifeisgood


But then it was back to the Villa to pack up our stuff and the car.  The steeps steps really hit you hard when you have to make about 40 trips up and down…twice (coming and going) Plus, I was not a big fan of having to do laundry before we left.  I thought that was asking a bit much for the price they charge.

Good thing I had a hearty breakfast…LOL

I spent some of the day returning phones calls about the Lily Book and dropping off more orders.  We were very thankful for the great response to our precious Lily.

All in all we loved Villa Seward D as a condo but for all of the reasons outlined above we will not be back.  Live and learn.  We much prefer the amenities of a full service hotel vs the Vacation Rental By Owner options.

See ya later Lauderdale by the Sea – you will forever be in our hearts…


More loving our next stop later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, Grandma, (Chaps and Emma ATB eating at Anglin’s every meal!)

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (A movie about Ted Bundy is being filming down the street from bassethoundtown)

February 10th, 2018 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Ted Bundy haters…That guy was about as sick as you can get and Zac Effron is in town shooting Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile…

Zac Efron is getting his Ted Bundy on for his new movie, which is told from the point of view of Bundy’s girl friend, Elizabeth Kloepfer, played by Lily Collins.


It is very interesting that more and more Hollywood movies are picking the Cincinnati area to make their films.  Fort Thomas will be featured in many scenes and according to reports a large portion of the movie will shot in our town.

This local diner in right down the street from #bassethoundtown and is called the Pepper Pod.  It was picked because nothing has changed in this place since the 1970 or earlier.  You can see the off white VW Bundy used to abduct many of his victims.  He confessed to 30 homicides that he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. The true victim count will forever be unknown and could be much higher than the number to which Bundy confessed.

Pepper Podjpeg

Zac posted this on Instagram a few days ago…


If you really want to creep out read the Wikipedia page for Ted Bundy…

There are monsters that live amongst us.

More loving Hollywood in #bassethoundtown.  Maybe Daisy Lynn will be cast as an extra???  Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB glad that Bundy is in hell…)



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