Do you have a BFF?

February 15th, 2012 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and BFF Lovers..

Do you have a BFF?

Thank Dog Chaps and Emma have each other…



More loving BFF later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. February 15th, 2012 | 10:38 pm

    Ahh, how cute! Hannah and I have a love hate BFF relationship. Glad you two have each other.

  2. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    February 16th, 2012 | 9:24 am

    Look how sweet they look! Jethro’s BFF is Rugs. He hates the other two. I have discovered that I have 2 packs within a pack. Oz and Harriet take up for each other and Jethro and Rugs take up for each other. They’re definitely a pack together but there’s bickering within. They’re funny.

  3. MaureenandSlinky
    February 16th, 2012 | 10:44 am

    I would think the world was out of whack, if Emma and Chaps were not together.

  4. February 16th, 2012 | 10:48 am

    Oh, it took the Mayor about 6 months to finally realize I was not going to let him kill Emma. He hated her. Who could hate a puppy Emma? It was so exhausting. I would wind up crying and crying. The breeder told me that they were “best friends” and Chaps “loves puppies”. Just 2 of the many lies. Actually, he has never been around the other hounds who were mostly female. He was stuck in his cage, left to watch all the girls play. I was mortified when I saw howl he had to live. So, it was understandable that he did not get along with other dogs. He was so starved for human affection and he wanted it all to himself. Thank Dog we got him out of there. Sigh…

  5. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    February 16th, 2012 | 4:46 pm

    I’m so glad you hung in there and worked with them Cat. I know how it is. I’ll always have issues with Jethro and Harriet. And Jethro and Ozzie too. Thank goodness Ozzie doesn’t test Jethro and walks away. Harriet tested him once in the beginning and ended up with a big gash in her ear. Doctoring her ear is how Harriet began to love me. She was majorly mistreated before we rescued her and she’ll never forget it. But she’s much better with strangers than she used to be. At least now Jethro ignores Harriet. I can tell how hard it is for him to do that cuz she barkbarkbark’s at him so much. But he turns his head and looks at me and I tell him what a good boy he is. It took about 2 years to get to this point but we got here!

  6. Sandy Kohler
    February 16th, 2012 | 8:53 pm

    My Zoey is still so afraid of everyone too because she was so mistreated before she came to us. Even four years later and all the love and patience, she is still afraid of people, especially men. Thank you all for loving your dogs with all your hearts.

  7. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    February 16th, 2012 | 10:20 pm

    Zoey is lucky to have you Sandy. Thank you for giving her a chance. Thank everyone at Basset Hound Town for everything you do for the hounds! Sometimes we don’t hear that enough.

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