Chaps is out of surgery and doing “Great”!

July 26th, 2012 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and out of Surgery Lovers!  Whew…..His doctor, Dr. Doan said he came out of the anesthesia quickly and walked right down the hall to his recovery kennel.  Bless his heart.

I tweeted this picture this morning but Twitter is down so I am posting it here.  You don’t need to belong to Twitter to see my Tweets, they are right along side this blog.  It says “Follow me on Twitter” and my most current one is always at the top.

Here we are dropping off Chaps.  I wanted to get that humongous tree in the background.  I love that tree.  It was most likely planted when this office was built over 60 years ago.  I will have to ask Dr. Doan.  My Dad remembered the first vet that owned the practice.

Anyway, I call that tree – THE TINKLE TREE OF LIFE!


Can you imagine howl many dogs have gone on or near that tree over the decades?  Well, Chaps and Emma are 2 of them.

After we dropped off our boy we went to the store to buy Frosty Paws.  Chaps has never had Frosty Paws…can you even believe that?  I will let you know what he thinks.

photo 5

So, as you can imagine we are just thrilled that the Mayor did so good.  His doctor did some hip and back x-rays of our boy.  He said the back looked supper good for an elder basset gentleman but his hips were moderately affected with
hip dysplasia.

We are going to have to watch his diet and get some gentle exercise.  We will make sure Dr. Leick sees the x-rays as well.

Dr. Doan said we could pick up our boy in a few hours so we will have him back in his kingdom very shortly.  We are going to try the sock paw thing.  I will take some pictures for the residents to see.

Thank you everyone for sending him healing drool and a safe surgery.  We really, really appreciate it.  Bassethoundtown residents are the best. I can’t tell you howl much it helped.

More updates later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma ATB


  1. Maureen and Slinky
    July 26th, 2012 | 12:45 pm

    I give Slinky a Frosty Paw treat about once a week during the summer, and about once a month during the winter. Slinky really enjoys this treat, and she hopes Chaps does too.

    Glad to hear everything went well, and our Mayor is as good as new!

  2. Audra, Colby Chaps & Abby
    July 26th, 2012 | 12:50 pm

    I’m so relieved!!!!! That our big Daddy is out of surgery! We will pray for a quick recovery now! Keep us posted, love you! By the way the sock thingy on the paw works great, baby booties fit the best & then secure with tape around the top of paw & sock. They can still pull them off but it sure helps when they scratch to not tear it open before you can stop them…..of course you know the drill….. Watch em’ like a hawk, sleep when they sleep. I’ll be thinking about you!

  3. July 26th, 2012 | 12:55 pm

    I forgot to mention that bassethoundtown is under the threat of severe storms tonight. Oh Joy Is Me. I think we are in that big band of red that I say on the weather channel this morning. Hopefully he is too tired to be scared. I know I will be.

  4. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    July 26th, 2012 | 1:17 pm

    Thunder storms!? Give him extra pain killers. They’ll knock him clean out! So glad he’s out or surgry. I got in here during work just to see the update. All my dogs love frosty paws. But, just a warning, don’t you try tasting it. It’s not sweet and tastes like watered down dough or something. Pretty gross to me but if they like it, who cares!

  5. Gabrielle
    July 26th, 2012 | 1:39 pm

    Dear Cat, Sweet Loveable Mayor Chaps and Angel Early Morning Misty Air,

    Hallelujah… I know that Emma was watching over our Mayor and what a good job she did!!! I am so relieved that Chaps is doing fine and can go home this afternoon!!! Try the baby booties and nap when he naps and I know he will not have a fighting chance to scratch or chew with you and Emma watching over him. Thanks Cat for the update and sharing this wonderful news. No matter what weather is coming your way you will be with Chaps and Grandma and all will be OK. Kiss that boy for me and hugs to ALL!

  6. July 26th, 2012 | 2:08 pm

    From: LOCAL 12 News Update
    Subject: Severe Thunderstorm Watch – Fort Thomas, KY
    Date: July 26, 2012 1:17:08 PM EDT
    To: Cathy Rudert

  7. July 26th, 2012 | 2:13 pm

    The doctor just called and said we can come get our big boy. We are heading out the door now. It is about 2:15 time….


  8. Maureen and Slinky
    July 26th, 2012 | 3:30 pm

    Well it appears everyone is checking in at Basset Hound Town to see how Our Mayor is doing. I bet the President doesn’t get this much attention. He must be soooooooo envious.

  9. Debbie
    July 26th, 2012 | 3:43 pm

    So glad it went well, I know Chaps will be happy to be back home!

  10. Judy, Bumper & Abby
    July 26th, 2012 | 4:18 pm

    I passed your house about 2:45 and I guess you were gone picking up the big boy. So glad to hear that he is ok – what a relief. We left the pool when the sky turned black. I hope the storms are not as bad as they say. Maybe he will sleep through them! Haha hehe. Give him a hug for me!!

  11. lois lema
    July 26th, 2012 | 4:50 pm

    try frozen banana slices too..taste like pudding! i have never given frosty paws…for fear they would like them & i would be stuck buying them until i ended up even more poverty stricken than i am!

    peel a banana, slice it, freeze. offer it up (taste it..really..pudding! it is awesome.)..i’m cheap…figure if i can get away with something the herd likes that is free of preservatives & stuff, & cheap..& they enjoy it well lets go for it.

    glad burger boy is on the road to healing!

  12. Cat
    July 26th, 2012 | 5:06 pm

    Thanks Lois – I picked up some nanners for the burger boy and me. Great suggestion!

  13. Audra, Colby Chaps & Abby
    July 26th, 2012 | 6:13 pm

    How is our Big Daddy now that you have him home?

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