Eeyore has Angels, aka ABC! (All Bassets Cherished)

August 2nd, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Eeyore lovers! This poor girl has had a very RUFF life. It just breaks my heart to show this picture, but she would want you to see it. It is how she lived for 5 years in a state of hell in New York.

Our Eeyore was a breeding basset but when she bit a sheltie puppy and nipped the neighbor her time was up at this back yard breeder!

Just imagine any hound wanting to leave this chithouse??? I cannot believe she did not maul her, “owners”. This is a family site so I will not go into the words I have for them.

The “owner” contacted Shelly Gordon, who had been tracking Eeyore for sometime, THANK GOD!

Shelly Gordon – ABC

Shelly picked her up and shot a short video. it is short, so you can watch it. When Shelly picked her up her water was yellow and she had no food.


Shelly states….

“She is filthy like a pig, super long nails, and starved for attention.
He said that he hasn’t let her out of her pen in 3 days.

I brought her back to my house. On the way we stopped for McNuggets.
When we got home, she got a bath in the backyard with a hose. And, I
must say, I think she actually liked it. Now, she smells beautiful.
She is taking a nap here at my feet with her son, Diesel not too far

I didn’t get any vet records with her, but I did get some scrap paper
noting that she has had 2 litters, a total of 21 puppies. They tried
breeding her every heat cycle. She had a litter in January and tried
breeding her again in May.

Now, she starts her new life. She will never sleep outside in the
grass again. It will dog beds, couches, good food, lots of love and
attention from here on in. And, no more puppies. She gets spayed next

She is a sweetheart who is like my shadow. She knows I was there to
take her away and give her a better life. I’ve been trying for 8
months and I am finally going to give it to her.

The first picture is when we first saw her at 3:00. The second is the
car ride home and the third was taken at my house that night.”

Shelly Gordon
ABC Basset Hound Rescue

Here are the second and third pictures! Much better!

It turns out, through some twist of fate that Eeyore is the Mom of Shelly’s hound, Diesel. Shelly’s persistence paid off and now Eeyore is safe and will be spayed this coming week. She is up for adoption. Here is the link to ABC’s available hounds:


Anyone would be super lucky to have her as a family member.

Shelly and her hubby figured out that Eeyore was 5 last week and had a pawtie for hers! Slurp!

From BYB to this?

Like I said, “Eeyore has Angels, aka ABC! (All Bassets Cherished)

More uplifting stories later. Also, if you adopt Eeyore, we need updates!

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Chris
    August 2nd, 2008 | 6:56 pm

    What a beuatiful story. And what a beuatiful houndie.

    Thank you for your persistence, Shelly. It is the best feeling in the world to finally get a dog out of a horrilbe situation after trying for so long.

    I know she will find a wonderful furever home where she will loved and feel secure for the rest of her (long, long) life.

  2. August 2nd, 2008 | 7:30 pm

    Chris, that picture of her in that pen just killed me. Can you imagine, five years of that? How can humans do that to a soul? It just is crushing. However, Eeyore will bounce back. I know she will. Thank God ABC got her out of that chithole. Sorry for cussing, but I just cannnot help it.

    I would love to put the people who put her in that pen in it for 48 hours. No food and yellow water. Jerks.

  3. kipandgus
    August 2nd, 2008 | 8:19 pm

    You go girl Cat! Im in agreement with you on that although I was thinking in the area of 48 years.
    Shelly, thankyou. You must be one very, very special lady.
    Kip, Gus and Bonnie

  4. Kris J.
    August 3rd, 2008 | 5:59 am

    I had tears of sadness viewing the video but the pictures of Eeyore enjoying her new safe haven brought tears of joy! Thank you Shelly and ABC for all you do for the homeless and mistreated bassets!

  5. andrea
    August 3rd, 2008 | 5:28 pm

    Yeah for Eyeore!!! Thank you Shelly!

    Andrea, Abbey, Dudley, Molly, Duchess and foster Lola!!

  6. August 3rd, 2008 | 5:31 pm

    Yeah! I love your gang. I look at the picture of them on the steps every day. Have a good night my dear!

  7. Marie Gordon
    August 4th, 2008 | 8:52 am

    Thank God for people like Shelly and the ABC Group.
    Yes, Eeyore came to vist Grandma Gordon (me) and my neighbor’s 2 girls. She is a sweetie and so vicious (NOT)….that Bella and Jenna were kissing her on the head and petting her while she was eating the boiled hamburger I cooked for her!!!
    Apparently, she knew what she had to do to get out of that terrible situation.
    She will not have a problem adjusting to a new home.

  8. August 4th, 2008 | 9:14 am

    I totally agree with you Marie! Shelly is also lucky to have a Mom like you! I bet you guys had a blast yesterday with Eeyore! Her treat sounds Yummy! We will certainly follow Eeyore’s progress and keep everyone at bassethoundtown updated! Have a great day Marie!

    Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

  9. Ray Nowicki
    August 5th, 2008 | 1:25 pm

    Shelly, you are a very special person!!! As your Dad I am sooo proud of you for what you do for the homeless Bassets. I had the honor of meeting Eeyore and treating her to some soft serve Ice Cream! She is a little doll, and Spike,Lily, Callahan,and Jethro all liked her too.Please keep up the good work, you make the world a better place to live in!!!
    Love,Mom,Dad,Spike,Lily,Callahan & Jethro

  10. August 5th, 2008 | 2:59 pm

    Ray, what a fantastic comment! You can sure see where Shelly gets her compassion and big heart. From her family!

    That soft serve sure sounds like a fantastic summer treat! Can you imagine, going from the pen from hell to soft serve with kind folks? I wonder what she thought. Bless her heart and yours as well.

    Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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