Hey Mickie – He likes it!

August 13th, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and LOL lovers! Check me out as a young budding swimmer! I think I was about the age of Michael Phelps when his coach knew he was going to be great! Look at my Mom behind me, she knew I was great, maybe not at swimming, but great nonetheless! Slurp!

Hey Hounds, we like you! LOL

More crazy pictures later…….Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. look at how I do the toe thing, not to mention the pointed hands! hehehehehhe


  1. Cindy
    August 15th, 2008 | 1:47 pm

    Aaaahhhh….what a cutie!!! Why does Teeter have a lamp shade on her head???Or is that one of those hats woven out of palm fronds….

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