Interesting turn of events;)
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and turn of events lovers…
Turns out that our very own Mayor of bassethoundtown has a turned out left paw! I have noticed this getting a bit worse over the months. I made sure to ask her holistic vet about it a few days ago.
This is an old picture but shows what I am talking about.
Dr. Leick felt some tight ligaments leading from her left shoulder down to her ankle.
This is another old picture that kind of shows it.
So, he suggested that I do physical therapy on Daisy Lynn twice a day. I am to massage her shoulder and gently do another massage on her left ankle.
She seems to like it.
I wish I had known this technique when I had Emma as a baby. She had a right turned out front paw. I guess that was the least of her worries, but still, I would have enjoyed easing some tensions.
More loving becoming a hound physical therapist later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB saying…”Good work Mommy!”)
A turned out paw just gives Daisy Lynn a little character. Rugs had 2 turned out paws. I used to always say that he looks like he’s in ballet first position. It was so cute. But, if she’s got some tension in there then that’s cool that you can relieve that with physical therapy. I’m sure you’re a great therapist!
I hope the turn out doesn’t get any worse!
Stop on by for a visit
sally’s paws make her look like she is doing ballet as fact she looks darn pretty in a tu tu & bow. (ok call me wrong but i just had to do it!) her one leg is pretty doesn’t slow her down any but i keep her weight down & watch to make sure she doesn’t kill herself doing anything too stupid (altho thankfully the one time she tried to jump she landed on her head & not on her leg..bad for her head, knocked herself out, good for the leg…she isn’t the brightest dog in the world)
If you need any help, please let me know. I remember sending some tape to Chaps for an ailment, maybe taping her paw would help??