A new year, a new rock, a new word…HARMONY!!!

January 19th, 2020 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new year, new rock, new word lovers…Yes, I have a new word and I have had it for about 6 months.  It just struck a chord with me;)

Harmony is deeply connected with the balance of your mind, body and soul.  I LOVE THAT!

It’s happiness, completeness, fulfillment, satisfaction, acceptance, peace and awareness.

Hey that’s a lot for one word and for one rock! 

Harmony is not perfection…

Harmony is being grateful…

Harmony and me
We’re pretty good company
Looking for an island
In our boat upon the sea
Harmony, gee I really love you
And I want to love you forever
And dream of never, never, never leaving harmony…

“Harmony” is a song written by Bernie Taupin and Elton John that was originally released by Elton John on his 1973 album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

Poignant, ethereal, and gorgeous…are words to describe his love song to music.  I had a friend in college at the University of KY (1975) who wore a gold ID bracelet that had inscribed on the front HARMONY and on the back AND ME.  I have never forgotten that bracelet.  I thought it was so poignant, ethereal, and gorgeous.

Could this be a full circle rock?  hahaha

Listen to your mind.

One of the key meanings (in my opinion) in the word Harmony is ME(ditate).

And dream of never, never, never leaving harmony…

More loving 2020 and harmony later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB looking for an Island in their rainbow boat upon the sea…)


Happy Pillow Year!!!

January 6th, 2020 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllow fellow basset hound and pillow lovers.  Daisy Lynn and I love our pillows and we call our bed the pillow farm.  On New Years Day I was piling them all up so I could shake dog hair out the door.  I turned around and Daisy Lynn was leaping and crawling up the pillow mountain like a goat and I just watched in amazement.  She even had to climb over Romeo!

Do you see her?  OMDog!!!  She laid up there for over and hour, maybe longer insuring that her farm pillows were going NO WHERE!!!

More loving happy pillow year later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, Romeo, (Chaps and Emma ATB climbing rainbow pillow clouds…)