Facebook find of the day….
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and facebook find of the day lovers. A breeder in Canada posted this picture (I think). I have over a thousand “friends” on facebook and I don’t really know very many of them. Really very strange when you think about it. Anyway, here is my new puppy! (just kidding) Chaps put his paw down and said no. I know I have said it before, but I will say it again…I will NEVER have another puppy….that is unless someone left this guy on my door step! Teehehehehe
Come on….can it get any cuter?
More loving the lace ears later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma
A laced ear! What a beautiful pup. Yeah, my heart melts just looking at him so I wouldn’t be able to turn him down if he were dumped on my doorstep either.
What a hunk of sweetness. What do you think would be an appropriate name? I think we should have a contest.
I think he looks like a Hank. Or maybe Wrinkles.
I’m thinking of a name like:
Mr. Spuds
Howl about Clark? As in Clark Gable….
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! I think he looks like a Humphrey. As in Bogart. Too cute!
Here’s looking at you kid!
I know, I know kind of corny but I am still hanging on the 80s corn post! hehehe
I ran across this picture on facebook yesterday also Cat. Aren’t his ears to die for 🙂 Adorable!!!
RH and Mommy – That pup was the hit of facebook yesterday. I even sent it to my nephew. Gotta love a lace eared pup….
I have been rethinking my contest name submissions.
Here are a few more that I feel are very suitable.
Mr. Smooch
Carmel Cream
Is there any way to find out his name and owner?
His name is Puddles and he’s from Canada.
Puddles is cute!
Puddles is from breeder Jennie Hibbert, Maple Street Bassets, she is from Idaho US. He came all the way from Italy from Terra Dei Templari Kennel! I wish he lived in Canada cause I’d steal him! lol
Thanks Amanda. I can never figure out the tagging thing on facebook. I wonder if Puddles will be at the Nationals in October. That would be too cool!
No problem!