What would summer be without our resident robin…Verna!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Verna Lovers…OK, to be totally honest I have no idea if this is Verna or one of her many off spring. I swear that it looks like her because I tried to find a way to distinguish her from the other robins. Her eyes are rimmed in white and this one is rimmed in white as well. I hope it is her but on the other hand I just don’t know howl Daisy Lynn is going to handle this.
Look at Daisy Lynn…is she a scent hound or a bird dog?
Daisy Lynn must have access to her back porch and yard! Chaps and Emma never even really looked up at Verna but Daisy Lynn is an entirely different story.
She made her perfect nest in a few hours and picked the yellow pot as you can see.
Don’t I have enough to worry about?
More hoping the resident, residents get along later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB loving robin egg blue)
PS…Mortality rate is high in our familiar songbirds. For robins, it’s around 50% each year once young birds have fledged. If a robin survives to midwinter, it lives an average of 1.7 years after that. The oldest robins in your yard might be about six years old, although one banded bird lived almost 14 years. Robins don’t maintain their pair bonds over the winter, so they mate anew each spring. But if the same male and female return to the same territory, they are very likely to mate again.
Love, love, love Verna! That is so cool no matter whether it’s Verna or not. But I’m thinking that it has to be a family tradition. How else would they know to come back to a pot on your porch? I sure hope things work out with Daisy Lynn. Hopefully she’s just watching.