Basset Puppy Snood….
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Puppy Snood Lovers…OK, this little snood has to be the cutest thing ever. Back in 2006ish some basset friends from Japan sent me some snoods for Chaps and Emma. We just love them so much. In the package were a few puppy snood from their basset Blair. Just adorable.
That is my arm at the bottom and the snood fits right in my hand. Soooooo cute and little.
Well, I figured I better get a picture of Daisy Lynn in it now (or never). It never did fit Emma’s head. She was older when we got it.
I took about 20 pictures and this was the only one that came out half way decent. Daisy Lynn did not like the snood so I threw in the towel and went with this pic. Still pretty cute!
I just love that little snood!
More loving puppy moments later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) not liking snoods very much either….
Daisy Lynn is telling her Mommy not to cover up her pretty “smart bump”. Patty pets to Daisy Lynn, she is such a sweet baby doll.
Slinky has some sharp, very stylish snoods, but she doesn’t like them much either.
She looks adorable Cat