Rudy needs a ride (and a puggle named pedal) Gasp!

November 3rd, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and getting Rudy into his new home lovers! We need to get Rudy and Pedal a Puggle transported to Arlene this Saturday, November the 8th. (I just found out about Pedal tonight…..Arlene had her pulled)


The general route is from Cincinnati to Maryland.

Here is the transportation route that we would like to take place this Saturday.


Oh for the love of God, Rudy was a wanderer with no fault of his own, but now we need to wander him over to Arlene who has a good chance of placing him. There is a ton more info on Rudy right below in another blog posting.

Pedal the puggle also has a home via Arlene. Pedal the puggle was dropped off at the same shelter as Rudy, just a pup with spay surgery stitches still in. WTF?

Anyway, there is no time to question the human race. Let’s just try to set them up on one. Do you know anyone that can help transport? I will do the first leg. Just take a look and I will get back to all of the Rudy and now Pedal followers to see what we come up with.

Arlene is paying for both of them to be boarded in Northern KY. The bills are adding up and potential families are waiting.

I hope I know what I am doing this Saturday! It would be great to get them on their way. If you do not live in the area and know someone, I am open for suggestions!

Rudy is my mission and I guess Pedal is now as well. Sigh!

More updates later….Cat, Chaps, Emma, Rudy and Pedal the Puggle – (Arlene named her) Cute huh?


  1. kipandgus
    November 3rd, 2008 | 8:23 pm

    I wish I could help Cat but here I am stuck in MN. Good luck getting these two precious souls on there way to wonderful forever homes. Bless you Cat for the dedication you have for the houndies we love and those sweet puggles.

  2. Geneva
    November 4th, 2008 | 11:20 am

    Hi Cat – Thanks for everyhing you are doing for Rudy and Pedal. I can meet someone in Cumberland, my only restriction is that I have to be home by 6:30 to give Yodel her evening insulin shot. I hope this helps.


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