I just got back from the PO!
Howllo Fellow Hound and Gold Rush Lovers: I just got back from the Post Office. I was anxious to see if I got any last minute Lily’s Basset Bucks. I did not:(
But my frown turned upside down when I found out I had a package from M. Clark in Alexandria VA! The package is chalked full of cool items for the gold rush.
I will be taking pictures and heading to the jewelery store very soon. Thank you M. Clark. We love you!
More updates later on this cool package. Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Hi, Cat, Emma, and Chaps! I just sent some bucks from me and the boys today–should arrive in the next few days:)!
Mary, Harley, Biggs, and Leo (thefosteryeahright)
Yipeeeeeee! I cannot wait to go check my PO box again. Every dollar counts! Thank you Mary, Harley, Biggs, and Leo (the new kid on the block)! hehehe
You should have some from us very soon too 🙂
Yeah! I will open all of the envelope on my birthday during a Vlog! I am so excited! Thanks Murphy’s Mommy! That Murp is totally cute!