Happy first day of summer – 2019 and welcome to KYbassethoundrescue at bassethoundtown!

June 21st, 2019 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllow fellow basset hound and first day of summer lovers.  This is the basset hound day of the year!  Howl is that possible?  It is the L O N G E S T day of the year!!!  hahaha!!!

This is not the best image for viewing Daisy Lynn’s length but it’s cute!  I get comments on her length all the time even from other basset hound owners…

Here she is on the turquoise velvet couch at 21c Museum Hotel in Lexington, KY.  We did a short book tour for my birthYEAH!!!  62 years young and I just realized that I have been rescuing basset hounds for almost half of my life.  WOW!!!

Always look for your light…

For my birthday I received our 501(c)3 IRS approved not for profit status.  The name of the new rescue is KYbassethoundrescue at bassethoundtown.  I have owned the domain for about 20 years. What a nice gift for me and for the hounds in the past and in the future that will benefit.

I have a facebook page that I post stuff on as well.

KYbassethoundrescue at bassethoundtown

You can like us and THANK YOU!!!

We used our time wisely at the 21c Museum Hotel Lexington, KY and did a photo shoot of a vintage Ralph Lauren pillow case snood designed and made exclusively by bassethoundtown enterprises.  100% of the money made from this snood will go directly to the new rescue.  I am not done with all of the details yet but residents will be given a first viewing shortly.

Before the photo shoot Daisy Lynn had room service brunch…

She is not one of those models who watches her weight.  A full model is a happy model!!!

Then she practiced her sitting up skills…

Then when the light was just right… we did the photo shoot!

Feast your eyes on this exclusive Ralph Lauren snood made from a vintage constance woodstock garden floral pillow case that was never used. So soft and elegant. 100% from the sale of this designer snood will go to KYbassethoundrescue at bassethoundtown and will include free greeting cards featuring our very own Champion, Ralph Lauren “Chaps” the late Mayor of #bassethoundtown. Thank you to our seamstress and friend #SusanGabbard.

Modeled by Internet Influencer Mayor Daisy Lynn Rudert…

What a great birthday spent with Daisy Lynn and the Vice President of our new rescue, Grandma!

More loving BirthYeahs later…Cat – President and CFO, Grandma – Vice President and CEO, Daisy Lynn – Volunteer, Model, Internet Influencer, and Treasured Floor Lady, Chaps and Emma ATB congratulating Mommy on her 30 years helping hounds, visionary and more dreams to come…


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