Day 16 and 17 – Stay at Home Order – KY #bassethoundtown – Life and Death…
Howllo fellow basset hound and one day at a time and never thought this would be our best lives lovers. Yes, I guess we are lovers. The experts predicted this for years, maybe more like a decade that a pandemic would very likely happen and when it did it would be bad. Unfortunately, “they” were right and now we are all complaining about being locked down. Some are even in complete denial as they party and laugh. Others, are well aware of what is going on and follow the rules…
So the days are strangely different and strangely quiet. The folks who were once making jokes and in denial are now slowly beginning to realize that their summer fun has a new twist.
One day you are celebrating the next day you are grieving. Life and death still goes on while you are sheltering in place.
Every year we look forward to the anniversary of #bassethoundtown. This year was no different. Grandma, Daisy Lynn, and I have had it on the calendar since last year.
Wednesday April 1, Day 16 – 23 year party! Yes, I can hardly believe it myself. 23 years ago today I closed on #bassethoundtown. It sure was an exciting day and I can remember it like it was yesterday. I even remember what I wore and I had a picture of it way back when…
What is so upsetting is that I have lost the pictures from that day. I cannot for the life of me find them and I cannot for the life of me think that I might have pitched them??? I know I would have never done that. Grandma had a few picture in her files from the day or the week I closed.
This is my kitchen – Wow!
We were sooooo excited and we still are. I cherish #bassethoundtown. Grandma and I made crab salad melt sandwiches on rye! OMDOG – they were so good. Then for desert cheese cake and black berry white Russians. It was a great party!!!
Day 16 was fun with lots of laughs and plans for the future. But then comes day 17…One day you are up and the next day down.
Thursday April 2, Day 17 – Our beloved Romeo passes away…he was 11 years old. Romeo was as much a part of #bassethoundtown as any dog we have ever had. His presence was as large as he was. He roamed the halls acting like he was depressed that himz Mom went away but secretly he adored it over at #bassethoundtown.
That day about 11:45 I was coming out of my kitchen, heading down the hall to my office and I stopped in my tracks. I thought I saw Romeo. I thought for less than a nano second that I was watching him. Then I figured out I was not. All of this happened in brief split second. He was standing under all of the urns that I keep in my office.
This is Daisy basically in the same spot he was standing in my split second vision. I knew right then he was gone.
I sat down at my desk and read an e-mail from my sister that confirmed it. Romeo had been ailing for a few months with age related issues. He held out for as long as he could and for as long as himz Mom allowed. They always say you know when they are ready and she knew.
Romeo was loved from day one. Romeo was the pup in the litter that kept coming over to Julian so their decision was made very easy. That guy was big and smart. Romeo Duke Lee landed in the laps of luxury with the Lees…
and with #bassethoundtown…
This is the last picture I took of our Romeo. It is one of thousands. This is howl he was looking at me when he crossed over the bridge back in my office. Exactly like this…
One last look back at the place he loved and those who loved him.
Dog Speed Romeo…Dog Speed…Time to go be with Enzo, Grandpa and all of the others represented in my office.
More loving Romeo forever…Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma leading the way to the #bassethoundtown section of rainbow. After you come off the rainbow bridge turn right and #bassethoundtown is the 3rd cloud to the North. Chaps and Emma will make sure you find it…)