Day 10 – Stay at Home order…

March 28th, 2020 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllow fellow basset hound and have a nice stay at home day!!!  That we certainly did…

Day 10.  Grandma, Daisy Lynn and I are really good at following the rules and we are also safety people.  I always say “safety first”.  My nephew, Julian still calls me the the safety woman which I am very proud of.  hehehe

Day 10 was Thursday, March the 26th.  We are trying to keep up a productive routine and it is pretty easy.  I work out of #bassethoundtown and still have various tasks to perform for my jobs.  I have always been good at having a work schedule so keeping up with it is very gratifying right now.  Grandma, Daisy Lynn and I have a back log of work to do for the Lily Book and for KY basset hound rescue so this has been a blessing.  Work that was once “we will get to it soon” to work that is “so happy we have it”!!!

“Get to work!”

We all keep up with the latest regarding the pandemic.  It has become very clear to us that it is every state for themselves.  The Governors are the state leaders and we have such a great Governor who is an inspirational leader.  That is what people crave right now.  Leadership.  A few years back I was reading about leadership and something stuck with me about this quality.  It was…“The number one quality of Leadership is keeping your people safe”.  Of course that was music to my ears.  Every night at 5pm we tune in for Leadership.  Governor Beshear starts and ends each hour with asking everyone to repeat after him…

“We are going to get through this.  We are going to get through this together.”

Be Kind For Everyone You Meet Is Fighting Their Own Battle…

#TeamKentucky, #TogetherKy, #HealthyatHome #Patriot

More loving being a good Patriot later…Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB laying on blue KY clouds…)

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